yet practical new design, incorporating valve window and recessed control
positions offering maximum protection againsi damage and unwanted re-setting,
whilst remaining easily accessible.
2 x 50 Watt power amp featuring; Front Panel (per channel}: Volume control;
Presence control; Voicing switch. Rear Panel: Input jacks. Speaker output
jacks: Impedance selection switch: Voicing switch Jacks. 3 U rack 330
(D)mm. Weight /9 kg.
2 x 100 Watt power amp featuring; Front Panel (per channel}: Volume
control: Presence control; Voicing switch. Rear Panel: Input jacks;
Speaker output jacks; Impedance selection switch; Voicing switch jacks.
3 U rack 330 (D)mm. Weight 20.5 kg.
9100; 4 x EL 34. 2xECC83, 2x ECC81.
9200; 8 x EL 34, 2xECC83, 2xECC81.