Gomen nasai for the wait. I never thought there’d be as much homework in college as I’ve been getting.  Anyway, I finally got the nerve to break out the lemon! {And the crowd cheers!} And the main villain for this whole fic will make its début. {Silence.} Yeah, I know all of you have been keeping up with DL for the plot. Of course you were. No hentai fan girls (or boys) here. Just peps interested in some good amateur, anime-inspired literature. Yep, we sure are… {The authoress promptly falls out of her chair laughing.} Sorry. Please don’t take this intro too seriously. It’s under the influence of exam burn-out, caffeine, and my warped sense of humor. Okay, I’ll stop making an ass of myself and let you get on to the story now.


Part 5: The Lemon Song (1)


            Seated upon a throne of smoky quartz suspended in oily darkness, a figure waits slumped in the heavy, shredded white folds of a  kimono that was once fit for an emperor. Its face is hidden by a tangled curtain of stark white hair which bears two jet black streaks in the front. Floating all around the throne are rows upon rows of masks, some surreally beautiful, others hideously monstrous, wrought in all manner of materials from rough-hewn wooden to intricately twisted gold wire to delicate eggshell porcelain. One stands out from them, hovering just above the figure’s head. The eyes are closed and it is totally white except for the painted black lips and the elaborate pattern of spirals and curls covering the left side of it.

            Unexpectedly, a circle of light appears before the throne. Kneeling at the center is an elven sage with long steel-gray hair. In a sharp contrast to the figure, he is richly dressed in Medieval style court attire.

            Slowly, the mask opens its eyes and looks coldly down upon the man. “Ah, Lord Gaileon, this is quite a pleasant surprise! What brings you to my realm? Have you come to grovel and take still more of my power?”

            “No…no, your grace!” Gaileon croaked. “I’ve come to inform you…”

            “That Nero has failed?” The mask smiles. “I don’t need a worthless peasant like you to tell me something that obvious. Such a setback was inevitable considering he was the only one with his mind on the mission.”

            “So…you already know Geist has disappeared again.”

            “Yes…” The mask drawled. “And I know exactly why he ran off.”

            Gaileon looked up at the mask as if to speak, but he remained prudently silent.

            “He’s on a date, Gaileon.”

            “A…a what?!” The news took the old elf by surprise.

            “Don’t act like you didn’t know about the boy, Gaileon. They’ve been together for quite some time now. It’s a pity they don’t have more time to see each other lately, so it isn’t surprising he decide to take the night off.”

            “But, your grace! Geist has cost us valuable time and is jeopardizing our plans!”

            “Are you suggesting I punish Geist-san merely because he decided to go see his lover instead of going through with some carelessly put together vendetta of your making? Must I make others needlessly suffer because that bastard nephew of yours was publicly humiliated by Sigmund’s son?”

            “Vialian has nothing to do with this, your grace.”

            “Is that so? How odd,” The mask seemed to sneer. “I do not remember giving the order to kill that young man. Unless I’m wrong, and I am never wrong(2), I specifically instructed you not to even touch Charlie. Now, you tell me why Morsficaré has the intention of bringing his head back to you on a platter.”

            “This…this is preposterous! Sir, I’d never knowingly go against your orders!”

            “SILENCE!” Gaileon is sent flying backwards as if struck by a cannonball. “I will not stand for your lies, swine! Call off Morsficaré.”

            “But, sir…”

            “CALL HIM OFF, GAILEON, OR ELSE…” The mask paused suddenly, its enraged grimace fading into a gentle smile. “No, wait. Keep the mongrel here a little longer. I have a most interesting use for him.”

            “What is you command, sir?”

            “I haven’t decided yet. Just tell him to back off for the time being. You are dismissed, Gaileon.”

            “As…as you wish, m’lord.” The circle of light fades away with the elf.



            The music blared as people milled around the room dancing and chatting. It wasn’t a very large party, maybe about twenty or so friends and relations, but Charlie was thoroughly enjoying himself. He was standing near the wall, engrossed in a lively conversation with Sara, Cassandra, and a lovely girl from St. Joan’s, Lorelei. Suddenly, Sara looked toward the door.

            “Hey! Ain’t that the birthday girl?” She grinned and waved her arms. “Oi! Lucky-chan! Over here!”

            “Sara!” They raced to each and hugged. “How you been, girl?”

