Alright everyone, here it is! The latest misadventures of Artemis-tachi. Major character developments and setting up for important future conflict are all in store in this chapter.  AND I’m breaking out the super expensive special effects, too! One last little note: All dialogue in Japanese (or any other ‘foreign’ language…) are in “<>”. Anytime characters speak telepathically, it’ll be in ‘Blah-de-dah…’ . Spirits, full akuma, tenshi and etc. have dialogue that looks like this: “Blah-blah…”  And now that I’ve said that, we shall leave you all to the fic. Enjoy!


Part 4: A Clockwork Plum


            Snowflakes swirled in the frigid air, dancing around like crystallized moonlight around the newly bloomed plum blossoms. The ground was white with deep snowy blankets, making the gently sloping hillside resemble a newly frosted cake decorated by a marzipan house and sugar dusted pines.

            “<Let me put your mittens on, Yogen.>” Hitomi said gently, sliding the thick woolen mitts onto his tiny hands.

            “<Hurry up, oneechan!>” He chirped, hopping down from his mother’s lap and standing over a ten year old, green-eyed girl who was pulling on her new pair of snow boots.

            “<Ready!>” They ran out the door giggling.

            “<Now remember to stay with your father.>” Their mother called from the door. “<And don’t be out too late.>”

            “<Don’t worry, dearest.>” Dr. Ankoku smiled toward his wife, his emerald eyes twinkling. “<We’ll be back by dinnertime.>” As they started walking down the hillside,  Yogen races ahead to chase the glittering snow as it fell. Suddenly, his trips over a jagged rock, tumbling head over heels to the bottom of the hill.

            “<Musuko!>” Immediately, Ankoku race to his side, and carefully scoops his son up.

His sister stands there, staring in shock at the thin red trail in the snow. She barely notices as her father rush toward the house, and in a daze, stumbles after them. The next few moments are a blur as Yogen is taken to his room and his father attends to the deep gash on his leg while Hitomi tenderly comforts her injured son. Finally, after a few more words of comfort, they leave him to rest.

Timidly, his sister creeps into the room. “<Yogee-chan?>”

“<Yes, sissy?>” He said quietly, sitting up.

“<Are…are you gonna be okay?>”

“<I think so,>” He looks at his bandaged ankle uncertainly. “<But dad says I can’t go out and play for awhile.>”

“<That’s okay.>” She sits on the bed next to him. “<I’ll stay inside and keep you company.>”

“<But what if the snow all melts away?>”

“<It’s not any fun without you, ototochan.>” She smiles softly, then wraps her arms around his neck in a tight hug. At last, she pulls away. “<Now go to sleep so you can get better and then we’ll go out and build the biggest snow fort ever!>”

“<Okay, oneechan!>” He grinned happily. “<Komban wa.>”

