fly away
fly away
fly away
fly away

My wife Annie

I had my holy martrimony on the 9th of June 2001, why this date? No particular reason, we wanted a long honeymoon. For the fact that Annie is a teacher, we can only conduct wedding and go for long honeymoon during the school holidays either in June or December. So there are only 4 weekends in June, first and last one will be pretty tight. Left 2nd and 3rd weekend, 2nd weekend seem to be earlier in the holiday, so we got it. Haha....

However we had done our solemnization with the Registry of Marriage on 21th of march 2001, because it was the anniversary of the time when we got attached.

How we got together?

I got to know Annie when we were both under Bro Victor's discipeship group, we were both CG helper. That was somewhere in the later part of the year 1997. There was a few occasion when we got to work together for some caroling item and evanglistic events. That's how we got to know each other better. There was also this event call "Geography Challenge" organize by Geography Society of NUS, she was one of the organizer and I volunteer to take photos for the event. So due to this event, we meet quite often too. Slowly we start to talk a lot on the phone, started sharing about our life, passion and goals....

It was a couple of months down that Annie felt that we are getting too close, it just doesn't seem right to continue with this intimate relationship if we only just want to be normal friends. So either we get attach and go into proper courtship or we just be normal friends and stop spending so much time with each other. We were so logical at that time, we chose that we don't want to let our emotion got the better of us.

I propose that we spend the next 5 days just thinking, praying and asking God if we are the right partner for each other, we will not call or page each other, but only seek God; only 5 days later will we talk again.

I was brought up in CHC, that believe that we should only start a relationship if it is base on getting married one day, there is no such thing as try. If go into BGR, that means very soon she is going to be my wife. No need to continue, you know what happen next...

So is there times before marriage that we felt like we are not suitable for each other and wanted to just break off?

After the first few initial sweet sweet month, Many, Many, many times... There are certainly things she does that upset me and things I've done that provoke her. Opposite attracts? Not really, I wish she look at things with my point of view, she is thrown off by my perspective too.

So why do we still continue?

This bring me back to this basic thinking that both of us hold on to. "Love is a choice, not a feeling".

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.: about me :.
--My wife Annie--
--My church CHC--
--Flying is nice--
--Music is soul--
--Best instrument Guitar--
--First time first church--
--Crusade in Campus--
--Dazing in Army--

.: my stuff :.
My web site G4C

City Harvest Church official site

.: Sighting :.
Some of my photos
More of my photos
Electric guitar gears

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