Russell County Virginia Wright Family Records


1785      James Wright & John Wright

             Signed a petition of Washington County, Virginia residents for the

              formation of Russell County.



{Note: James & John Wright were the sons of Jacob Wright of Washington County, Virginia}





































Russell County, Virginia Tax List



The dividing line between the Upper and Lower Tax Districts of Russell County, Virginia in the late 1700s, was generally:  the Upper District was the Eastern half of the county, bearing in mind that Tazewell, Scott, etc had not been formed. So the Upper District would have included the Elk Garden, New Garden areas and that part of Russell that became Tazewell, County (generally, present day Lebanon area and east). The Lower District would have included the Castle's Woods and Copper Creek settlements and the areas that later became Scott and Lee Counties.



Year            Name                           Tithables


1794            Taliaferro Wright                  1


1795            Taliferro Wright                    1


1796            Taliferro Wright                    1         Upper District

                    Peggy Wright                     0

                    William Wright                    1


1798            William Wright                     2


1800              Tolerver Rite                    1


1802            Enoch Wright                      1

                    Tolliver Wright                    1

                    William Wright                    2


                        {Note: Enoch Wright was descended from the Franklin Co Virginia Wrights. He went to Ohio. Also

                                see Court records for Enoch Wright, which connects Enoch to Tennessee roots.

                                Also, see Montgomery land records list for Michael.}



1804           Joel Wright


1806          Michael Wright

                  William Wright


(Note: Michael Wright was born 1758 the s/o James and  Lucy Wright. He owned land in Tazewell Co Virginia; died before 1820; He married Katherine.)



1807            William Wright              2 males over 16


1809            William Wright             2

                     Joel Wright                            1


1810            William Wright              2

                      Joel Wright                 1




1812          Joel Wright

            Mark Wright

            William Wright








































Russell County, Virginia Birth-Death Records



1853 Births


01 Oct 1853                   Male Child                    c/o Farris & Mary Wright

16 Nov 1853                  Male Child                    c/o Robert & Sarah Wright

29 Oct 1853                   Martha J Wright             s/o Aaron & Izabel Wright.        

26 Jul 1853                   Thomas Wright s/o Caroline & WilliamWright.

01 Oct 1853                   Merith Wright     s/o Robert & Sarah Wright.

19 Sep 1854                 Harriet J. Wright       d/oJohn & Susan Wright

29 Oct 1854                   Martha J. Wright       d/o Aaron & Ezabel Wright



1853 Deaths


16 Nov 1853      Male Wright; age not listed, born Russell County, s/o     Paris & Mary Wright


01 Jul 1853       Fanny Wright; age 3 years; born Russell County,   d/o Robert & Sarah Wright; died of flux.


O1 Jul 1853       Margaret Wright, aged 1 year, born Russell County; d/o John & Sucky Wright;  died of flux.


01 Aug 1853      Viney E. Wright; aged 1 year; born Russell County; d/o  William & Caroline Wright; died of flux.






















Russell County, Virginia Marriage Records



27 Feb 1851                  James Madison Grace to Rosanna Wright         

                                    William Gilmore Minister


07 Mar 1851                  Soloman H Wright to Elizabeth Colley

                                    Groom is 18, b. NC, s/o Jonathan & Polly Wright


15 Arp 1852                  John B Wright to Nancy Deel                 Wm Hale Minister

                                    d/o David & Mary Deel


27 Oct 1853                   Martha Wright to Nathan Blevins

            She is aged 22, single, b. Sullivan Co, Tennessee, d/o Robert &

            Sarah Wright.

                                     He is aged 21, single, s/o Polly Blevins.


01 May 1855                 Mahala Wright to Henry Newman

                                    She is aged 22, single, b. Russell Co Virginia, d/o Robert &

                                    Sarah Wright

                                    He is aged 24, b. Russell Co, widowed, s/o James.


13 Mar 1867                  Celia Wright to James Owen

                                    She is aged 32, b. Russell Co Virginia

                                    He is aged 18, b. NC.


