~*~Sartoria Avs & Things~*~
~*~Sartor & kalana_S~*~

This is a NCZ-NKZ-No Kill-No Capture Zone
Please bear with this girl as some links may be down
Warning..Please do NOT right click

Rooms by kalana

Av, Tours, Bgs by kalana


Sartor's Gorean HomeStone
~~Friends & Helpful Links~~

~~Av Page~~

Download the Tall & Wide Programs..unzip the ocx files to
Your vplaces games folder..
Drag the tall.ocx & wide.ocx files over the Regsrv32 icon..
Start Program from games list..
You will need Patchworx2 from theblackhand.net
to see the avs in your gallery
Wide Av Program

Tall Av Program