Mr. Evangelista's

What is this?
This site was created by a New York City public school teacher with an interest in promoting gardening in schools.  The site consists mostly of links to resources and helpful sites.  It is mostly for teachers with all levels of gardening knowledge and involvement, with a short exploratory section of links for kids to extend their garden experiences.


1. Introduction: What is this? AND SITE MAP/table of contents
2. Sites for Kids--What do we find in a garden?
3. Gardens 1--Exemplary NYC school gardens
4. Gardens 2--Other school gardens
5. For Teachers--Curricula and activities 
6. Resources--For prospective and experienced gardeners and activists

Sites for Kids

What do we find in a school garden?
Leaf Identification Quiz--guess the leaves, from World Book
Trees--A page for exploration
Plants and Our Environment--Lots of info about plants and all their trappings
Soil (and worms!)
A Soil Profile--What's the deal with soil?
Soil Glossary--Index of the 1,500+ terms in the Soil Society of America's glossary
A Wonderful Article--Learning to "see" soil and love soil
Worm World at do farmers and gardeners love worms so much?
Vermicomposting--Info on using worms' love for compost material, and a fun game
Rocks for Kids--Comprehensive site for "kids of all ages"
Connecting Students--All kinds of links about rocks
NY Hall of Science--Questions kids asked about rocks, and answers!
Insecta--online branch of the Spencer Entomological Museum, British Columbia
Insect Classification--a part of the online "Minibeast Museum"
Earth Conditions/Weather
Seasons--World Book entry regarding the four seasons
Earth and Moon Viewer--See our place in the heavens.  How does it affect gardens?
Find out Why--Just the start to a web full of water information!
Earth2Kids--An interactive Garden Poem 

Exemplary New York City School Gardens
  • I.S. 318 (Brooklyn):
  • John F. Kennedy High School (Bronx):

Other School Gardens

Resources for Gardeners

Grants, Programs, Ideas

Garden Information and Activism


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