08 Nov 1868                  M. A. Wright      to Josh Lenay


03 Aug 1878                  Sophia Wright to Anderson Harison


01 May 1880                 Ellen Wright to Green Fields




From Missing Russell County Marriages


27/Feb/1851      James Madison Grace to Rosanna Wright         

                                    m. by: William Gilmore, Sr. (M)


03/Mar/1851      Solomon H. Wright to  Elizabeth Colley    

                                    He is 18, b. N C, s/o Jonathon W. & Polly Wright               (L)                


15/Apr/1852                  John B. Wright to Nancy Deel,

                                     She is aged 16; born Russell County, d/o David & (Mary) Deel

                                    William G. Hale (P & M)



Russell County, Virginia Court Records




01 Apr 1789                  Page 74, Timothy Burgess ‑ 666 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 11797 dated April 26, 1782 ‑ on Cedar Creek, branch of Clinch River ‑ bank of Cedar Creek, corner to William Gilmore ‑ crossing Mill Creek ‑ corner to Anger Price



04 Apr 1789                  Page 75, Timothy Burgess, assignee of Jeremiah Gilmore ‑ 250 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 11998 dated May 13, 1782 ‑ on the waters of Cedar Creek, branch of Clinch River ‑ line of William Gilmore ‑ corner to Burgesses 666 ac tract



15 Jan 1790                  Page 81 ‑ ‑ William Gilmore, assignee of Henry Reed, heir of Richard Reid ‑ 255 ac ‑ Commissioners Certificate ‑ on the north side of Copper Ridge ‑ spur of Copper Ridge, corner to Henry Dickenson ‑ foot of Copper Ridge                


15 Jan 1790                  Page 82, William Gilmore, assignee of Benjamin Alderson ‑ 50 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 14803 dated November 9, 1782 ‑ on Carrs Creek ‑ by a path ‑ corner to Aaron Vanhook's survey



26 May 1790                 Page 87, James Gibson, assignee of James Serjeant ‑ 44 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 11961 dated may 10, 1782 ‑ on the waters of Cedar Creek ‑ corner James Serjeant ‑ crossing Cedar Creek ‑ corner Aaron Vanhook ‑ corner to John Jessee ‑ corner to Edward Price



27 May 1790                 Page 88,  John Gibson ‑ 199 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 8187 dated February 2, 1782 ‑ corner to Joseph McRenolds land ‑ corner John Jesse ‑ crossing Cedar Creek twice



06 June 1790                Page 90,  Thomas Nash, assignee of Michael Sword ‑ 47 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 9806 dated December 11, 1781



04 Sep 1790                 Page 94,  Shadrach Williams ‑ 66 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 11961 dated May 10, 1782 ‑ corner to William Gilmore's 400 ac tract ‑ at the foot of a knob of Mocqueson Ridge ‑ corner Andrew Cowan


04 June 1791                Page 120,  Timothy Burgess ‑ 152 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 11797 dated April 26, 1782 ‑ corner to Burgess 250 ac tract ‑ corner Henry Williams ‑ corner Burgess 666 ac tract


02 Jun 1791                  Page 121,  Timothy Burgess ‑ 870 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 11797 dated April 26, 1782 ‑ on both sides of Cedar Creek ‑ corner to James Shoemaker ‑ corner James Scott ‑ corner William Gilmore ‑ corner Charles Hays ‑ corner Edward Smoot ‑ in the Glade Hollow


4Jun, 1791                    Page 122,  Timothy Burgess ‑ 190 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 11797 dated April 26, 1782 ‑ corner Burgess 666 ac tract ‑ corner to Edward Price ‑ corner John Jesse


Jun 13, 1791                Page 122,  William Gilmore, assignee of Aaron Vanhook, assignee of  John Beer? ‑ 200 ac ‑ Commissioners Certificate ‑ on Carrs Creek, branch of Clinch River ‑ at the north foot of Copper Ridge ‑ up Carrs Creek and crossing same by a Mill corner to Gilmore's 50 ac tract ‑ crossing Carrs Creek


 July 14, 1791                Inclusive Plat of Timothy Burgess ‑Page 125 ‑  2 surveys: 1 made April 1, 1789 of 666 ac part Treasury Warrant 11797 dated April 26, 1782 ‑ survey dated April 4, 1789, assignee to Jeremiah Gilmore 250 ac part Treasury Warrant 11998 dated May 13, 1782 ‑ on Cedar Creek, branch of Clinch River ‑ on the bank of Cedar Creek, corner to William Gilmore ‑ crossing Mill Creek ‑ corner Anger Price ‑ July 14, 1791


Nov 23, 1791                 Page 127,  John Courtin ‑ 720 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 6850 dated October 2, 1781 ‑ in Powels Valley on both sides Indian Creek ‑ near George Gibson ‑ near Indian Creek ‑ by a road in Joseph Grays line


