Note: All banners are either to sites who kindly linked to me,
or are just plain cool. ^_^
And don't worry; all the links open in a new window.

Click here to visit Anime Inn




This site could not exist without the help of many.  I’ll just type them as I think about them, and I’m really tired, so I may not be overly coherent.  But it’s the thought that counts. ^_^


Firstly, I thank all of my wonderful friends, and not so wonderful friends J.  Especially, I am grateful to my closest friend of all, who knows who he is at this point.  I probably wouldn’t be around without you, man.  Many wouldn’t.  Life’s the most precious gift of all, and you practically gave that to me.  Words can’t express my gratitude.


To my big brother, well, I tell you so often how much you do for me that I bet you’re sick of it ;) so I’ll just give you your birthday present early.  You’ve saved me countless times.  Hope I’ve done the same for you.


Definite thanks to God for giving me life, artistic talent, and the ability to improve, which I do hope I start using better. ^_^  And to Jesus for giving me a chance at Heaven.  I’m so thankful it goes without saying.  Nature and happiness are the gifts that keep me going and make it all worthwhile.  You rock!

Anime Shack


Thank you Yahoo and Geocities, for making the page builder so easy to work with.  Just um… please at some point make it so I can copy and paste html codes within it; typing codes for hours just wasn’t fun. ^_^()


Big thank-you goes to for being such an awesome, coherent search engine.  You guys are courteous and easy to use, and are my #1 search engine to help me find sites, images, and inspiration.  Keep up the good work.


Also, thank you Add for giving me the opportunity to share my site, as well as the same service you extend to others.

Add Me!


And last, but certainly not least, THANK YOU for being here and contributing to this site.  It’s just as much yours as it is mine.  I’m so glad you’re here to read this, and hope you enjoy being in the Lair, in the way so many enjoy having their emotional strings pulled.  Once more, thank you.




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