("It's Raining Men" by The Weather Girls play in the background)

Announcer: And now, after an eight year hiatus, we now have the great reviewers with "Men on ThunderCats Fanfiction" Blane: Hello! I'm Blane Edwards
Antwon: And I'm Antwon Maryweather
Both: And welcome to Men on ThunderCats Fanfiction
Blane: The show that reviews fanfiction of ThunderCats by many idolizing fans.
Antwon: From a male point of view.

(turns to Antwon)

Blane: Antwon, why don't you introduce the sponsor.
Antwon: I sure will, hon.

(Antwon reaches over to get his prop while Blane checks out his ass.)

Antwon: Tonight's sponsor is provided by "Nuts And Honey".
Blane: What did you say?
Antwon: Nutin' Honey!
Blane: I bet I couldn't eat more than just one.
Antwon: I bet I could!
Blane: The first fanfic we will review is "Night At the Galaxy" by Robert Silvers.
Antwon: This one is about Mumm-Ra creating a club with characters from Project A-Ko, Tekken, Sailor Moon & Final Fantasy 7, wrestling with to familiar felines, Cheetara and Pumyra. I'll say this, I wish I would be wrestling that big mummy in the mud!
Blane: I second that!

Antwon: Next fanfic we will review is "The Power is Mine" by Casca. This time, The Planeteers try to each the ThunderCats a lesson in recycling, but end up in a steamy orgy. My favorite part was when Wheeler was with Tygra and Ben Gali.
Blane: You tell me! I wish I was Wheeler. I'd be teaching those two a thing or two about lust!

Antwon: Our next fanfic we will review is "The Kittens are Restless" by Raven.

Blane: Now for our next fanfic to review: Seth Triggs' "The Scandal". In this one, Pumyra crosses the species barrier and falls in love with Jackalman.
Antwon: If you ask me, I think Pumyra is a slut.
Blane: If you ask me, I wish I was Pumyra.
Antwon: Why?
Blane: So I could fuck Jackalman.

(Antwon breaks out a hand-held fan.)

Antwon: I sure is hot in here!
Blane: You are so right!

Antwon: Our next story we will review is "ThunderCat Saiyins" by Xahji.
Blane: This story is about Vegita from Dragon Ball Z, terrorizing New Thundera for its Dragon Balls.
Antwon: What do you think of Vegita?
Blane: I think he's a little small. I like to see what's under his armor, if you know what I mean.
Antwon: I think I do.
Blane: Next story we will review is "The Morning" by CATS & Tracy (AKA: Cheezey).
Antwon: My favorite scenes are the one where they show the men showing affection for each other. Oh, all those men! So many, many men. No one to show affection, but each other. This one made me hot!
Blane: Hold the phone Antwon! There are women in that story!
Antwon: Well screw me in the morning and then just walk away!
Blane: It's true!
Antwon: Well, read it again and you tell me who is who!
Blane: Well read it without me!
Antwon: Blane? Don't get so mad.

(Antwon holds Blane's hand.)

Blane: Well... okay, I won't get mad.
Antwon: Good.

Blane: And now, our next story we will review is Xahji's "Shopping for a Bride".
Antwon: Roseanne with a mail-order bride service? Give me a break!
Blane: I second that. If there is one thing I like to order from Roseanne is to order her to shut up!

Antwon: Next one on the lest is "Be My Valentine" by Tracy Butler (AKA: Cheezey)
Blane: I only like the scenes where Mumm-Ra was showing affection to his enemy, Lion-O. What pleasure! What passion! Instead of beating the enemy, he began loving the enemy, what a commitment! What a man!
Antwon: You tell me. I'd like to see how stiff Mumm-Ra's stiff could last when I have my hands on it!
Blane: Thirty minutes.

Antwon: And now, our final fanfic we will review is "Skeletons in the Closet(Gravediggin)" by Seth Triggs.
Blane: This is the sequel from "The Scandal" and he really did improve on this one!
Antwon: Pumyra & Jackalman getting married didn't strike me interesting, but the scene where Ben Gali & Tygra came out of the closet was inspirational! There they are, describing in full detail about how much they love each other! I love those two! Brothers in the battlefield and in bed they are. This is the best fanfic story I have ever read in my life.
Blane: Mine too, so we will be giving the new-and-improved...
Both: The Triangle snap!

(They snap their fingers to left, then to the north, then to the right in one motion.)

Antwon: Well, that is all for tonight. Stay tuned next week when we review "Who 'dat is?"(That is just Willa's baby's daddy!)" by Seth Triggs.
Blane: Three words... "Vi.. a... gra"! That's it.

Both: BYE!!!!

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