May 23, 1792                Page 143,  Ericus Anderson ‑ 100 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 14585 dated September 1, 1782 ‑ on the waters of Cedar Creek ‑ spur of Clinch Mountain ‑ corner Daniel Ryley ‑ corner William Gilmore


July 3, 1792                  Page 146,  Shadrach Williams, assignee of William Jewel ‑ 36 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 11961 dated May 10, 1782 ‑ on the waters of Cedar Creek ‑ corner to William Gilmore ‑ corner Andrew Cowan


Sep 10, 1792                Page 148,  Richard Price, assignee of John Dollarhide ‑ 200 ac ‑ part 2 Treasury Warrants: 150 ac by 12668 dated June 28, 1782 & 50 ac by 12247 dated December 9, 1783 ‑ on the waters of Cedar Creek ‑ by a path corner to William Gilmore ‑ corner Henry Williams 50 ac Tract


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1793                      Tolliver Wright, wolf bounty



23 July 1793                  Page 281, between Richard Price & Lucy and Shadrack Williams, 100 acres, to a conditional line between Shadrick Williams and John  Dollerhide and made by Tolleporoah (sic Taliferro / Toliver ) Wright, Cornelius Dollerhide & Thomas  Dollerhide, land granted to William Glmore by patent dated March 20, 1785...on  Little Ceder Creek, a branch of Clinch River...Beginning by Andrew Cowans line  on the east side and Dollerhides line on the west side...Signed: Richard Price  & Price. No witnesses.



Feb 14, 1794                 Page 170,  Shadrach Williams, assignee of William Jewel ‑ 40 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 11961 dated May 10, 1782 ‑ on the waters of the little Cedar Creek ‑ corner Andrew Cowan ‑ corner Shadrach Williams 66 ac tract ‑ spur of Mockerson Ridge  



Apr 13, 1795                 Page 284, (shown on map: Big Cedar Creek & Clinch River)  James Ramsey ‑ 15,000 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 1146 dated February 4, 1795 ‑ on the south side of Clinch River & west side of Cedar Creek ‑ beginning on the bank of Clinch River at the mouth of Big Cedar Creek ‑ nearly opposite John Cowans dwelling house ‑ nearly opposite Shadrack Williams dwelling house ‑ north side of Little Cedar Creek ‑ crossing Little Cedar Creek twice ‑ in a valley nearly opposite John Dollerhide dwelling house ‑ near the lower end of Peter Lawsons plantation ‑ north side of the main county road ‑ near a large cave ‑ nearly opposite Pat. Coils dwelling house ‑ corner of plantation of Samuel Hendricks ‑ near the head of Reeds Branch ‑ on the bank of Clinch River between the mouth of Reeds Branch & the mouth of Dumps Creek ‑ included within boundary: Steven Ogdon 260 ac, Edward Kelly 120 ac, Robert Webb 30 ac, Luke Kelly 100 ac, Joseph Kiser 85 ac, Jacob Robertson 180 ac, David Craig 400 ac ‑ Thomas Colley 360 ac, James Kelly, 100 ac, William Gilmore 300 ac, Thomas Conway 400 ac, Shadrick Monk 50 ac, William Monk, 50 ac, Laurence Vanhook 140 ac, Joseph McRenolds 100 ac, John Jessee 250 ac ‑ Henry Willard 75 ac, Jacob Raresnak 400 ac, Zechariah Hendricks 150 ac ‑ Elijah Hurst 100 ac, John Comm 200 ac ‑ Henry Hurst 30 ac, James Hurst 250 ac, Samuel Hendricks 100 ac, James Dickerson 50 ac ‑ Samuel Vanhook 100 ac, Timothy Burgess 300 ac, John Breeding 60 ac, Spencer Breeding 200 ac, Robert Retherford 50 ac, Shadrack Williams 50 ac, James Gray 180 ac, Peter Lawson 50 ac, Daniel Price 40 ac, Samuel Ewing 40 ac, John Cowan 93 ac








