~About Me~
Hi, my name is Joe~

I live in the Land of Enchantment~ New Mexico, USA~

For the past 14 years I have traveled many times to India.  I'm captivated by India.
(Much to the bewilderment of friends and family)

I love India~ I consider India to be my Spiritual Home. Despite the poverty, India's people are full of friendliness, curiosity, genuine sincerity, playfulness and faith. They refer to everyone their own age as "brother" and "sister". And they affectionately call their elders "mother" and "father".

It is not unusual to see poor people laugh and sing despite their sufferings and hardships.  Indians have very close knit families. No one can go to India without being affected on some level.  India is like a mother who nurtures, a teacher who teaches, a friend who listens and a Vision that awes, humbles and illumines.

No matter where you go in India, you are sure to find five things: 1) People; 2) Rickshaws; 3) VERY curious Children; 4) Cows and 5) Temples!
My hobbies are crystals, computers, web design, digital art, checkers, scrabble and being a Nature voyeur!  Love the stillness of night. Love the Ocean. The Ocean makes me cry. I am basically ambi-troverted, with an inclination towards being introverted. I am thankful that I am very comfortable in silence and in being alone.  I consider this a true blessing. While many people often feel the "need" for a companion, I don't. I am content. Yes, seriously.

I'm a NON-preaching, NON-PETA, NON-fanatic Ovolactovegetarian (I eat dairy and egg products).

My favorite foods are fresh pesto, baba ghannouj, hummus, pita bread, home-grown tomatoes, all citrus fruits, anything chocolate, anything vanilla, lemon zest, samosas, cheerios, shredded wheat cereal, all types of pastas, granola, portabella mushrooms, garlic bread, coconut chutney, veggie lasagna, all types of squash, bosc pears, strawberries, Boca burgers, veggie pizza,
avacados  and  almonds.

Something magical about herbs. My Favorite herbs: Rosemary, Thyme, Sweet Basil, Sage, Mint, Lemon Verbena, Oregano and Garlic Chives.

Flowers I like: India Jasmine (most fragrant jasmine in the world), Roses of all types, Cactus Flowers, Honeysuckle, Portulaca, Magnolias, Tulips, Hyacinth, Geraniums, Vinca, Carnations, Sunflowers, Azaleas, Iris, Lavender, Sun Flowers and Alyssum.

I collect crystals. My favorite Crystals are: Smokey, Rose, Milky, Rutilated and Clear Quartz, Carnelian, Azurite, Emeralds, Obsidian, Petrified Wood, Kunzite, Moonstone, Tourmaline, Selenite, Jade and Turquoise.

I'm rational, logical and down to earth. Yes, seriously.
I'm Caucasian/Italian/Mexican Blend and 34 years young.
~My Home Page~
Breast Cancer
Honor Diversity
Stop Child Abuse
One Family
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