Randomly leaving virtual smiles & gifts,
signing guestbooks with an Act of Kindness from the heart...
world wide

As a rose grows, so will RAOK's friendships!

Please note: I no longer have a membership
with The RAOK Group because of my own choice. It seems that one
rotten apple can spoil the whole barrel. But again, that's my choosing...
Instead of deleting the dedication, I updated -- taking away only
the references to membership only. Gifts from my friends remain.
I don't EVER want to forget the beautiful people there tho, they've been
so good to me and I still cherish the friendships.
For this, I thank them and are indebted to their kindnesses.
Also note: I'm in no way trying to disrepute the group!!
My resignation stems from nearly 3 years of watching and learning what
I feel is not in the best interests of kindness....but again,

I so proudly accept my reign of "TYPO QUEEN"
and now proclaim my predecessor **Lady Camomile**
& dub thy subjects Dukes and Duchesses of the
kingdom, RAOK!! Alas, beware! I have sentries
on my castle turrets---to harken all typos *s*

***see below

A special anniversary gift that tugs my heart!
From our daughter Lady Irene With all my being, this gift I caress. *s*

Thanks so much for brightening my day!

I have the honor of being the first ever
to win The RAOK GroupPet Peeve award!

Isn't this precious? From Zuca@RAOK, thanks.

thanks Resa
This gift was made for me by Resa!

In January 2001, my husband and I lost our beloved
Felina, our pet cat & family member that graced our lives for 25 years!!
We were devastated, to say the least. She will be
sorely missed! The Hugs Committee at The RAOK
Group made a special, and very touching
HUG gift for me. Please, click the above graphic to
view. What wonderful people at RAOK! Thanks, you're terrific.
Messages, cards and support left in my email box and guestbook from
RAOK family is held dear to my heart, never forgotten.

When I was down, Lisa sent me this
Thanks so much!

Thanks Rene!

Thanks so much, Lisa!
Thanks for this beautiful award dear friend, LadyLisa!

I've had the privilege of guest hosting someRAOK Trivia games.

Page two of The RAOK Group dedication

back to table of contents

***I was teasing Resa on the board because
she mistyped girl---she typed "grill"....and to make a long story short......in teasing her, I mistyped HER error!! ROFL---I typed "gill"

My RAOK Group page© 2000--
All images and gifts are copyrighted by other individuals, please respect their rights

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