Sep 12, 1794                Page 193,  Ericus Anderson, assignee of Zachariah Price ‑ 74 1/2 ac ‑ part 3 Treasury Warrants: 50 ac by 9432 dated April 4, 1782, 16 1/2 ac by 8174 dated February 2, 1782 & 8 ac by 11998 dated May 13, 1782 ‑ on the waters of Cedar Creek ‑ corner to Henry Campbell ‑ side of a spur of Clinch Mountain193 ‑ November 7, 1794 ‑ Timothy Burgess ‑ 816 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 11997 dated April 26, 1782 ‑ on the north side of Clinch Mountain ‑ line of Ericus Anderson ‑ corner Henry Campbell ‑ corner to Henry Williams ‑ corner Richard Price ‑ corner Daniel Rileigh ‑ corner William Dollarhide


Jun 26, 1795                 Page 209,  Tryon Gibson ‑ 64 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 7844 dated November 2, 1781 ‑ on both sides of the north fork of Clinch River


Jul 10, 1795                  Page 218, John Green ‑ 19 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant ‑ on the waters of Clinch River ‑ corner William Cope


Jan 19, 1795                 Page 252, Shadrach Williams ‑ 40 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 17626 dated July 5, 1783 ‑ on the waters of Cedar Creek ‑ corner Williams 36 ac tract ‑ corner William Gilmore


Jul 17, 1795                  Page 252,  Shadrach Williams ‑ 86 ac ‑ part 3 Treasury Warrants: 58 ac by 11961 dated May 10, 1782; 10 ac by 17626 dated July 5, 1783; & 18 ac by 17445 dated June 26, 1783 ‑ on the waters of little Cedar Creek ‑ corner to Williams 66 ac tract, corner William Gilmore



July 9, 1795 ‑ 98            Page  217,  William  Nash   ac   part  Treasury  Warrant  14415    dated

            September 25, 1782 ‑ on Cedar Creek, branch  of  Clinch River ‑ corner to

            James Scott ‑ crossing Cedar Creek


Oct 7, 1796                   Page 314,  Timothy Burges ‑ 454 1/2 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 11797 dated April 26, 1782 ‑ on both sides of Copper Ridge ‑ on the side of the road that leads from the Glade Hollow to William Robertsons


13 Oct 1798                   (pp310) Alexander McFarland, assignee of Richard Price-23 acre -part of Treasury Warrant 10249, dated December 22, 1781-adjoining survey Richard Price-Corner of Michael Wright.


27 Feb 1798                  Michael Wright to William Crawford,  between  Michael  Wright  of  Russell

                                    County  Virginia  and  William Crawford, also of Russell Co, for the sum of

                                    61 Pounds, for  112  acres,  being a  survey  bearing  date  29  May  1791.

                                    Land is beside Richard Price's land.


Mar 9, 1798                   Page 267,  James Gibson, assignee of Thomas Johnson & Jacob Crabtree, Tenants in Common, assigned of James Sergant 64 ac part 2 Treasury Warrants: 50 ac by 17252 & 14 ac by 11961 ‑ corner William Fields


Jul 27, 1798                  Page 282,  James Turner ‑ 230 ac ‑ part 2 Treasury Warrants: 150 by 9795 dated December 11, 1781 & 80 ac by 8174 dated February 2, 1782 ‑ on Cabbin Branch, waters of Clinch River ‑ corner to William Gilmore ‑ on Richard Longs line


Aug 7, 1798                  Page 287, Francis Browning ‑ 120 ac ‑ part 2 Treasury Warrants: 100 ac by 17445 dated June 20, 1793 & 20 ac by 2358 dated December 13, 1797 ‑ on the waters of Ceder Creek, branch of Clinch River ‑ corner to Laurence Vanhook ‑ corner to James Scott ‑ corner to Charles Hays ‑ in John Gibsons line ‑ corner to Thomas Hendrick ‑ corner to Michael Elliott


Aug 8, 1798                  Page 289,  Shedrach Williams ‑ 40 ac ‑ part Treasury Warrant 17626 dated July 5, 1783 ‑ on the waters of little Ceder Creek ‑ on William Gilmores line ‑ in Stephen Sargents line


Aug 8, 1798                  Page 289  Shedrach Williams ‑ 54 ac ‑ on the headwaters of little Ceder Creek‑ part Treasury warrant 11961 dated May 10, 1782



 Aug 8, 1798                 Page 289,  Shedrach Williams ‑ 150 ac ‑ on the headwaters of little Ceder Creek‑ part Treasury Warrant 14292 dated September 16, 1782


28 May 1799                 Deed. Shadrack and Hannah Williams to William Wright, 50 acres.



‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1800                      An Instrument of writing from Michael Wright to John Green, report to

                        Delivery  of property with certain reserves on account of his age and

                        bodily infirmatives.


