Trunks Images
No, your eyes do not deceive you.  The pictures are posted as-is, not in thumbnail form.  This is because thumbnails just aren't as artistic, and clicking on things upsets the flow of imagery.  For those of you with slower connections, you can scroll to the bottom of the screen for some jokes or little stories.  Enjoy.
Hardened Heart, Softened Soul

A determined Mirai'no Trunks, fresh from the Room of Spirit and Time, emerges after rigorous training with his father.  His sanity, will-power, and physical strength had been pulled to their limits and beyond.  Somehow, however, his heart still beats pure and kind, and he never forgets who and what he fights for.

Young Blade

A strong aura of life energy surrounds the teenage warrior, who stands ready with his weapon, prepared to battle anyone or anything that threatens the innocent.

He is far older than his age, letting nothing stand in the way of his spirit's will.  Not even any weaknesses of his own body.
Swaying into Conflict

So accustomed to and skilled at combat, Trunks flows into readiness in a way that can only be described as poetic.

The artist of the doujinshi "Gracias" portrays him in all of his cool, suave grace, ready to deal with his enemy almost gently, with no blinding anger, only a sense of duty to his loved ones and a hint of sadness at the fact that he is destined to fight.
Pensive Thoughts

In the home of his young mother, Mirai'no Trunks lies in thought, much on his young mind.  The battle with the Jinzoningen and Cell looms ahead, and his horrific childhood and cruel time in the Room hovers behind, woven into his being.  The pain and hardship show in his eyes.
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Return to Lair Entrance

When the patrolman saw the man speed past, he pulled him over and asked for his license and registration.

"I lost my license after  my fifth DWI," the guy replied calmly.  "I'll give you the registration, but don't freak out when I open the glove box because I've got a couple of guns in there.  And if you search the car, don't be surprised if you find some drugs and illegal aliens in the trunk."

Alarmed, the cop called for backup.  Moments later a SWAT team swept down on the car.  The driver was handcuffed as the team searched the vehicle.

"There's no drugs or guns in this car, buddy," the SWAT leader said to the driver.

"Of course not," the man replied.  "And I suppose that cop told you I was speeding too."

                                                                                                               -Darrell Elmore