The Great Unknown,
A Question Of Faith &
Have You Heard The Word?

The Great Unknown
Some people reach inside themselves
To learn the great unknown
Still others crawl inside their shells
Not wishing to be shown

I want to turn my insides out
And solve the riddle soon
I wish to know what life's about
Before I reach my tomb

A lifetime is so short
And so what of our souls?
Do we stand before God in court
Facing a fate foretold?

Existence hangs upon a thread
Which dangles endlessly
So what will happen when I'm dead
If I don't hold the key?

It Won't be long until he's here
I have no time to waste
Will I accept Christ as Savior
Before by God I'm faced?


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A Question Of Faith
I'm a man
constantly in search of an answer
And the question is one
I'm not even sure can be asked
At least not by those
who cling to life as their eternal dream
And I wonder, am I worthy of the answer
while living the dream?

To know the answer
would leave my soul defenseless
And so would being trapped
in the shadow of doubt
The paradox within my soul
is a question of faith
But for the sins I've embraced,
I question my fate

It may be true
that more than one truth exists
And that each and every person
sees their own
But after this life on Earth
is over and done
Is that still true,
or is there only one?

Have You Heard The Word?
I believe my favorite word is Faith
No other thing have I sought every day of my life
It continues to elude me
I want to find it, to embrace it

I've prayed for Faith but I know not to whom
No one has ever answered me, still I try to be heard
Sometimes outloud when I'm alone
Now and then in a crowd quietly

Will I ever learn the words true meaning?
In all my life I have never had Faith in anyone
Not in myself, not in Jesus
Not in the prayers I've prayed to him

No other word crosses my thoughts more often
Not even love has filled my soul with so much desire
Desire to know, to know Faith
But to know it, is not Faith at all

God please touch the world and heal it with your love
If I was you it's what I would do
Touch every child sick with a cold
Touch every young one born with defects
A nasty word to say they are less than the rest
Touch children born without love in their lives
Born without food and without hope
Touch them because I can't heal them
To lay your hands on all that is broken
All that is not pure in those too young to be impure
If I was you it's what I would do
Touch little Ro-Ro and make Autism vanish from the world
Touch all the boys and girls who cannot hear your voice
Who cannot see your light or understand your words
And even those who can, simply because they are innocent
Because they are simple and because they are yours
Heal every broken bone and every broken heart
Because someday they will be like me
Someday they will have given up
Given up hope, if they ever had any
Given up on love knowing it will never come
If I could heal them I would give up my life
If I was you it's what I would do

Unwilling To Let Go
Can you feel the silence
Of vibrations gone unheard
From the beating of my heart
Though it never spoke a word

Yet you know how I feel
Can you read my open mind?
tHis light penetrates closed eyes
Even if your heart is blind

The truth will set you free
Through beliefs we cannot know
tHis light, living eyes can't see
Life: unwilling to let go

The One On My Shoulder - Never Succumb
He whispers in my ear of all he'll give to me
How Hell is not so bad, how he will set me free
He tells me his truth has the golden touch
And gives me a choice, says it won't cost too much
Just my soul, he tells "I have none, never needed one
Death is better than life, an eternity of fun"

I will not listen to him or his tempting lies
I pray for the haunting day this one up and dies
Although he wants to take me down with him
Where all lost souls cry, my fate is not so grim
For he has no soul to be cleansed of its sins
While mine has hope of being washed when the end begins

No End To The Flesh
I want to be mortal forever
To know my life is mine and mine alone
No end to the flesh
Life over death
No soul to set free
Or apples to tempt me
I do not want to rise into Heaven
Or fall to some torturous place
What I want is to feel
To taste
To smell
And most of all
I want to love
Never ending love
For all I have ever known
Is love never begun
When finally it comes
I don't want to let go
I want to hold on
I want to be mortal forever

Invisible Light
Sunlight exposes the surface to eyes
Shows colors that lead me to believe in lies
Distracting my thoughts with superficial beauty
Misleading my heart from the Light I cannot see

Holy thoughts I cannot capture within
Escape on wings that flutter off in dark sin
Hide in the shadows of my invisible heart
When she visits me once more to tear it apart

Bats circle within my hallowed belfry
While echos of long dead love ever haunt me
I am raising the sun to cast my demons out
Freeing my mind of all it's never been without

I'm told the Son has risen to free me
Of what burns my soul while trapped in this body
Daylight shines as the sun rises warming my flesh
Masking the star guiding my way to the creche

Tell me the one truth, show me the right way
I want to release all doubts without delay
I want to not want, to be free of desire
To bask in the Son Light not bathe in the fire

Have You Heard The Word?
I wrote Have You Heard The Word? after reading about a poetry contest where you had to write about your favorite word. I'm not into writing for contests or money so I was glad to see the deadline for entering it had passed. But being ever in search of inspiration to write poetry, I felt compelled to write one about the word which immediately popped in to my head after reading about the contest. It would have been tainted had I written it for the contest to try to win money and some small notoriety. But then, isn't this website just a little bit about gaining notoriety for myself? Maybe so, but just a little. I am more interested in offering my poetry for free so that people have an opportunity to read it and feel whatever comes in to their hearts after having done so.