29 Oct 1800                   August Court 1800, Power of Attorney from William Cope Sr and William Cope Jr  to Enoch Wright. The proof wherein being certified by John VanBibber and James Renfo, Justices of the County of Granger in the State of Tennessee. To Anthony McKnight. Ordered to be recorded.        


12 Sep 1801                 Joseph Webb to Michael Wright.


07 Mar 1803                  Enos Browning and wife Jane to Michael Wright. Page 433



‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1803                      Green to Wright.  Michael Wright by instrument of writing, signed,

            sealed and delivered by said Wright and which is recorded in the County of Russell. The purpose whereof is as follows: Towit: The said Wright by the said instrument conveys all his property both real and personal unto the undersigned John Green and his heirs forever.  The undersigned John Green does hereby release and give up the said property so conveyed to him the said Green unto the said Wright, his heirs and assigns forever and to hereby convey and agree that this instrument be well and void herefore and said Green. Signed John Green.Wit: James Farlowe, Abraham Crabtree, Frances Browning.        


12 Jan 1803                  Indenture of Bargain and Sale. Land from Michael and Catherine Wright to James Robinson.  $100.00 for 50 acres of land. Wit: William Robinson, George Robinson, John Green.


22 Oct 1804                   Deed Bk. 3. 1798-1806. Burgess et aux. Deed to Perry. 154 acres. Indenture between Timothy Burgess and Patsy his wife and William Perry, all of Russell County, 75 Pounds. Land in Russell County on the waters of Big Cedar Creek. The waters of Clinch River. Being a part of a tract of land granted to Timothy Burgess by this Commonwealth by patent dated 10 Dec 1792.  Wit: William Wright, William Gilmore.


22 Oct 1804                   Deed. Timothy and and Martha Burgess to William Wright, 100 acres on waters of Big Cedar Creek. Page 532


01 Oct 1805                   William Wright and wife Paggy to William Gilmore. Proof of deed.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1805                      William Wright. Presentment for profane swearing. Found guilty and

                                    fined 83 cents an oath. William Foster allowed $1.06 a day as

                                    witness against William Wright.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1805                      Ordered that William Wright be recommended as foresaid as a fit and proper person for Ensign in the said Battalion and Regiment in the Room of Charles Hays, who refused to act. First Battalion of the 72nd Regiment.


02 Jun 1808                  An Indenture of Bargain and Sale from Michael Wright and Katrend his

                                    wife to William Nash was acknowledged in court by the said Michael

                                    Wright and ordered to be recorded. 50 acres for $100.00. Land once

                                    granted to Enos Browning, Jan19, 1799.




14 Apr 1809                  At a Court held at the Courthouse of Russell Co Virginia, the 14th of April

                                    1809, for the examination of Joel Wright charged with voluntarily,

maliciously, and of purpose, biting off a part of one of the ears of Ezekial Sullivan with intention to maim or disfigure him.



03 Oct 1809                   Ordered that it ve certified to the Auditor of Public Accounts that Aaron Hendricks, James Fuller, William Crump, Thomas D Porter and William Sarge attended one day each as witness on behalf of the Commonwealth at Court held for the examination of Joel Wright accused of mayhem on April 14, 1809.Present John Tate, Samuel Ewing, John Smith, Zachariah Fugate and Ezekial Burdine {listed as a Minister, aged 75 in 1850 census}.  The witness being examined as well against the said Joel Wright,  the Court consideration of the evidence are of the opinion that the said Joel Wright, for the mayhem alledged against him, ought to be aquited and that he is therefore discharged out of custody. Signed: John Tate.




03 Jul 1810                   Joel Wright been summoned to appear here this day to show cause if any he could why he should not be fined and ‑‑‑‑‑ ‑‑‑‑‑ of Revenue for taking a list of their Property, appeared accordingly.




06 Jun 1810                  Upon information of Wilson Vermillion,Commissioner of the Revenue in the Upper District of this County, that John Davis,Evan See, Joel Wright, Henry Mervin and George Heaberlin, William Jones, Sarah Little, Eunice Hatfield, David Bishop, Samuel Duff Jr, William Rarnine, Enoch Horton, George Clevenger, George Robinson (Glade Hollow), John Hackney Jr and James Chaffin being absent from place of residence, be called to receive their list of taxable property, require their attendance before May 25.



