
Netdecking can be a curse for regular DMO players, so I'm gonna try and give as much advice as I can on decks rather than making a finished product. If you like, I'll accept deck submissions that I think are good enough, and I'll format and post them on here for you. My email address is on the main page OR, if you see me on DMO, send me the code and I'll format it all myself. If you're looking to submit decks, I'd appreciate it to be about a style not already listed. Fun decks and competitive decks alike will be accepted. NOTE: The following decks were created BEFORE Magician's Force was added, unless they have a '*' next to their name.

The deck ratings will follow a tier system:
Tier 1: Decks that often win tournies, and are usually pretty cheap.
Tier 2: Decks that have a good chance to get into tourney finals in the right hands
Tier 3: Decks that can occasionally reach the finals, but are often just for fun
Tier 4: Decks that are staples of newbies, and have little support
Tier 5: Badly constructed decks that don't have a chance in hell of getting to the finals in a tourney (Like starter decks)

Featured Decks:
The Zombie Deck
The Gravekeeper's Deck
The Deckout Deck
The Destiny Board Deck

Character Themed Decks:
Please note these decks are only Semi-Competitive. They're generally not tournament material; technically, they're just fun decks.
Yugi Moto's Deck
Joey Wheeler's Deck
Mai Valentine's Deck
Mako Tsunami's Deck

The Joey deck has been redone, and every deck apart from Yugi's will be in a different style from the card-by-card thing.

Deck Reviews:
Jman567's E-Hero Deck
Sandibeach's Dark Deck
Taunts's Mucus Yolk Deck
Taunts's Equip Deck