            “I’m doin’ fine! I’ve just been hanging with Lorie and one of my best buds from school. Let me introduce you. That’s Cassie,” She points out the elven girl, adding. “She’s Donnie’s girl friend.”

            “Sara!” Cassandra’s face went bright red. “We’re…we’re just friends.”

            “Sure you are…” She giggled and put Charlie into a friendly headlock. “And this is Charlie.”

            “You grow up with Artemis, right?”

            “Uh-huh.” Charlie nodded after Sara let go of him.

            Lucky hummed, then looked him dead in the eye. “He’s straight, right?”


            “Well,” Sara rolled her eyes. “That was subtle, Lucky.”

            “Oh, like you won’t have asked the same thing!” She smiled sweetly at him. “Not that it matters or anything, but…well, you know.”

            “Actually, I really don’t…” Charlie felt his face burning.

            “Now, now, Lucky.” Lorelei step forward. “Just because you have a crush on him doesn’t mean you can put Charlie on the spot like this.”

            “Lemme guess; you brought Artemis along, right?” Sara was grinning ear to ear.

            “Yeah. Rinnu let us borrow her car and he drove over here. Not that I couldn’t have driven myself, but he insisted, saying that since it was my birthday, I should just sit back and relax. He even took the back way so I could watch the stars come out.” Lucky sighed dreamily. “He is such a sweetheart.,”

“Oh, so that explains why you got here so late!” Sara chuckled with a wink.

With that, they all started laughing. But Charlie didn’t join them. He quietly walked out onto the terrace, tears stinging in his eyes. It had never occurred to him that Artemis would end up with someone else. Not that he didn’t think Lucky was a nice person or anything. He had always thought that Artemis would stay with him and maybe…maybe he would… Charlie sighed and put his head in his hands.



            Artemis walked into the drawing room, quickly glancing around for Lucky. It didn’t take too long to find her.

 She was standing near the back of the room, gossiping merrily with a small group of girls. He walked over to her.

“Ah, you finally decided to show yourself!” Lucky grinned as she hugged his neck and quickly introduced him.

“So you’re the elusive Artemis we’ve been hearing so much about.” Sara mused.

. “I touched that Lucky’s already told you about me.” Artemis smiled

She giggled. “Nope! Charlie did. Why, he’s always talking about what a great, good-looking guy you are.”

His face pinkened. “He…he has?”

“Yeah.” Sara grinned with pleasure. “In fact he’s here right now, standing out on the veranda.”

“He is?!” Quickly, Artemis turned to Lucky. “You…uh, don’t mind if I go talk to him for a bit, do you?”

“…no. Not at all.” As soon as he had disappeared out the French-doors, Lucky shot Sara a nasty little look. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Nuthin’” She tried to look innocent, but kept grinning in spite of herself. “I just thought we might take this opportunity to found whether or not Arty-kun’s interested, if you know what I mean…”

“Are you suggesting that I ought to stand at the door and listen in on them?”

“No,” Sara flashed her a toothy smile. “I’m saying that we should stand at the door and listen.”

“I should’ve known you’d do something like this…” Lucky sighed. “Alright, let’s get this over with.” They hide themselves near the door.



The night was still except for the soothing gurgle of water splashing in a fountain in the garden below. Charlie gazed up at the stars, deep in thought.

“Charlie?” A hand gently touched him on the shoulder.

He looked over his shoulder. “What are you doing out here?”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

“I…just wanted to get some air.”

“You’re lying, Charlie…” Artemis leaned against the railing beside him. “What are you upset about?”

“I’m not upset about anything.”

“I know you, Charlie. You’re the kind of person who just loves to be around people. Now tell me what’s wrong.”

“Nothing’s wrong.” He answered with a huff.

“It’s about Lucky, isn’t it?”

Charlie was about to snap ‘no’, but stopped when he saw the smugly convinced look on Artemis face. “I hate it when you do this.”

“I’ll take as a ‘yes’.” All he got was another huff. Artemis sighed. “Look Charlie, I was just trying to be nice. She is a friend, and only a friend. Trust me, my relationship with Lucky is, and always will be, strictly platonic.”

“I bet.”

His mouth narrowed. “What’s gotten into you? I’ve never seen you this jealous before.”

