HomePage Lee Hecht Harrison-Wyeth Career Center Services
Resume Release Form
Please complete this form to update and submit your Resume Release. When we receive this release, your resume will be made available and distributed according to the choices you make below...
Day Phone:
Job Title or Target:
Click Arrow to indicate Wyeth Location >>>>
Click Arrow to choose employment category >>>>
Is your current resume saved on the Center Computer?
Have you loaded you resume in
LHH's Resume Reserve at www.LHHCRN.com?
Please click all the resume distribution options that apply:
(ALL): I give permission for my resume to be released by LHH to companies, their representatives or independent recruiting agencies.
(COMPANIES ONLY): I give permission for my resume to be released by LHH only to companies or their representatives.
Do not distribute my resume.
I am open and willing to relocate. Please indicate where in comment box.
I have begun a new position ... Also submit new info thru link on WyTrans Homepage.
You may use my resume as an example for others.
Other... Please use Comment box to explain...
Please Call me to set an appointment to update my resume.
Please indicate the areas for which you are qualified and in which you
wish to pursue positions. Check all that apply.
Production Supervisor
Research & Development
Human Resources
Technical Services
CGMP Service Worker
Customer Service
Mid-Management Director/Upper Management
Other Job Areas:
Please enter a salary range you are willing to consider:
Please add my email address to the Center Update List.
Please make sure your latest resume is electronically saved on our Center files.
When you click "Submit," the information you
entered will be forwarded to the LHH Career Center and
you will see a copy of it on the next page...
You will receive a telephone call or email within the
next few days to confirm we received the information.
LHH-Wyeth Career Transition Centers

Hours: 8:30am - 5:00pm  Monday - Friday 
Website: www.wytrans.com