Records From 1901-1923
(1923 Records in Red)

Best Record in a Season        111-51  New York Yankees 1920
                                           111-51 New York Yankees 1921  
Best Record in a Full Month   26-4    New York Yankees 1920
Most Losses in a Month        26       Cleveland Indians 1922
Most Losses in a Season      112       Brooklyn Dodgers 1902    

Most Runs Scored Per Game   1051 (6.49)   Brooklyn Robins  1922
Least Runs Scored Per Game   466 (2.88)  Cincinnati Reds 1905
Most Runs Allowed                 986 (6.09)  Detroit Tigers 1921
Least Runs Allowed                 492 (3.04)  Detroit Tigers   1907

Highest Batting Avg                .326           Brooklyn Robins 1922
Lowest ERA                          2.17            Brooklyn Dodgers 1909
Most Home Runs Hit               133            New York Yankees  1921
Least Home Runs Hit                6              Pittsburgh Pirates  1909

Most Stolen Bases                  545            Philadelphia A's     1914

Least Errors                            148          Pittsburgh Pirates 1922
Most Errors                            405           Brooklyn Dodgers    1901

Longest Game                         24 inn        Detroit vs Pittsburgh  1907
Most Runs by One Team          24             Detroit 1901,  St Louis 1901 and Detroit 1911

Single Game Records

Home Runs                            3          Many Players
Runs Scored                          6         George Cutshaw  1918  New York Yankees
RBIS                                    10         Frank Baker   1911 Detroit Tigers
                                            10        Joe Tinker      1911 New York Yankees
Stolen Bases                            7        Sherry Magee  1905  Chicago White Sox  (Now the New York Giants)
                                             7         Bill McKenchnie 1914 Philadelphia A's
Strikeouts                              17        Rube Waddell     1903  Philadelphia A's