“I am not being jealous!” Charlie barked, blushing. “Its just…just that I don’t think she’s right for you. Lucky’s a really nice girl and all, but I……” His voice trailed off into a sigh. “Listen,” he said after a brief pause. “I really sorry.”

“For what?” He answered, not looking over at him.

“Making an ass of myself and getting mad over nothing.”

Artemis nodded absently, staring off into the distance.

For what seem like an eternity, they stood side by side, gazing out across the unkempt little garden with its white-washed, ivy-covered gazebo, mossy statues, and dewy flowers glittering in moonlight.

Gently, Artemis reached over and took his hand. “Charlie…”


 “There’s something I have to tell you. I…” He paused, mulling something over. “We’ve been close ever since we were kids.” There was a nervousness to his voice. “Hell, you’re almost like my brother, but not really…” Artemis squeezed Charlie’s hand slightly. “This is hard for me to say…”

“Then you don’t have to…”

“No.” It came out almost as a growl. “I can’t wait another day, Charlie. If I keep this to myself any longer, I’m going to go insane!” Artemis looked deeply into his soft hazel eyes. “I love you.”

“I know that.” Charlie laughed softly. “You don’t have to be so dramatic about it.”

“You don’t understand. I love more than that…”

“You mean that you …you want me…” Charlie blushed and stood there too amazed to say anything else.

“I’m sorry…” Artemis croaked, backing away. “This isn’t the time or place to have told you that and I am so sorry. Just forget I even brought it up.” With that, he turned and started to walk away.

A pair of arms wrapped around Artemis’ waist to stop him. “Wait.”  Charlie nuzzled the back of his neck, burying his face into the soft fabric of his shirt. “I didn’t mean to say it like that. It’s just that you caught me off-guard, Artemis. You rarely come out and say what you’re feeling.”

“Well,” He turned around so that they were facing each other. “What exactly did you expect?”

“I don’t know. I guess sending one of your poems or maybe you’d sneak out one night, stand under my window and serenade me or something romantic like that.”

Artemis smiled, softly blushing. “You really give me more credit than I deserve.”

“I really don’t think that’s possible, Arty.” 

“So, you really don’t mind, then?”

“Mind what?”

“That, well…” Artemis shifted from foot to foot. “We’re both guys and I just came out and said that I want to sleep with you.”

Charlie looked at him funny. “And why should that bother me? It’s not like I haven’t been making passes at you for the last three years. Geez, Artemis, didn’t you notice all those subtle hints?”

“Ah… that explains those little things…like all the NC-17 fiction that mysteriously ended up on my hard drive.” He smirked. “That’s about as subtle as an atom bomb, Charlie.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Came to oh-so innocent coo. “Besides, some of those poems you kept stashed under your mattress aren’t very subtle either…”

Artemis’ face was now the same color as his shirt. “You…you read those…”

“Uh-huh. I found them last spring, when we had to share your room because of that little gremlin incident.” A coquettish(3) grin hung on his lips. “I especially liked the one involving ice-cream.”

“Oh…I had been wondering why you snicker every time I eat a Popsicle…” Artemis grumbled, trying to glare at the blonde, but he found himself laugh quietly  instead. Soon, they both were chuckling and snuggling close together.  “Where do we go from here, sweet child?” Artemis purred, nipping lightly at Charlie’s bottom lip.

“Mmmm…” He slid his hands over Artemis’ hips and gently squeezed his butt. “There are some empty bedrooms upstairs.”

“Oooh…you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear that, Charlie.” With devilish wink, Artemis put his arm around his waist and they strolled causally back through the crowded room and vanished up a flight of stairs at the end of the hall.



Gravel and dust flew as Marlin angrily threw the car into reverse and sped back down the road. He rarely made this trip, but ending up on the same dead-end road for the sixth time that night was just ridiculous. This was starting to look suspiciously like someone was trying to keep him from getting to the Albright’s house. But who would want to do that?

“Rinnu.”  He floored the accelerator, growling every obscenity he knew with one breath and counter-spells with the other. ‘She ought to know better than interfere at a time like this. Damn that woman! Surely she realizes that if Morsficaré has been ordered out here, he won’t stop until he has completed his mission…whatever it may be. There’s only one reason she’d pull a stunt like this…’ A small grimace curled his lip.

“If that long-haired son of a bitch has laid a finger on Charles, I’m going to…”



“…kill myself!” Lucky wailed, burying her face in her hands.

