Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What's with your spelling of Vegeta and Future Trunks' names?
Well, I know there will both be Dragonball Z dub fans and purists alike visiting this site. The English spelling of the prince's name, Vegeta, certainly makes sense considering the pun intended. However, in Japanese, his name would be romanized as Bejiita. I personally like both, and so I created a compromise between the two: Vejita. Both keeping the pun and Japanese feel.
     About Future Trunks now. "Mirai" means "Future" in Japanese, and the sound "no" is used as a posessive, the way we add: " 's " to ours. Example:

English: Prince of the Saiyan people  (Or, as switched in Japanese, "Saiyan people's prince")
Japanese: Saiya-jin no Ouji  (With "Ouji" meaning "Prince")

     Alright, simple enough. But sometimes people get confused, seeing "no" and automatically thinking it to be a negatory. So, I again compromise by adding an apostrophe to emphasize that it is being used as a Japanese posessive: Mirai'no Trunks.
2. Why does your site look like a newbie site?
Because... I AM a newbie. ^_^  I mean, since when does the keeper of the Lair of Unknown Darkness use cutsie little anime smilies? Hehe. Well, you can excuse me I'm sure; the Lair sure is dark in an unknown way, doesn't mean the owner has to be dark 100% of the time.
3. What's with all those foreign words?
Oh, you must mean the Japanese I sprinkle here and there.  Well, I'm not claiming to be proficient in the language or anything, but I love how it sounds, and there are times where it comes out more smoothly that way (For me, anyway). Most of you probably know what it means anyway. For those who don't, brief rundown:

Otou-san = Father ..... Okaa-san = Mother ..... Onii- = Brother, with "-san" meaning elder and
"-chan" meaning younger ..... Onee- = Sister, with same endings as previous sibling denotation ..... Minna = Everyone.

Hm, guess that's good enough; I don't use much.  For the stuff not listed here, you can undoubtably find other sites with vocabulary lists.  If I get enough requests or time, though, I'll post my own soon.
4. What are the rules for submitting fanfic?
Well, that's easy to answer.  Firstly, it's recommended that the story largely focus on Vejita and/or Trunks, or a love object of theirs since that's technically part of them. ^_^   Although of course I'm not picky at this point, so if I need to make an "Other" section, I gladly will. I just might do that on my own accord eventually, anyway.

     Secondly, please supply a rating and why it is rated thus, so readers have fair warning.  I don't want younger or sensitive viewers being subjected to stuff they're better off not imagining.

     Thirdly, no hentai.  I refuse to harbor pornographic or incestual material.  Violence can go as far as it needs to go, but please keep any sensual scenes to a minimum and in good taste.

     Hmm... A few of you may also wonder about shounen-ai/yaoi allowances.  While I don't really support it, I won't reject stories containing it as long as it is in good taste and holds to the same rules as any other romantic encounters.

     There you go.  I hope that's not too strict for you all.  I hope to see some contributions soon. :)
More questions as they come in.
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