ETHIOPIA & the New EWF Mobilizes Afro-American (all Africans in the Americas) Support! (3/2005 Update!)

Psalms 68. The Holy Bible: King James Version.
31 Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands to QEDAMAWI HAILE SELLASSIE (YESUS KRSTOS). 32 Sing to QEDAMAWI HAILE SELLASSIE (YESUS KRSTOS), ye kingdoms of the earth;...

Deuteronomy 11. The Holy Bible: King James Version.
...4 and what He (QEDAMAWI HAILE SELLASSIE) did to the army of Egypt, to their horses, and to their chariots; how he made the water of the Red sea to overflow them as they pursued after you (Ethiopian-Hebrews),...

ETHIOPIA & the New EWF Mobilizes another Afro-American led coalition of "We, the Black Peoples of the World" for another possible War...

Here's just a few questions answered by the "Word of Truth"....  Firstly, Is it only just a Rumour?
 Does Holy Scriptures speak of this?  Did Bob Marley's "Natural Mystic" foreshadow it?  Where is the 9/11 Towers Fall in the Bible?  Does Ethiopia play a role in prophecy today?  Is it all an "endtime" prophecy?  Will the Middle East and the Horn of Africa (the "horn of David") clash and erupt into an all out "war"?   Is Egypt becoming Ethiopia's modern day Goliath?  

Ezekiel 30. The Holy Bible: King James Version.
...Ethiopians afraid, and great pain shall come upon them, as in the day of Egypt: for, lo, it cometh. 10 ¶ Thus saith the Adonay YHWH; I will also make the multitude of...

How WILL YOU prepare? And, WILL YOU be ready?  Will the true Rastafari overcome Rasta-ism and unite as the biblical Elect to judge the world powers of "globa'Al-ism"?  What side will the "state of IsraEL" take in this pivotal conflict?  How will the ARK OF THE COVENANT save the Faithful Ethiopians and the Horn of the Beloved (David)?  Is War necessary for Unity?  Why do we in the West who call on H.I.M. must learn to respect His HOLY Name (QHS) and stop saying "Sellassie I"?  How do we pray and chant to the pure Amharic?  Will the 144,000 be the Children of the Ethiopians at home and abroad on the Mount?  Which mountain will split and which one will erupt?  Will the Pyramid be hit by a missle and how will that effect EArth's rotational gravity and the climate changes....?  When will the Nile overflow and wash away the enemies of Ethiopia and their vain designs against God's people?  What will happen to Rahab (Egypt prophecy name) and the dragon (babylonian 'globa'Alism')?  

All these and more are answered in the WORD OF TRUTH CD series,
Online Audio & Video Streaming & Free MP3s Coming Soon to a site near you! Check out what's available now at:
(Amharic Bible Home Schooling materials found here)

May 5th 2000 should not be forgotten - the Syzygy - the Erection of the Holy Grand Cross in the Cosmos was a foreshadowing of whats to be fulfilled at the end of the 7 years - the Ethiopian Millenium.  Like in 1937 AD, Ethiopian-minded African-Americans, Afro-Caribbean and Black peoples in the West will need to be mobilized for ETHIOPIA'S DEFENSE.  

2 Samuel 23. The Holy Bible: King James Version.
...fled from the Philistines. 12 But he stood in the midst of the ground, and defended it, and slew the Philistines: and the LORD wrought a great victory. 13 ¶ And three...

Many have not properly "understood" the Prophecy and have ignored the "Warnings".  We demand an immediate end to all speculation, anxiety and hysteria!!  There can be no outside influence in the marvelous work that His Majesty in Christ is accomplishing since the FIRST TRUMPHET was sounded (9/11)...  There will be no treaty, no meeting and no deals that comprise Ethiopia's sovereignity or security, at home or abroad.  There will be no outside influence in the affairs of Ethiopia or the EWF.  The work of the Legal HQ will not be interfered with.  Many have forgotten the Ethical Instructions of the Covenant and have corrupted themselves...  Rebellion will be punished and disobedience will bring stripes.  Those who Hear and Obey the Word will be Blessed and inherit the Land... (All Faithful Chant Psalm 37 - The Promised Land Psalm)

Psalms 87. The Holy Bible: King James Version.
...3 Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. Selah. 4 I will make mention of Rahab (Egypt prophecy name) and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philis'ti-a, and Tyre, with Ethiopia;...

