Group/Other Images
No, your eyes do not deceive you.  The pictures are posted as-is, not in thumbnail form.  This is because thumbnails just aren't as artistic, and clicking on things upsets the flow of imagery.  For those of you with slower connections, you can scroll to the bottom of the screen for some jokes or little stories.  Enjoy.
The Turmoil of Trunks's Future

A portrait of loss, love, fear, hope, and determination, ruling factors in the Earth's grim future.  Mirai'no Trunks spent his tender childhood in hiding and battle, and yet his heart and spirit remained intact.

He is, indeed, one to be admired.
Love at Last

A Doujinshi artist's depiction of the first- and last- hug that Vejita gave his son before his ultimate sacrafice.  With his one good arm, he tenderly drew his boy close and held him, finally showing he cared for him. 
Steadfast Beasts

In Dragonball GT, both warriors have reached the ultimate, true form of Super Saiya-jin, resembling their transformed ape-like forms.  Vejita stands again with his foe and friend, Son Goku, ready to face their shared enemy against a confidently beauteous sky.
Happy Family ^_^

A typical day in the Briefs household.  Bulma exercises her talent of verbal assertion, while Vejita exercises his stubborness.  Mirai'no Trunks, meanwhile, does his best to keep his sanity.  Can't you feel the love?
View Vejita Images
View Trunks Images
Return to Lair Entrance

One day, an athiest was fishing on a boat in the middle of a lake.  Suddenly, he heard a loud noise, and turned his head to see the Loch Ness Monster diving from the watery depths, its gaping maw open wide and full of sharp teeth, arching right for him through the air.

"Oh my God!" he screamed, "Help me!"

The Loch Ness Monster froze in mid-air, right over the guy.  In the silence, a booming voice from Heaven said "Why did you ask me for help if you don't believe in me?

"Well heck," the man answered, "I didn't believe in the Loch Ness Monster either!"