
Card 8: Royal Command
Type: Continuous
Negate the activation and effects of all Flip Effect monster's effects.

Another trap; and one that I've almost never seen. This guy is useful for maximizing situations when you're on the offence (But has a large possibility of being a dead draw when you're on the defence), by negating all flip effects, such as cyber jar's. It is quite vunerable, but actually has some good potential.
It can be combo'd with some other restrictive cards (King Tiger Wanghu, The Last Warrior From Another Planet etc) to make a fierce lockdown, forcing the opponent to destroy your monsters or M/Ts before continuing. Combine this with Magic Drain/Magic Jammer/Seven Tools/IO to further strengthen this potential. Also, be careful; it affects both players.

+ Restricts Comebacks
+ Combo Potential
+ Useful for stalling

- Effects Both Players
- Vunerable
- Dosen't fit in all decks

I'm afraid this card can't work in EVERY deck, so it isn't a staple; but when you can fit it in, it could be one of the the most annoying lockdowns for you're opponent.

Rating: 6.5/10