Xena Trade Center
My Private Collection . . .
Largest Collection on the Net

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Welcome Xenites from near and far to the Xena Trade Center. This site was designed to fans people buy, sell and trade Xena (and Hercules) merchandise with fellow Xenites from all over the world.

I've had this page for a quite a few years now, and in that time over 13000 people from all over the world have visited, including: Egypt, USA, Australia, New Zealand, England, Germany, Canada, Pakistan, Singapore, Netherlands, Israel, and the UK (just to name a few). I have met many people through my site, some of which have become my closest friends. I have also talked to people who worked behind the scenes and people who were friends with those who were part of the cast. And it would seem I have gotten a lot more out of the site than what I originally intended. I hope that you too will have the good fortune I have had in shareing my hobby (or should I say obsession?), and I hope you are, (as I am) proud to call yourself a Xenite. Good luck on your journey and God Bless.

TRADING ZONE NOTE: The trading zone has been totally re-vamped and is better than ever. So hopefully, NO MORE SPAM! Please let me know if your experiencing any problems.


April 2008

I'm moving house soon, so I'm trying to sort out some of my Xena collection and get rid of excess. Belive it or not I have so much stuff I've filled my storage room, and I even have doubles and triples of some items! If you looking for some top gear, email me at xena_trade_center@yahoo.com


Please feel free to e-mail me at any time. I'm happy to help you out in any way that I can, or drop me a line just for a chat. I don't bite... much ;)

And if you have any questions, comments or requests
please e-mail me at xena_trade_center@yahoo.com

© Xena Trade Center
Webmaster xena_trade_center@yahoo.com