“<Komban wa, Yogen.>”


~~~ 11 years later…


Moonlight pours across the treetops, illuminating a young woman with gleaming emerald eyes. It trickles over her raven black hair making look as though she has silvered streaks through her bangs. She leans against the windowsill with a drink in one hand, letting a soft summer breeze rustle the loose fabric of her bathrobe.

“Rinnu?” Gently, a hand slides up her arm and rests on her shoulder.

“What have you done to him?” She hears the rustle of feathers as he sighs heavily.

“I don’t want a fight tonight.”

“Damn it!” The drink sloshes over her fingers as she slams the glass down. “We wouldn’t fight if you’d just tell me the truth!”

            Rinnu…” He wraps his arms about her waist, burying his face in her hair. “It had to be done. I’m…I’m sorry, but if you both remained together they would have hunted you down and killed you…or worse. I couldn’t let that happen, Rinnu!”

            She pulls out of his embrace and turns, glaring up into the cloudy, pale blue-within-blue eyes. “You didn’t have to go that far! He would have been perfectly fine with Sigmund watching after him! You didn’t need to take away his memories…his childhood…” Rinnu collapsed against his chest, sobbing uncontrollably. Janus rocks her back and forth, whispering soothingly into her ear.

            “It’ll be alright, baby, don’t cry.”  His lips never moved as he spoke, wiping the tears from her face. “We have a long night ahead of us. You don’t want look unprofessional, do you?”

            She shook her head and went to get dressed.




            “How do I look?” Artemis stepped out of the bathroom and looked hopefully at his roommate. He had on an iridescent blue-black shirt over a vibrant red tee-shirt.

            “Like you’re about to go on a hot date.” Ara snickered. “Turn around.”

            Obediently, he did so, proving that Artemis was one of those people who had the right to wear skintight pants in public.

            “Mmmm…” Ara slide up behind him and wrapped his arms around Artemis’ waist. “Maybe you should just ditch Pinky and stay with me tonight.”

            “Sorry,” He squirmed, trying to remove the over amorous boy. “But I can’t do that.”

            “Fine then. How about making her wait for…oh, twenty minutes or so?” Ara purred, nibbling his earlobe. “I’m sure she won’t mind being ‘fashionably’ late…”

            “I said NO.” Shoving him away firmly, Artemis walked out into the hallway.

            ‘Damn! Oh well, at least I tried…’ He sighed and leaned out the door. “Sorry about that. Have fun, Arty.”

            “Yeah, I’ll be sure to.” As he reached the stairs, Artemis turned and added. ‘Ara, stay out of trouble.’

            “Trouble? Who? Me?” He glanced around innocently. “Why Arty! I am hurt that you would think that I would engage in any unsavory activities! I happen to be a perfect little angel.”

            He narrowed his eyes at him. ‘Angel my ass. Just don’t burn down the school, okay?’

            “Okay, okay. I’ll be a good boy.”

            ‘Why don’t I believe you?’

            “Jeez, just trust me, okay?”

            “Alright…” Artemis said reluctantly. “See you later.”

            “Bye.” He watched as Artemis disappeared down the stairs, then closed the door slowly. Ara leaned back, smiling evilly.




            A motorcycle sped through the balmy night, racing around the twisting mountain road at a breakneck pace.

            ‘Do you see him yet?’  Rinnu asked, leaning into a hairpin curve.

            “No, not…YES!  He just broke through the barrier and…”

            There was a massive explosion as a sickly-yellow ball of fire screamed through the air and hit the ground in front of  her, making the gravels bubble into molten sludge.

            “That was just a taste of my power, swine!” Snarled the hooded young man. “There’s plenty more were that one come from.” He menacingly waved his hands as he glared down at her, making them glow with yellow flame.

            “You shouldn’t have done that, boy.” Rinnu growled, stepping off her cycle. “It’s not nice to throw things.”

            “Stupid bitch! Do you think you can challenge me?! Lord Nero Morsficaré, Master of Death itself?! I am he whose name inspires FEAR with its mere mention. I…” 

            She sighed. “Geez…What is it with dark wizards and calling themselves ‘Lord’-this or ‘Master’-that? It’s just so fucking annoying!”

            “Well,” Nero thought a moment. “Its all for effect really. Can’t go around terrorizing the masses with a name like ‘Percy’ or ‘Neville’ now, can I?  Besides, it’d lack the dramatic impact.”

            “Hm!” She snickered nastily. “And here I always thought it was because you were over-compensating for having a small dick…”

            “A small WHAT?!!!!” He bristled furiously. “Okay, just for that, YOU DIE! <Firebolt Dance!!!> (1)” The boy reared back and let loose a barrage of fireballs. As the smoke cleared, Nero smiled in satisfaction at the large burn make on the road. “Heh..”

            “Oí! Up here, smartass!”

            “Huh?!” Staring up in shock, Nero saw that she was now floating right over his head. ‘How could she have cast a flight spell fast enough to dodge that?!’

            “Now that, my dear boy, is a secret. <WaruWaru bleeD!>” With a flick of her wrist, Rinnu lobbed hundreds of tiny green fireballs toward him.

            Sheild!” He barely had time to put up a shield, and he was still flung back a good ten feet. Groggily, Nero got to his feet. “How…how…DARE YOU! <Venom Kiss!>” The silhouette of an immense serpent appear before him and lunged at Rinnu.

            “<holy blade.>” Out of nowhere, dazzling ribbon of white light appeared and sliced the shadow snake in half.

            Hello, Nero.”  Hovering lazily along side Rinnu was an imposing seraphim(2) in gold mail and a blazing blue and white tabard.

“Kismet!!!” Nero snarled fearfully.

“Took you long enough.” Rinnu grumbled.

“Sorry, hun .” Janus looked at her sheepishly. “I  thought you’d like to handle this yourself.”  He turned his blank, glacial blue eyes to the boy. “Now, I think you’ve done enough damage for one night young man. You’ll have to come with us.”

He smiles evilly and raises his hands high above his head. “This is far from over, Kismet…”

“<Dark Evasion"GO!"!>” A blinding flash of darkness engulfs Nero. When it clears, the boy is gone.




