Arctic Campaign


the really cold dwarf-o-centric game

In the mountains south of Sariya dwell arctic dwarves in their halls of ice and stone. Primitive tribes of humans roam the snowy plains and tundra and compete with xenophobic uldra for the relative comfort of the forested shore of the great valley lake. There is some limited trade between one of the human tribes and the arctic dwarves. The uldra also rarely trade with the dwarves, leaving rare plants, ornate items of wood and furs in a clearing where the dwarves leave gems and finished metal goods, such as weapons and arrowheads, never meeting face to face.

To the north lies the lands of the Kuo Toa, Yuan-Ti, and Lizardfolk, to the west are the hunting and breeding grounds of Ancient Dragons, those who go to these places never return.

So the players can choose to be an arctic dwarf, a primitive human or an outcast uldra.

Rules and Stuff


Arctic Dwarf +2 strength, +2 constitution, -2 charisma, -2 dexterity +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves made to resist the effects of cold weather or exposure. Stonecutting benifits apply to structures and natural features made of ice as well as stone. +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Craft checks related to items made of ice.
Dwarves can be any class in the PH, Expanded Psionics Handbook and the dwarf paragon from Unearthed Arcana. Is this race balanced compared to the others?, no it isn't, but I want dwarves to be the best race choice for this particular setting. Arctic dwarves must have a craft skill or profession skill to belong to a clan, otherwise they are raised as laborers and defenders of the hall and are referred to as 'Rocks'. Rocks are looked down upon and are most likely to wander from the halls seeking their fortune elsewhere. All metal armor and axes and hammers cost half as much for dwarven characters.

Uldra from the Frostburn book
Can be a snow barbarian, ice ranger, druid, wilderness rogue, wild sorcerer. Uldra are xenophobic and an adventuring one is most likely an outcast whos best chance of survival is to join up with anyone he can. Metal is rare for this race and metal armor and weapons cost twice as much as normal for elf characters.

Neanderthal from Frostburn book

Human same as PH
Can be a totem barbarian, ranger, druid or savage bard. Metal working is also unknown to the human tribes, metal items costs twice as much as normal (except for those of the snow leopard tribe, use standard cost).

Replacement characters or those joining the campaign after its started can also choose to be

Anthropomorphic Animals
They can be a wilderness rogue, totem barbarian or ranger

  • snow leopard +4 strength, +8 dexterity, +4 constitution, move 30', natural AC +1, favored class: ranger, level adjustment +2
  • arctic wolf +2 strength, +4 dexterity, +4 constitution, +4 wisdom, move 40', natural AC +2, favored class: ranger, level adjustment +2
  • polar bear +8 strength, +4 dexterity, +4 constitution, move 30', natural AC +5, favored class: ranger, level adjustment +3

    All three are immune to the effects of cold weather or exposure and have a -4 racial penalty on Fortitude saves made to resist the effects of hot weather.


    wild sorcerer Hit Die: d8, base attack bonus as cleric, remove Bluff from class skills and add Survival instead. At first level gains proficiency with one light or one-handed martial weapon of choice and proficiency with light armor. Wild sorcerers can cast in light armor without the usual chance of arcane spell failure.
    A wild sorcerer knows one less spell per level than a normal sorcerer (to a minimum of one spell per level). They also have one less spell per day from each level (minimum of zero spells per day). Example, 1st level wild sorcerer can cast four zero level spells and two 1st level spells per day (plus any bonus spells if any).

    ice ranger lose combat style, improved combat style and combat style mastery and gain wild shape (as druid of equal level) and fast movement (as barbarian).

    wilderness rogue remove Appraise, Diplomacy, Dechipher Script, Forgery and Gather Information from class skills and add Handle Animal, Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nature), Ride and Survival to class skills instead.

    snow barbarian lose rage, greater rage, indomitable will, tireless rage, mighty rage and gain favored enemy (as ranger), archery combat style, improved archery combat style and archery combat style mastery (as ranger)

    savage bard A savage bard has good Fortitude and Will saves but poor Reflex saves and loses Decipher Script and Speak Language as class skills and gains Survival as a class skill. They are also illiterate, so they cannot use or scribe scrolls.
    Remove the following spells calm emotions, comprehend languages, detect secret doors, erase, prestidigitation, read magic, sepia snake sigil, summon monster (I through VI). Add the following spells 1st - calm animals, detect snares & pits, endure elements, summon natures ally 2nd - bull's strength, pass w/o trace, summon natures ally II 3rd - snare, summon natures ally III 4th - insect plague, summon natures ally IV 5th - commune with nature, summon natures ally V 6th - creeping doom, reincarnate, summon natures ally VI

    totem barbarian Each human tribe venerates a particular animal, chosing your totem also selects your tribe. Anthropomorphic animals must pick their own race as their totem.

  • snow leopard same as PH barbarian except your character has blonde hair and dark green eyes. Your tribe trades with the dwarves on occasion and you speak common in addition to your tribal tongue.
  • wolf loses uncanny dodge, trap sense & improved uncanny dodge, and instead gains Improved Trip at 2nd level and Track at 5th level. Your character has black hair and pale blue eyes.
  • polar bear loses the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense & improved uncanny dodge, and instead gains Endurance at 1st level, Improved Grapple at 2nd level, Great Fortitude at 3rd level & a +4 to grapple checks when raging at 5th level. Your character has white hair and black eyes.
  • wooly rhino loses the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense & improved uncanny dodge, and instead at 1st level gains the ability to fight as if he had the Diehard feat while raging, at 3rd level his rage lasts 2 rounds longer than normal, then at 7th level his damage reduction is one higher than normal (example: at 7th level you'd have DR 2/-, at 10th DR 3/-, and so on) . Your character has red hair and brown eyes.

    Other Stuff

    Variant classes are from Unearthed Arcana, some slightly changed.
    Anthropomorphic Animals are variants based on those in Savage Species.
    Reincarnate does not cause a level loss.
    Prestige Classes are decided on a case by case basis, dwarves of course can be just about anything, including those in Races of Stone, Expanded Psionics Handbook, Frostburn, Complete Warrior and Complete Divine.

    Celtic Campaign