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You can do anything if you put your heart and mind into it.
Email Me (Laura): luv2run01@hotmail.com

Congrats guys....

Most Outstanding in XC - Jimmy Ridings
Most Oustanding in Track - Thomas Batson
Most Valuable in XC - Tim Mulherin
Most Valuable in Track - Jimmy Ridings
Best in Field Events - Thomas Batson
Best Sportsmanship in XC - Kurt Findlay
Best Sportsmanship in Track - Melvin Underwood

...and girls

Most Outstanding in XC - Laura Smith
Most Outstanding in Track - Kelly Knight
Most Valuable in XC - Amy Lia
Most Valuable in Track  - Laura Smith
Best in Field Events - Myisha Striggles
Best Sportsmanship in XC - Brooke Perryman
Best Sportsmanship in Track - Carrie Hobbs

Team News

I don't know how well I'll be able to keep the page up, kinda busy...but I'll do my best.
I'm trying to get the Schedule and Roster, if you want results, go to
Updated:  10/15//01
Tabb 2000 XC Team