“Is this the right house?” Artemis asked. “There doesn’t seem to be anyone home.

“I think so.” Lucky chewed her lip.

They stood on the porch of a sprawling manor. Ivy hung down the walls and rusted ironwork in clumps, writhing in the breeze like dark green snakes. The windows were dark and patinaed with age. The place looked as though no one had lived there for years.

Cautiously, Artemis reached out for the doorknob. Suddenly, it opened, playing a little tune like a music box. They look at one another, then tentatively step inside.

They say one can’t judge a book by its cover. If that is the case, then this place is a classic example.

Instead of the musty, cobweb-ridden foyer of some cheesy horror flick, the hall was grand and very well-kept. The walls were paneled from the floor to the ceiling with rich dark wood. An intricate tile mosaic covered the floor right to the foot of the massive staircase, depicting a featureless person wearing a lab coat and ridiculous goggles working a vaguely humanoid machine. The entire room was cheerily lit by a massive chandelier made up of  brilliantly polished brass and iron arms which pulled and twisted long thin chains of crystals to create dazzling patterns of light all around.

“Wow!” Lucky gasped. “No wonder the outside looks so bad…They must have spent all their money on the interior decorator!”

“A-actually, my mother’s t-the one who decorated. She…she al-always loved doing this sort of thing.”

“Donny-kun!” She promptly glomps the willowy half-elf, nearly knocking him over.

“Ni-nii-nice to see you too, Lucky.” Donovan manages to gasp, then he looks over at Artemis. He blinks in amazement. “E-excuse, but do I know you?”

“Uh, no. I don’t we’ve ever met before. I’m Artemis.” He paused, then hastily added. “Lucky’s friend.”


“Donovan Albright.” Artemis blurted, nodding.

Donovan blinked again. “How did you do that.”

“Don’t worry about, Donny.” Lucky chirped. “So, where the heck is everybody?”

“Uh-upstairs, in the drawing room.”

“Well, what are we standing around here for! Let’s go and join them!” With that, she bounded up the stairs.

Artemis starts to follow, but Donovan stops him.

“I want to know how you knew my name.” His voice was strange and quiet.

“I…I don’t know.” Artemis shrugged. “I probable just read you for it.”

“That’s quite an amazing trick, considering it’s next to impossible for a human to read an elven mind.”

“Yes, but you’re only half-elven. You’re mother was human.”

“<How did you know that?!>” Donovan snarled quietly in Low Elven (3).

‘<Lucky guess.>’ Artemis brushed past him and went on upstairs, leaving Donovan confused and frustrated.




“…And then the little bastard...”

“Miss Ankoku…” Sigmund gave her a rather stern look.

“Sorry.” She slumped down further into the chair. “The boy used some sort of darkness spell and fled into the Shade realms so we couldn’t follow him.”

“But are you sure it was… Morsficaré?”

Yes, sire.” Janus was now human again, with the exception of a pair of wings on his back. “I can never forget that face…”

Sigmund stood and nervous fumbled with his pipe. “Why would he show up in Southwestern Virginia of all places?! I was under the impression that he worked only along the West Coast.”

“Guess he got tired of terrorizing surfers…” 

Or maybe he’s been hired to attack someone here at the Academy.”

 “You don’t think he’s after my son, do you?”

“No, sir…” Janus’ face was an expressionless mask. “But it may be wise to increase the security, at least until we’ve found out what Morsficaré is after.”

“Are you sure Charlie’s alright?”

“Ah, he’s perfectly fine!” Rinnu quipped, yawning. “He’s safe at Al-…”

Janus quickly cut in. “Asleep in his room, no doubt. That’s all we have to report, Nev. May we be go now?”

She opened her mouth to speak, but shut it when the angel glared at her.

Sigmund absently nodded, chewing worriedly at the end of his pipe.

As soon as they walked out of the bronze doors, Rinnu rounded on Janus.

“Why the hell wouldn’t you let me tell him that Charlie’s at the Albrights?! You told him about the party, didn’t you?”

“Well…yes, but…” The wings twitched uneasily. “I told him they’d be back before curfew.”

“Sweetie, I hate to break it to you, but they’ve missed curfew by an HOUR AND A HALF!”

“But curfew’s at ten, isn’t it?”

“No, that’s St. Joan’s curfew. Lazarus’ is 8:30.”

“Heh-he…Silly me!” He grinned nervously.

“Honey, you wouldn’t by any chance have told Marlin about this…”


She sighed in relief. “Good. If he found out, that lunatic have Charlie handcuffed to him.”

            “I hope he uses a pair with padding(4)…”

            “What do you mean by that?”

            “Because he is…or should I say, was standing right behind you.”


            She turned around just in time to see the sergeant rushing for the stairs.

            “Dammit to hell!” Rinnu started after him, but Janus held her back.

            “Let him go, Rinnu. I’m sure he won’t do any harm.”


~To be continued…




            Oooh…don’t you just hate cliff hangers? Sorry, but I couldn’t help ending this chapter like that. My mind’s gone wandering off somewhere, again… *Sigh* I think it’s in J.K. Rowling-land at the moment.  NE way, there are some notes for this chapter, so here we go:


  1. All spells are cast in Celestial, the language spoken by True Dragons, greater astral beings, tenshi, akuma, and wizards/espers of great power or rank. It’s supposed to be in  symbols, but I think the Symbol font might not show up on
  2. Seraphim are the highest ranking class tenshi (angel) with a serpents body and three pairs of wings. Janus, however, has the upper torso of a man and only one pair of wings. Future events will reveal why he’s like this, but that’s all I’m gonna say about that.
  3. Spoken in Low Elven, the common language of all elves and half-elves. It’s easier to learn than the more complicated High (or Archaic) Elven, which is rarely spoken but does appear in often in ancient spell-books and texts. Even so, it’s nearly impossible  to find anyone without  elven blood who  can speak Low Elven.
  4. Ooooh…looks like we’ve got one kinky angel here.


[Looking over the notes.] Man, they seem to be a bit long this time. It’s the perfectionist in me, I guess. Well, that concludes this installment of DL. Until the next fic,