“Oh come! Don’t cry.” Sara grabbed a towel from the sink and dabbed at her eyes. “It’s not like you were married to him or anything.”

“I loved him! Do you hear me? I loved him.” The sobbing gradually turned to a cynical hiss. “And what does it get me? I’ll tell you – A big nothing! Men are like sponges! They take, take, take, and drain little girls of their love and emotions! Well, I’ve had enough!” She tugs down her shirt, ripping open the right shoulder. “He’s got to choose between me and that man-stealing bitch Charlie!”

“Okay, that’s the last time I’m taking you to see Rocky Horror…” Sara sighed. “Besides, if anyone’s a man-stealing bitch, it’s you, Lucky-chan.”

“Me? ME?! And just what exactly are you implying?”

“Uh, lets see…You’ve only known Arty for like a month, whereas Charlie’s lived eight friggin’ years with him! In the same house, probably sleeping down the hall from each other. Now, you and I both know that Nevin’s constantly at work, so those two must have spent an awful lot of ‘quality time’ together, if you catch my drift…”

Lucky huffed. “Well then why didn’t he ever just come out and tell me, huh?!”

“Maybe it’s the way you act whenever Ara and Martian are around…”

“Whoa! Hold it there. I happen to like Martian a lot and, honestly, Ara’d sleeps with anything. I have nothing against gay people…If I did, would I hang around you?” She sniffed unhappily. “It’s just that every guy I’ve ever had a crush on is either gay or has a girlfriend!”

“And let’s not forget Kaneda(3), the guy who raced his bike into that giant, fleshy tentacle demon…”

“Eww…Please don’t remind me! It still gives me nightmares. I’ll never be able to look at squid the same way after that.”

 “And to think, I always thought that sort of thing happened to token Japanese school girls(4) like you. But back to reality,” Sara draped an arm across her shoulders. “The solution to you’re problem is simple: Give up on men all together and become a lesbian. By doing so, you can also help out the environment! Go ahead, save a tree and eat a beaver!(5)

Shrugging off her arm, Lucky leaned against the sink. “I don’t think so…”

“Can’t say I didn’t try.” Gently, she took her by the hand. “Come on, Lucky. You can’t spend the rest your birthday crying in the bathroom. Besides, you might just meet Mister Right.”

“Oh yah, sure.” She hopped up and started out the door. “Like Prince Charming is going to come running down the hall and sweep me off my fee-”

 “OMPH!” Lucky crashed to the floor along with the guy who was running down the hall sprawled on top of her. For a moment, their eyes meet, green to green-gold stars.

Oh, shit!” Sara noiseless mouthed.

“Umm…eh…” Marlin quickly removed himself from that very compromising position and hopped to his feet. “Excuse me, miss. I didn’t see you coming out. Here,” He gently took her by the hand and pulled Lucky off the floor. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“Uh, I think so.” She smiled dumbly as she held out his sunglasses. “You…eh, dropped these.” 

“Oh God!” He hastily snatched them from her and shoved them back on. “I sometimes forget how disturbing my appearance is to people.”

“I don’t find you disturbing…You’re really ho…err, handsome.”

Marlin’s face turned a brilliant scarlet as he took off his glasses. “Thank you, Ms…umm, I didn’t get your name.”

“Oh! Gomen. I’m Kamiko Aino, but you can call me Lucky.”

“And I am Sergeant Marlin, but you may call me Marlin.”

They stood there for a moment, smiling softly and looking deep into each other’s eyes. Time seemed to stand still just for them as soft music played in the background and sparkling blossoms mysteriously began to waft and swirl in a gentle breeze around them.(6)

“Great.” Sara snorted, feeling vaguely nauseated by all the shojo bubbliness going on. “First Lucky’s swooning over Artemis and now she’s gah-gah over psycho-man here!” 

“Artemis?” Marlin snapped violently out of the shojo space, rounding on Sara. “Where is he? And, more to the point, where’s Charles?”

“Dammit! I know this would happen!” Lucky whined in defeat. “You’re Charlie’s boyfriend, aren’t you?”

“HUH?! No, I’m not!” He barked, freaking out. “His father ordered me to guard Master Charles, and he…err, well, snuck off (with some assistance it seems), so I came here to find him.”

“So, you’re not gay, just his bodyguard, right? No hanky-panky on the side?”

