The Miami Seaquarium claims Lolita's current tank is accomidating to her size....
-Lolita is 22 feet long from snout to fluke.....her tank's bottom at the deepest is only 18 feet deep!

-Lolita's family, the L25 subpod, swims an average of 80 miles a DAY.....Lolita's tank is 80 FEET long, and only 35 feet wide.

-Orcas, especially Pacific ones like Lolita, are very social and spend their entire lives with their family.....Lolita has been in captivity since age six, and has lived a lone orca since 1980.

Now can you try to tell me that tank's
When Lolita spyhops in her tank, her TAIL scrapes the bottom!
the FACTS......
and the lies they feed you.
SeaWorld's shows are comprised of NATURAL behaviors orcas practice in the wild...
-In the wild orcas breach randomly for whatever reason they captivity they breach on command...are commands natural too?

-In the wild orcas play with siblings, kelp, logs, seabirds, and captivity they play with orcas captured or brought in from other marine parks and most of all, with their human trainers.

-Is it a natural behavior for an orca to rocket out of the water with a trainer balanced on its nose?!

Acoording to SeaWorld, all images to the right are NATURAL behaviors.
"Shamu" is DEAD.
And one of the biggest lies of them all....
This is the original 'Shamu'. She was captured as a mate for the original 'Namu' back in October, 1965. She was part of either J, K or L-pod, torn away from her mother and siblings and brought to SeaWorld California. She lived another 6 years after capture, preforming for crowds. Then in August 1971, the famed "Shamu" died of Pyrometra* and a secondary infection of blood poisoning.. Due to ignorance of the infection, it slowly killed her. All orcas now called "Shamu" can be found under "Captive Orcas". Shamu is merely a stage name, so the crowd doesn't know the sad truth.
*Pyrometra: The word "pyometra" is derived from latin "pyo" meaning pus and "metra" meaning uterus. The pyometra is an abscessed, pus-filled infected uterus. Toxins and bacteria leak across the uterine walls and into the bloodstream causing life-threatening toxic effects, Without treatment death is inevitable.
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