If you liked reading these poems, also read "Do Not Die For Me", and "God's Children (One Family We Are)". I've written these poems over the years when the inspiration for faith or desire to know filled me. So far my search has been fruitless and I wonder how it is that anyone finds Faith. I wonder how many people pretend. If there is a God, he knows who the phonies are.

Also be sure to read "Someone's Drowning In Your Pool" and "Sunshine Smile" in the links below. The story behind them is more important than the poems so be sure to read the background.

The Great Unknown
I wrote the poem at the top of the page in 1982 a couple of months after I started college at DeVry Tech in Woodbridge, NJ. As I said above, I've thought about Faith and fate a lot since I was very young and in Catholic school. My questions haven't changed much over the years because the answers never helped. This was the first poem I had ever written about my lack of Faith.
The song "Hear Me Lord" by George Harrison often enters my mind when I start searching my mind and heart for answers not found in the exterior world. But nothing I find inside me brings me closer to God. I've tried Meditation with a Guru to see if I could get deeper inside but really found nothing more than a very relaxing method of contemplation.

The Midi file that plays on this page is a song called
"Long, Long, Long" by
George Harrison of the
Copyright 1968
Harrisongs Ltd.
The original is on the album
"The Beatles" (White Album) on Apple Records.
If you know the words you may think it an odd song to have on this page. But if you know the story behind the song, you will realize that it is the only choice for this page. It is about George's search for God, it is not a love song to a woman as it may seem when first listening. This page is about my search for God. There are a lot of songs I suppose I could put here, but
"Long, Long, Long" is the essence of what this page is about.
The passing of George Harrison filled my heart with both grief and happiness. I am saddened because there is one less caring soul in the world. But I am also happy because if there is one thing I am sure of, George understood the Art Of Dying. His heart and soul were filled with something I have longed for all my life. I wonder if that is what he ment by Long, Long Long.
Here are the lyrics to

"Long, Long, Long"

It's been a long, long, long time
How could I ever have lost you?
When I loved you

It took a long, long, long time
Now I'm so happy I found you
How I love you

So many years I was searching
So many tears I was wasting
oh. Oh-

Now I can see you, be you
How can I ever misplace you?
How I want you
Oh I love you
You know that I need you
Ooh I love you

Copyright 1968
Harrisongs Ltd.

Open Bible still life by Vincent VanGogh

The painting of the Open Bible, Book and Candle above is by
Van Gogh.
Vincent Van Gogh was a Priest before he was an artist. His father was also a Priest.
Look on my "Poetry Is Art" page for links to Van Gogh web pages.

I was 22 in 1985 when I wrote "A Question Of Faith", fresh out of two failed relationships and two colleges. I geuss when things go bad you start looking for some answers and someone to blame. God is usually good for both.
Hey who else could be pulling all those strings, right? Couldn't be me.... NO, no, no, why would I do that to myself? But Faith is not so simple a thing. If you don't have real Faith, how can you blame someone you don't know for sure exists at all. And if you did know God existed, well that wouldn't be Faith, that would be knowledge.
I can't remember, but didn't Adam and Eve get in trouble for eating an Apple from the Tree of Knowledge? Isn't that when they started seeing things for what they really were and were cast out of the Garden of Eden? They knew God existed. It was never a matter of Faith for them. Or was it?
I pray occasionally, but I'm not all together sure I know who I'm praying to and if there is anyone there to listen.
"Have You Heard The Word?" was written 14 years later in the Summer of 1999 and I'm still asking the same question I've been contemplating since I was a little boy in Catholic school.
The Nuns pretty much convinced me they had no idea who God was either.
There was no support from the Priests who were too busy filling everyone with shame and guilt.
And God forbid you ask a question that they are afraid to answer, or can't answer.
You may as well shut up and pretend no one ever told you Jesus got married and had children.
How do you answer the questions of a seven year old boy?
You scare the Hell, and maybe the Heaven, out of him.
That'll teach him to question God.

Favorite URLs
Other pages on my web site. If you find broken lnks, please e-mail me and let me know so I can fix them.

Favorite URL's
My favorite URLs.

