
Card 7: Magic Drain
Type: Counter
You can activate this card when your opponent activates a Spell Card. Your opponent can discard 1 Spell Card from his/her hand to negate the effect of this card. If your opponent does not, negate the activation of the Spell Card of your opponent and destroy it.

Magic Drain, IMO, is simply the smart guy's Magic Jammer. They're losing a spell card either way (Cards you DON'T want to be usually losing). If you haven't already go check out my article on card advantage; this is the significant edge this card has over it's cousin. Instead of being a 2-1 advantage in cards to your opponent like Magic Jammer (You lose MJ and the discarded card, they lose the negated card) this is a 1-1 (You lose MD, they lose the negated card/the spell they used to negate MD) - And we all know how important card advantage is in the current metagame.
The only obvious drawback to this card is the unreliability; what if they DO have a useless spell card they don't need in their hand, and they're activated a staple spell card? This is a situation that's usually only seen in newbie-intermediate level play, since pros will make all their cards count. If you really want to be sure, and need the protection, run this and MJ, but otherwise I prefer this one.

+ Chainable
+ 1-1 CA
+ Negates spells
+ Unrestricted

- Unreliable
- Possible Dead Draw

Pretty much a semi-staple.

Rating: 7/10