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How Far is an Ants Mile?
© 2004
By Evan L. Mills
All rights reserved!
ants.jpg     Imagine that you are an ant or a termite or some other small insect watching the huge foot of a man falling next to you and the other foot falls a second later 1/4 ant mile ahead. A second later the next foot fall is 1/2 ant miles away. In 4 seconds or less the man traveled 1 mile. To you the man is traveling at the amazing speed of 900 ant miles per hour! Who was this man? It was a pioneer following a wagon across America. To you, the ant, 900 ant miles per hour is incredible! Unbelievable! Yet there are many great and famous ants in the world who insist that nothing can travel 900 miles an hour. They exude a great air of confidence as they assure the ant population that there is no such thing as men. They boldly proclaim that an ant is the most intelligent thing in the Universe and that everything around them happened by accident and that.... ooops that ant just got stepped on!


   There are many great and famous ants, er I mean scientists who smugly tell us that there is no God. So from that statement we can interpolate that they think we are the most intelligent beings in the universe because any creatures that were even a hundred years further advanced at today's increasing knowledge rate would surely seem to us to be Gods with great and marvelous powers to create and to destroy. Able to hold us spellbound by their dazzling powers. How long did it take man to go from equestrian power to horse power? From horse back to Ford Mustang? From walking on earth to walking on the moon? From communication's by runners and horse back to cell phones and satellites? Ninety nine percent of mans progress has come in the last hundred years. If there was a way to quantumise knowledge then I am sure that 99% of the knowledge we possess today came in the last ten years. Now ask your self what we would imagine a race of intelligence's to be that had existed for the last 2 to 3 billion years. Their knowledge and powers would be staggering, pure magic and mystical to us. We could not begin to envision what marvelous things they could do. Are there such beings? Certainly there are. In a universe of this incredible size there has to be and any one who says there isn't is showing the ignorance of an ant. And who is to say there are not other universes as big or bigger than this one. Scientists predict other dimensions. The other universes are probably as numerous as the sands of the seas. So what about the other beings of the universe? How would they look to us? They would be advanced beyond anything we will ever be able to imagine or conceive. How would we look to them? To put it in overly flattering terms we would be less than germs to them and they would be like super Gods to us. As Einstein so aptly said in so many of his equations, it's all relative. Thank God, our literal Father in Heaven, we are relative to him. Even though he is a super being and God he looks at us as his children and we look at him and either deny him or embrace him as our heavenly father. The father of our spirits.

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