Those engaged in dissembling and attempting to fragment ETHIOPIA & AFRICAN UNITY should be advised.  There are spiritual forces assembled in the upper and lower ethers and those with the 6 Wise Virgins have Oil in their Lamps!!  The work of the restoration of the New EWF will not be influenced by fraud, bribes, crime or corruption... It is not the Will of Our Father nor His Holy Son.  The Menfes Qiddus (Holy Spirit - Ether) be Our Witness. Besimme Abb WeWelid WeMenfes Qiddus - AHADU AMLAK! (

Psalms 89. The Holy Bible: King James Version.

...of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them. 10 Thou hast broken Rahab (Egypt prophecy name) in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy... (ha hu hee ha hey hi ho)

No Treaty to Prevent Ethiopia

from Utilizing
the Nile Water"

Isaiah 51. The Holy Bible: King James Version.
...ABETU - ABBABA JANHOY; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab (Egypt prophecy name), and wounded the dragon (babylonian 'globa'Alism')? 10 Art thou not it which hath dried the...

Amos 4. The Holy Bible: King James Version.
...piece whereupon it rained not withered. 8 So two or three cities wandered to one city, to drink water; but they were not satisfied: yet have ye not returned to...

Professor Kinfe Abraham, the renowned academic and an authority on the river Nile, on Tuesday told Addis Tribune in an exclusive interview that Ethiopia did not need to withdraw from the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) or other institutions in order to promote its interest. He said that there were no treaties that prevented Ethiopia from utilizing its water resources.

“Ethiopia is not bound by either the 1929 or the 1959 agreements. These were bilateral agreements to which Ethiopia was not a party,” Professor Kinfe said.

In answer to a question on the necessity for Ethiopia as a source of 86 per cent of the waters of the Nile getting a fair share of the resources of the  river, professor Kinfe said the country’s options should be purshed on two fronts.  One is developing projects, particularly agriculture-oriented projects by developing irrigation schemes on an enhanced scale so that the issue of food insecurity is dealt with.

‘We cannot continue to rely on external assistance for ever. There are already signs of aid fatigue and many countries are raising the question why Ethiopia is unable to feed itself while it is the water “tower of Africa.” So, this is a very pressing issue that needs to be dealt with immediately,” Professor Kinfe stated.

He said the other avenue was a diplomatic one. Ethiopia, he said, along with other reparian countries, needed to continue to push for negotiations on an agreement on the issue of water allocation.  “This is a recipe for preventing future conflict flash points.” he said.

In reply to a question whether the frequent conferences, seminars, workshops and meetings on the Nile were strategies to keep the riparian countries talking while Egypt is diverting and using the Nile waters, Professor Kinfe said that on the face of it the conferences might have been conceived differently by the upper riparian and lower riparian.

“Whereas the upper riparians wanted to use the various conferences and seminars for highlighting the issue of water allocation, the lower reparians might have used them or at least conceived them as ploys for delaying negotiations on water allocation. Nevertheless, the benefits of the various seminars and conferences cannot be disregarded because the Nile issue is an international issue. It is a transboundary issue and it requires the support of the international community. Particularly the issue of water allocation requires massive public diplomacy and in that sense the conferences, seminars and other meetings have been instrumental in promoting good will among riparian countries,” Professor Kinfe said.

Isaiah 51. The Holy Bible: King James Version.
...LORD; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab (Egypt prophecy name), and wounded the dragon (babylonian 'globa'Alism')? 10 Art thou not it which hath dried the...
