South 385
"A good leader"-XxGunstarBluexX
"An excellent Leader, that not only preache's but teache's"-KinG.
Alternate Gamer Tag's ; xABRx South

Name ; Manuel. (
Picture), (Pic 2), (Pic 3). New pics.

Age ; 23.

Location ; Amarillo, Tx.

Race ; Mexican ("He's really white, but he's in denial"-King.)

Hobby  (Not including Live) ; "Playing in the band".

Favorite Movies ; Fight Club, Gladiator, and The Matrix Trilogy..

Favorite Games ; Halo 2, Counter Strike, and World of WarCraft

Favorite Weapon ; Sniper Rifle.

Favorite Combo ; Plasma Pistol/ Battle Rifle.

Favorite Map ; Burial Mounds.

Favorite Game Type (Halo 2) ; Slayer.

Hate about Halo 2 ; "I'd say like standbying".

Favorite Thing About Halo 2 ; "I like to stick people".

Quote ; "Mahollo Bitches!!!"

E-mail ;

XBL Stats.

"He's Hilarious when dissing- people, he know's how to back up his talk"-Noodle.
"South is a great leader but he needs to be on more"-XxGunstarRedxX
"He's a great team player, but need's to be a great player"-Danielfm.
"A little more Halo 2, less Counter- Strike"-GunstarRed.