fly away
fly away
fly away
fly away

HingHwa Methodist Church

I started attending this church when I was around sec 1, that's year 1987. It's been so long ago. The reason why I started attending it is really because it's fun. I start only attending the youth methodist fellowship, the first time I went, they were playing some games and I enjoyed myself, the people are friendly and I make friends.

Of course this is not the first time I went to church, my sis-in-law brought me to a church meeting before, an old traditional service, can't really remember how it was like, what was the message, but I just feel a sense of peace and the music was fantastic, so unlike the pop music.

The interesting part about Hinghwa methodist is that I've attended the chinese congregation, the chinese youth fellowship. Why was this so? Because I was brough into the chinese side, nevertheless they are a bunch of funloving and brother and sister that know how to enjoy themselves. I attend the fellowship for quite some time before I started attending service, but service was so boring, the hymns, very tradtional, preaching.... So I only attended service on and off. This goes on all the way until I reach sec 4(I think), then I get to know God more through many preaching and fellowship camp, I enjoy every one of them. It was also in sec 4 that I have a dramatic change in my christian walk. There are 2 reason, first I got to know and hear people speaking in tongues(attended Ekklesia ministry); and second, someone from SP Campus crusade of christ approach me for Bible studies. So I become more committed to God and Hinghwa methodist church, I was very soon a youth leader in the fellowship, a committe member that plans the programme and direction for the youth fellowship. I attended service regularly and even started playing bass for the chinese service. I organise overnight prayer meeting, weekly prayer meeting, fasting, encourage people to read through the bible, design notice board etc...

I wanted to bring the youth fellowship to another level where people love God much more than themselves, where we seperate ourselves from the world. But the whole year of work prove to be unsuccessful, I've told God that if it doesn't work, I'm going over to City Harvest Church, and I went. I know it's not me that fail, but it's the will of the people, I have tried. I cannot change the people if the leadership refuse to change, it just doesn't work, and I will be rebellious against the leadership too. I will not want to be against the leadership God had appointed.

I've learn much in HingHwa methodist, I've learn how to read the chinese bible, pray in chinese and communicate christianity in mandarin. I've also seen how some churches works, how to lead in a small group, public speaking skills, organise events, play in a band etc. Most of all, I've learn how to build friendship, I've got some really good and important friends that I'll never forget. I have my roots in HingHwa, I'll not forget my roots. Someone once told me that if God place you in that church, He must have His purpose, maybe that's the purpose. It's time to move on....

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.: about me :.
--My wife Annie--
--My church CHC--
--Flying is nice--
--Music is soul--
--Best instrument Guitar--
--First time first church--
--Crusade in Campus--
--Dazing in Army--

.: my stuff :.
My web site G4C

City Harvest Church official site

.: Sighting :.
Some of my photos
More of my photos
Electric guitar gears

.: Language Translation :.

.: credits :.
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