06 May 1811                 Will of John Cliffs. Wife: Nancy. Children: Nancy, Elizabeth, Ritty, Polly, Judith. Exr: Nancy Cliff & William Wright. Wit:William Vermillion, George Fuller, John King. Probate: 07 Dec 1813.



02 Mar 1813                  Joel Wright and Jacob Webb, summoned to appear next term for breach of the peace at the courthouse.



03 Jun 1813      Commonwealth against Joel Wright and Jack Webb.  On a rule to show cause if any they can why an information should not be filed against them for a breach of  the peace by assent of the attorney, for the Commonwealth and consent of the Court.This prosecution is on motion of the defendant Wright, dismiss to him at his cost and the defendant Webb not appearing to show such cause, having been \required to do so by a summons served on him, it is ordered that an information be filed by the attorney for the Court against the said defendant Webb for the causes aforesaid.






13 Sep 1815                  Alexander Shoemaker –vs- Joel Wright             def.      In case of Slander

Defendant not appearing  tho solemnly called; came also a jury to wit: Francsis Fugate, Wm Johnson, Samuel Richie, John Bays, John Nashm John Barker, Martin Knifong, George Dan, Geo. Robinson, Michael Kinson, John Godsey & Samuel Sallien, who being elected and sworn well and truley to enquire of damages in this suit, upon their oath do assess the plaintiff damage by occasion of the defendants speaking the words on the declamation mentioned tot 50 beside his costs. Therefore it is considered by the court that the plaintiff recovery against the defendant his damages aforesaid in form aforesaid assessed and by his costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended.





‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1816          Joel Wright.  Indictment dismissed.


03 Jun 1817                  Joel Wright, an insolvent debtor,commintted to the jail of this county upon his execution sued out of the Court of this County against him by Samuel McDowell, was brought into Court by the said Sheriff and it appearing that The agent for the Plaintiff had reasonable notice of the said Joel's application to be permitted to take the benefits of the acts for the relief of insolvent debtor, the said Joel Wright in open Court subscribed and delivered in a schedule of his estate and made oath thence as the law directs and having delivered to the Sheriff all the personal estate therein mentioned agreeably to law, it is ordered that the said Wright be discharged out of custody.              


30 Jun 1817                  Joel Wright. Second charge dismissed as insolvent debtor. Was sued by Michael Kinson, asignee John Power, Joel Wright made oath to having no real property or personal property and was discharged out custody.



08 Sep 1817                 The Commonwealth  -vs- Joel Wright      Indictment for an assault

The summons against the defendant executed the ------ not appearing tho solemnly called on motion of the atty. For the Commonwealth. It is ordered that a papaed be awarded against the said def. Returnable her at the next term.


17 Sep 1918                 The Commonwealth –vs- Joel Wright      def       Upon Indictment for an assault committed on Samuel Sumner.

                                    The def by Ed Campbell his atty. Saith that he is not guilty in manner and form as the indictment against him is alleged and of this he putteth himself upon the ------ court?---- to likewise and the trial of the ------- is deffered to next court.



‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1818                      Mark M Wright, Qualified as Ensign in ‑‑‑‑‑ ‑‑‑‑‑.               


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1818                      Mark M Wright, Qualified as Constable


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1818                      Mark M Wright, Appointed as Constable


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1818                      Mark M Wright, Samuel Crawford, et. al., Bond taken for  ‑‑‑‑‑‑  of property  at ‑‑‑‑‑ ‑‑‑‑‑.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1818                      Mark M Wright, in debt.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1818                      Mark Wright, Thomas Faris, upon Appeal.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1819                      Mark M Wright appointed ‑‑‑‑‑ ‑‑‑‑‑‑.


— --- 1819                     Joel Wright appeared on an inventory of debts owed to Colbert Fugate, deceased. Joel owed $6.61.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1819                      Mark M Wright. Recommended for Ensign.


06 Apr 1819                  William Wright and Annie Wright, his wife to William Gilmore. 100 Acres on Big Cedar Creek for $200.00.


06 Apr 1819                  Deed. Jacob Mungle to William Wright. 214 & 3/4 Acres.


04 Jan 1819                  Sale of Land. One from William Wright and Peggy his wife, to William Gilmore, acknowledged in Court by the said William Wright and Peggy his wife, being positively examined as the law directs and was therefore ordered to be recorded.$200.00 for land on Big Cedar Creek.




