Below are listed some fun drinking games. I'll list how to play, how much alcohol required, and which one's I've witnessed or participated in.

The Bender:

While watching Futurama, every time the robot (Bender) is on the screen, take a shot. This can work for any cartoon character, or, every time a certain character talks (more drinking) or uses a particular phrase(less drinking). I've also heard of a James Bond version, where they say Bond and you say nothing, for you are all ready taking a shot. This could be done with beer or hard alcohol. I've never tried yet.

Drinking chess:

It's like regular chess, only every time you take an opponent's piece, you take a shot. I think whoever wins gets a couple shots. Sixteen pieces each, plus mabie four shots to the winner, you'll need a maximum of thirty-six shots, probaly less. Get something hard- 40% or stronger. I've only watched this game, sadly.

Drunken Karoke:

It's like karoke, only with alcohol involved. This can either go a lot better or worse than sober karoke. Depends on the situation, the singers, and the level of buzz (good or bad), on how this works out. I recommend a lot of alcohol, but that's just personal preference. Fortunately, I've only witnessed this atrocious act against humanity once.

Fire spinning:

You'll need a set of chains, some slow-burning, flammable material, and some flammable gas. Combined with alcohol, this could probaly be very dangerous. Try it sober first before trying to show off. I've barely done this sober, for such a short time it doesn't even count.

Hi-lo card game:

Can't remember, but I think you play with 21 cards. You try and predict whether the next card drawn is higher than the current card, lower, or same. Nice way to get drunk. Again, vodka. Again, I've done.


Simple enough rules: Every ten chips lost is two shots of your favourite brand. Since I'm bad at poker, I enjoy this game. I recommend a $35 bottle of vodka. I have, of course, gotten smashed this way.

more later.. if you know any other good ones, mail me. this are just a few that I've heard of/seen/participated in. Go to google and type in drinking games, you'll find millions.

There's an absinth bar in San Francisco. Here is it's site

Why are you still here? Go get smashed!