What a year. From September 2004 to May 2005, it's gone by so fucking fast, and I didn't take nearly enough pictures to depict it. Some adventures, uncaught on film:
first absinth encounter, Kyprios visiting Peterborough, running with Matt, Kris Kringle, Resident Evil 4, Snowboarding, biking, and that special lady in rez, who had for a few days my heart. ... Oh well, here's some pictures I do have:


I had, a lot of friends, back in Peterborough. I don't want to exagerate, but I had at least.. ten. Here are pictures of some of them.:

Amy and Whitney*- they are two very cool, older chicks who lived across the hall from me.

Some guy, Darren, Aries, and Julian*- Some people I went to dinner with once. Once, Aries found my keys after I got real smashed.

Shannon, Me, Matt and Julian*- Lived with Whitney & Amy, my roomate, and a smart guy from my course.

Marc*- My buddy Marc. He is a tall rocker who has cool hair.

Mattieu, with some of his friends*- Mattieu is like a role model to me. He's very smart and athletic.

My dog is still alive and kicking. I missed her when I was in Peterborough. Here is a shot of her at christmas time:


I came home, to find a job at Wendy's. (Picture later) I tried/failed to grow an onion from vines, took down a fence, and most recently pulled a chunk of cement from the muddy, muddy ground. There's also this , 'bird', thing, in my backyard, so here are some shots:

*Picures used without permission of people in pictures. Please contact me if you want to submit any photos to add to this page, or if you don't fucking appreciate me using your photo. Thank you.

knock knock.. whose there?