Segregation, Separation & Walls And Bridges - Poems about Prejudice & Pride

Graduation Speech - 12/99 NYS OCFS

God's Children, Do Not Die For Me - In God We War

On Empty Arms And Burning Flags, Stars And Stripes - Peace, War, Patriotism Someone's Drowning In your Pool & Sunshine Smile - A dark and sunny summer day

Quarter Life Crisis & The Family Way - Poems about Family in crisis

Self Portrait, Blind To The Me Others See, Two Faced & Constantly Changing - Poems Of The Inner Me

If Closets Could Talk & On Our Way Home - Poems about Friends and Friendships Lost

Where Are You Going, I've Seen Where You've Been!, Room For Rent-Room For Free & I Wish I Wasn't Me - A few of my poems about rage and broken love

Artificial Artists - Poetry Is Art

Rainbows In The Night Sky & At The End Of Every Rainbow - A couple poems about rainbows and love

Unspoken Thirst, Daylight's Darkness & Mistaken Identity - A few of my love poems

Sleep, He Who Laughs Last & The Need To Be Free - Poems about Mother Nature

Chapter 2: Walls & Bridges, Ro-Ro Rows Her Boat - My main Poetry page with info and a Pic of Me & Ro-Ro. Chapter 2

Chapter 1 - My main Home page with bio info and some Pics of Me. Chapter 1

Index Page - The main index with all pages listed in Favorite URL's

Save A Starving Poet - Donate to a Poet in need

Poetry index of all poems on Geo - My Poetry index

Save A Starving Poet - Donate to a Poet in need

George Harrison - All Things Must Pass official website

Beatles 1 - The Beatles 1 official website

Jewel - Jewel Kilcher's web site. Read Jewel's book of poetry called A Night Without Armor

James Kavanaugh - Great American poet & writer. A former Catholic priest who has lost his easy God and found himself.

Vincent VanGogh - Vincent VanGogh painted the open Bible with Candle and book above left This is the most comprhensive VanGogh site in existence. All of his paintings, drawings, letters and various photos and background are here. This website is a work of art and love.

Salvadore Dali - Salvadore Dali Museum official website of the Arist who painted the picture of Christ used for the background on this page.

Borris Vellejo -Official website of Arist Borris Vellejo who painted the picture of Christ at the top of the page.

The painting of Christ INRI at the top of this page was done by Borris Vellejo. It reminds me of paintings by Salvadore Dali and I like this one in particular because it is a contradiction in itself, yet in a way, it is the reality of Christianity. I feel trapped outside of faith and this painting portrays Jesus Christ trapped within the cross itself. The imagry beyond the painting makes this a great work of art for me. There is a link at the bottom of the URL's list above to his website, which he shares with his wife.

Higher Ground for Humanity - Jewel Kilcher and Lenedra Carroll - Higher Ground for Humanity

Clear Water Project - Jewel Kilcher and Lenedra Carroll - Clear Water Project - Religious Right - In their Own Words

Landover Baptist - Religious Right & Wrong - Not in their own words, but you know it's what they want to say!

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Jerry Falwell & Pat Robertson
Here is an example of extreme prejudice in religious leadership.


Falwaell and Robertson talked about religious revival and whether the events of September 11 might spark spiritual renewal in America.

Falwell : "What we saw on Tuesday, as terrible as it is, could be miniscule if, in fact, God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve."

Robertson : "Well, Jerry, that's my feeling. I think we've just seen the antechamber to terror, we haven't begun to see what they can do to the major population."

Falwell : "The ACLU has got to take a lot of blame for this. And I know I'll hear from them for this, but throwing God...successfully with the help of the federal court system...throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools, the abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked and when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad...I really believe that the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who try to secularize America...I point the thing in their face and say you helped this happen."

Robertson : "I totally concur, and the problem is we've adopted that agenda at the highest levels of our government, and so we're responsible as a free society for what the top people do, and the top people, of course, is the court system."

Falwell : "Pat, did you notice yesterday that the ACLU and all the Christ-haters, the People for the American Way, NOW, etc., were totally disregarded by the Democrats and the Republicans in both houses of Congress, as they went out on the steps and and called out to God in prayer and sang 'God bless America' and said, let the ACLU be hanged. In other words, when the nation is on its knees, the only normal and natural and spiritual thing to do is what we ought to be doing all the time, calling on God."

Robertson later issued a written statement saying that terrorism "is happening because God Almighty is lifting his protection from us." He said God is displeased by abortion, Internet pornography and a Supreme Court that ended prayer in public schools.

The 700 Club on the Christian Broadcasting Network is viewed by about one million Americans daily.