Andrei Kopylov


Birthdate - 6/10/65
6'1" 245 lbs. - Ekaterinburg, Russia

Athletic background - Sambo (Soviet/Russian Champion)

Professional background - RINGS(`92-`01), Pride(`02)

Team - RINGS Russia

Career Highlights -
- Defeats Volk Han in his RINGS debut in a shocking submission victory
- Stuns the crowd with a 16 second win over BJJ expert Castello Branco
- Beats Carlos Clayton in 55 seconds at a RINGS Russia event

Favorites -
- Heel Hook
- Cross Armbreaker
- Reverse Heel Hook
- Head Scissored Kimura
- Palm Strikes

Ringwork Rating -
technique - 6
science - 3
counters - 5
transitions - 6
diversity - 7
power - 7
strikes - 6

Intangible Rating -
entertainment - 6
selling - 7
toughness - 7
carrying - 6
heat - 5
star level - 6

Place in History - One of the early recruits of RINGS, Andrei Kopylov was one person they valiantly went after upon their conception. While he did not jump from the Russian Sambo Association to RINGS until `92, he made an immediate impact once he did. Like fellow Russian Volk Han, he possessed a sense of how to make fights exciting. A receeding hairline and unflattering physique prevented Kopylov from becoming a top star, despite his natural ability. While his career in RINGS' worked shoots never panned out, he proved to be a game fighter when they switched over to straight shoots. The Russian grappler scored some impressive quick wins, unfortunately this method was all he could do with his poor stamina. Kopylov is probably one of the best talents that RINGS never really capitalized on, but he is probably as good as, if not better than any wrestler from continental Asia.