14 Apr 1819                  The Commonwealth  -vs- Joel Wright      def       Indictment for and

assault This day came as well as the atty. For the Commonwealth as the def by his atty; and thereupon came a jury to wit: Joseph Fuller, James Japee, Robt Hamon, Levi Jackson, John Powers, John Gray, Abner Thompson, Geo. Puckett, James Carnett, James Hendricks,. James McClune, Jonathan Harden, who being elected ------- the truth to speak upon the issue joined upon their oath do day the def is is guilty in manner and forma as in the indictment against him is alleged and they assess the fine to #3.41, besides the cost ---the Commonwealth recover against def the said $3.41 and cost of procsecution ct give security for his good behavior for 12 months ---- he $100.00 with the securities to be born with him in the sum of %50.00 each. Whereupon Joel Wright with John Bates and Geo Heaberlin his securities here in court acknowledge themselves to be indebted to James Preston, Esq. Governor or Chief Magistrate of this Commonwealth.


                                    Joel Wright $100.00                   John Bates & Geo Heaberlin %50.00 as of their land and tenements goods chattels to be levied and to said Governor on this condition if said Joel Wright shall keep the peace and be of good behavior toward all the citizens of this Commonwealth for 12 months then this will be void.



‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1820                      Mark M Wright  Thomas Faris, On Appeal.



‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1821                      Joel Wright. Indictment for asault.



‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1821                      Mark M Wright, Appointed ‑‑‑‑‑‑.



‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1821                      Mark M Wright, John Fuller, in debt.



‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1822                      Mark M Wright



09 May 1822                 Joel Wright. Indictment for assault of Jeremiah Brady, found guilty at a jury trial and fined $12.00.


12 Aug 1822                  Deed. Grantor Index. William Wright & Annie Wright, Abraham Mungle, et. al., Abraham Nordike,  216 3/4 Acres On Big Cedar Creek.


 06 Aug 1822                 Indenture made between William Wright and Ann his wife to Abraham Nordike and Abraham Mungle, all of Russell County. $687.00 for 216 3/4 acres of land on the Waters of Little Cedar Creek. Corner to James Hendricks. The same track conveyed to William

Wright by the said Nordike and Mungle as exectors of the last will and testiment of Jacob Mungle deceased, recorded in Russell County Court bearing the  date of 1819. Signed by William Wright, Anne Wright by her mark. Wit: John  Candler (?) Canoler(?), William Gilmore, Justices of Russell County, certify that  William Wright, a party to a certain deed bearin the date of the 06 day of August 1822, personally appreared for a proof of Deed. William Wright & Annie, his wife  to Abraham Mungle, et. al., Abraham Nordike,, 216 3/4 Acres on Cedar Creek.



‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1823                      Mark M Wright


03 Jun 1823                  Power of attorney from William Wright to Mark M Wright, was acknowledged in Court by the said William Wright to be his act and deed and ordered to be certified.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1823                      Proof of Deed. Katherine Wright to William Keen. 65 Acres on North Fork of Indian Creek.


13 Oct 1823                   Deed. Grantor Index. Katherine Wright, William Nash. 60 Acres on North Fork of  Indian Creek


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1824                      Power of attorney from William Wright to Mark M Wright.


04 Nov 1825                  Deed. Grantor Index. Katherine Wright, Elijah Elkins. 65 Acres on North Fork of Indian Creek.


08 Mar 1825                  Mark Wright owes Charles Johnson 100.00 note with interest from 01 June 1825, The court ordered the sheriff of Russell County to Mark Wright’s 50 acres ofland lying in the forks of Cedar Creek (worth 2.50 per acre) 125.00. Sold to Shadrack Monk for sum of 120.00 (highest bidber), land Mark Wright bought from Samuel Hargis, December 1818. Offered for sale (public auction) Before the front door of courthouse (RC) after advertizing to said 8th day of November 1826.




06 Nov 1828.     Christopher Gose‑vs‑Joseph Gibson.Case of Slander. Pleads not guilty.


                                    (Note: Joseph Gibson, s/o Thomas, m. Elizabeth Wright)



06 Nov 1828                  Christopher Gose‑vs‑Martha Wright Case of Slander. Pleads not guilty.


06 Nov 1828                  Christopher Gose‑vs‑Matilda Wright.Case of Slander. Pleads not guilty.


06 Nov 1829                  Christopher Gose‑vs‑et., continued next term.  The plaintiff consideration not wishing to proceed in this case, it is the consideration of the Court that they be dismissed and that the debt on each caserecover against the plaintiff, her cost &

                                    expedience in defending suit.