“My interest in Charles is strictly professional.”

“Are you single?” Lucky cooed hopefully.

“Yes…but that’s not important right now! I need to find Charles.”

“Oh, I don’t think you have worry too much about him at the moment.” Sara piped. “He vanished upstairs with Artemis a few minutes ago.”

“What?” He leveled an icy glare at the grinning red-head.

“Well, I think its safe to say that they’re going to be awhile.” Lucky hooked an arm around Marlin’s waist. “Why don’t you come and spend some time with me?”  She looked up at him with utterly heart melting puppy-eyes. “Pretty please?”

Marlin sighed, defeated. “Alright, since you insist.” With that, he meekly let the tiny lass lead him down the hall.

Meanwhile, Sara stood gaping in shock. “Well, I’ll be damned.”



{And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…the LEMON scene!}


Playfully dragging Artemis into the first room he came to, Charlie hurriedly stripped his lover’s shirts off and covered his face, neck, and shoulders in kisses.

Artemis pulled away, gently sliding his fingers across Charlie’s cheek as he took his glasses off. He let them go, leaving them hovering in the air a moment before they settled on the table. Leaning in close, his lips brushed lightly against the delicate skin of the boy’s ear whispering “Relax” as he pulled him closer.

There was a soft, inarticulate noise from Charlie as the taller boy ran his hands leisurely over his narrow hips and up under the loose shirt before tearing it off. He sweeps him up and onto the bed, hungrily licking and pawing at the soft, golden-tanned flesh.

“Easy! Easy!” Charlie gasps, pushing him back. “We’ve got all night, so go slow.”

“Sorry…I got carried away. He blushed. “Can I try something?”

Giggling, he consented, snuggling down into the thick, downy cushions. Charlie could feel Artemis’ weight shift so he was now laying on top of him, languorously running his hands down his collarbone and across the taut skin of his stomach.

Artemis undid Charlie’s pants and slides his hand down inside, stoking a cold hand over the sensitive member and eliciting a sharp gasp from the boy squirming underneath him. Shushing him softly, he strips him and continues to stroke and fondle Charlie, pressing warm, soft kisses all along his neck and face. He pauses just long enough to strip off his own pants before Charlie pulls him back on top of him in a deep, forceful kiss. As they kiss, they begin rocking and thrusting against each other as the heat builds between them.

“Arty…” Charlie pants, breaking off the kiss. He tries to say his name again, but it came out a hoarse groan as he arched against him. Gasping now, he claws Artemis’ back, pushing hard against him. The other growls softly in pain, lifting him up off the bed. Soon, they’re both lost in the throes of pleasure, heaving and moaning. Finally, satiated and dripping with sweat, they collapse back onto the mattress.

“Charlie?” Artemis sighs as he rolls over, still breathless.


Pulling the rumbled blanket around them, Artemis wraps his arms about the little honey blonde and cuddles up to him. “I love you.” He coos sleepily, nuzzling Charlie’s chin.

“I love you more.” Comes the drowsy reply, snuggling closer.

“Yeah, but I love you mostest.”

“Arty,” Playfully, he clamps a hand over his mouth. “Go to sleep.”

“O-*yawn *-kay.” Closing his eyes, he drifts off to sleep.

Smiling, Charlie watches the peacefully sleeping for a few moments before laying his head on Artemis shoulder and joining him in slumber.




Alright, so the lemony scene wasn’t all that good…but give ‘em time! One can’t just break out the kink on the first date, doncha’ know? NE-way, it’s really early in the morning (nearly 5 friggin’ a.m.!), so I’ll end by give you the notes for this chapter. Ja-na! V-chan


1.        The title has been unceremoniously lifted from a Led Zeppelin song, called “The Lemon Song.” If you’ve ever heard it, you’ll know why I picked it. If not, here’s a line from it:  ‘Squeeze my lemon/’till the juice runs down my thigh…’ Do I need to go any further? ^_^

2.        Can you tell I like Princess Bride?

3.        God help you if you recognize this name…but it does make the joke funnier.

4.        As illustrated by Explotation Now!,  a comic definitely not for the kiddies.

5.        An actual quote from my buddy, Lindsay. You meet strange folk in college…

6.        O.o?;;; I still don’t get how that works myself. Blame it on the SHOJO Factor.