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Rules For Made-Up Characters

Ok, here are my rules for made up chars:

No siblings of book chars!

No daughters of Voldemort, Sirius, or anything like that.

I dont mind vampires, werewolves, or animagis, seeing as some of my chars are one or more of the above.

No all powerful beings that are able to kill Voldemort: If you've read OoTP, you know why.

No wandless magic!

No relations to other made-up chars, unless you're playing all the relations.

You're character can NOT have a pet dragon, or anything of the sort. Cat, Rat, Owl, or Toad, that is all. Unless its some sort of small creature, such as a bat like Kirsten Garland has- or something else small and magical like that you could explain.

No exchange students, unless you have a good explantion(Take a look at Marie Willingworth for good explanation)

Try and make your chars last name as Brittish as possible... Consider where Hogwarts is, please. No chinese students, or anything of that sort.

I think thats all