
Deck Review #1

Hey! Welcome to the first deck fix on the site! I've been sent this deck by Jman567; It's a shadow E-Hero deck, focusing on quickly assembling an army of E-Heroes in your hand and whipping them out with polymerization. Let's have a look at the deck:


Wroughtweiler X3
Elemental Hero Avian X2
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix X2
Elemental Hero Clayman X2
Elemental Hero Bubbleman X2
Elemental Hero Sparkman X3
Elemental Hero Wildheart X3
Royal Magical Library X1

Elemental Hero Necroshade X2

Elemental Hero Bladedge X3


Pot of Greed X1
Graceful Charity X1
Monster Recovery X2
Polymerization X3
Skyscraper X1
Spark Blaster X1
Claw of Helmos X1
Fang of Critias X1
Legend of Heart X1
Seal of Orichalcos X1


Jar of Greed X3
Reckless Greed X1


And there's varios elemental fusions that I've not listed. As you can see, the point of the deck, is, essentially, to thin the deck and flood the field with fused elementals. The monster ratio is fine, and the speed is there. I don't have much experience with E-Hero decks, but I'll give it a shot:

The first thing I notice when I opened this deck is the lack of classic staples. Without these, and as much as I hate adding them, your deck will fall behind.
+1 Raigeki
+1 Harpie's Feather Duster
+1 Mirror Force
+1 Magic Cylinder
+1 Imperial Order
+1 Call of the Haunted
+1 Monster Reborn
+1 Snatch Steal
+1 Swords of Revealing Light

This brings us to 49 cards, so we need to cut down on a few.
-3 Jar of Greed
-1 Claw of Helmos
-1 Fang of Critias
-1 Legend of Heart
-1 Royal Magical Library

With over 40 cards, jar of greeds become useless. The three divine cards need something else but warriors to work with to become effective. The Library dosen't have anything to work with, so we'll remove that. Also,
-1 Seal of Orichalcos
-1 Spark Blaster

With Seal of Orichalcos, Skyscraper can't be played. By removing these divines we can now play non-divine games; you'll find much more challenging and fun games there. Spark Blaster is an incredibly situational card; there are cards that do the same effect but without the need of a certain E-Hero. That's a terrible dead draw and can break the synergy of your deck. Of course, we'll need some more speed drawing and searching power, so we'll add these to run through the deck quicker:
+1 Sangan
+1 Witch of the Black Forest
+1 Morphing Jar
+1 Cyber Jar
+1 Card Destruction

That'll allow us to get those vital E-Heroes much faster. Unfortunatly, polymerization does a poor job of fusing them together; there's only 3. We'll add:
+1 Fusion Sage
+2 Magician of Faith

The MoFs let use recycle the used polys over and over again. As we add more cards, you'll relise that It's much more effective to have a smaller pool of E-Heroes so you can draw those you need better:
-1 Elemental Hero Bubbleman
-2 Elemental Hero Wildheart
-2 Elemental Hero Bladedge

Monster Recovery is a risky dead draw, so we'll remove them. You will rarely get to use it's effect to your advantage.
-2 Monster Recovery

Finally, our fusions will be quite vunerable on the field, so we'll add 3 classic counter cards
+1 Magic Jammer
+1 Seven Tools of the Bandit
+1 Solemn Judgement

That leaves us at 44 cards. We'll finally take out:
-1 Wroughtweiler
As it's quite situational. That's 43 cards, in the safe zone. Final deck code:

Thanks Jman567 for that deck!