03 Jun 1834                  On a list of Poor Children ordered to be bound out: Milly Boswell to Rebecca Wright.


 22 Dec 1834                 Russell County Surveyers Book. 2, 1799-1908 ( pp 138) John Wright,  45 acres part exchange treasury warrant 2624 dated December 19, 1832; on the right hand fork of Russell Creek, branch of Clinch River, corner to John Large


11 Aug 1835                  Will of George Puckett. Wife Jane. Children: John, George, Nancy Wright {probably m. Harvey Wright}, Jane Smith, Sally Hicks, Robert, Samuel, William, Drewry, Rebecca, Lucy Shoemaker, Phoebe Tigner.  Exr: Jane Puckett, wife and Robert Puckett, son. Signed by mark. Wit: William K Colley, William Kelly. Probate: 08 Sept 1835.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1845                      Andrew Wright


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1846                      Paris Wright. Indictment for assault.                    Two Cases.                  


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1846                      Paris Wright. Indictment for assault.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1846                      Paris Wright. Indictment for assault.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1847                      Paris Wright. Indictment for assault.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1847                      Paris Wright. Indictment for assault.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1847                      Paris Wright. Indictment for assault.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1847                      Paris Wright. Indictment for assault.


‑‑ ‑‑  1847                      James Wright. Indictment for assault.      Two Cases


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1847                      James Wright. Indictment for assault.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1847                      James Wright. Indictment for assault.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1848                      James Wright. Indictment for assault.      Two Cases.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1848                      James Wright. Indictment for assault.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1848                      James Wright. Indictment for assault.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1848                      Paris Wright. Indictment for assault.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1848                      Paris Wright. Indictment for assault.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1851                      Alexander Wright. Indictment for assault.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1852                      Alexander Wright. Indictment for assault.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1852                      George Wright, Appointed Surveyor of road from Clinch River to Pound Gap.


17 Jan 1852                  Proof of Deed. David Ring to Polly Wright {No amount or location of land listed.}


17 Jun 1852                  Proof of Deed. Origan Dickenson to Polly  Wright. {No amount or location listed}


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1853                      Milton Wright. Contempt of Court.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1853                      Milton Wright. Committed to jail for contempt of Court.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1853                      George Wright, deceased, Appraisors appointed on Estate.                  


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1854                      Charles Wright



09 Mar 1856                  Russell County Surveyers Book. 2, 1799-1908, pp 199 ‑ John Wright & Paris Wright ‑ 402 acres ‑ that part of  Russell County taken by Wise County ‑ on the north fork of Russells creek and Nancy's ridge ‑ part treasury warrant 22978 dated April 21, 1855 ‑ corner to  Robert P. Dickenson ‑ crossing Paris Wrights spring branch ‑ on the top of  Nancy's Ridge ‑ near the little salt place ‑ on the stone coal ridge


07 May 1856                 Will of George Wright. I leave beloved son Parris Wright $100.00 and that after debts are settled, remaining estate be divided as law directs. Morgan Y Lipp be administrator to settle business. Signed: George Wright,  his mark.  Wit: William Wright, Alexander Wright. 03 June 1856

                                    {Note: Morgan Y Lipp was census taker in Buchanan County}



19 Mar 1856                  John Wright & Paris Wright (pp 199),  402 acres,  that part of  Russell

                        County taken by Wise County ‑ on the north fork of Russells creek and Nancy's ridge,  part treasury warrant 22978 dated April 21, 1855 ‑ corner to  Robert P. Dickenson, crossing Paris Wrights spring branch ‑ on the top of  Nancy's Ridge ‑ near the little salt  place,  on the stone coal ridge.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1856                      George Wright, deceased. Appraisors appointed on Estate.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1856                      George Wright, Probation of will.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1857                      Harvey Wright, tax exemption.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1860                      Harvey Wright, tax exemption.


‑‑ ‑‑‑ 1868                      Thomas Wright. Indictment for assault.


 (Note: William Wright and Joel Wright were the only Wright's listed in the 1810 Russell Co Virginia Tax List)