If there was ever a richer sound this side of heaven, I have not heard it! Steve has a beautiful voice and is a beautiful person. He is blessed by the Lord but remains humble, fully aware that the Lord has equipped him for service. He is not one to think more highly of himself than he ought. We have gone to hear him in concert for the 4th time this summer. Every time, he sings and he preaches with boldness and courage. He challenges God's people, convicts, exhorts, encourages. Yes, I said PREACH!! He can preach as well as he can sing! He loves God's people and it is his desire that all Christians be informed, compassionate and walking by faith daily. He has a heart for the lost most especially, and reaches out to those who are without hope, everywhere he goes. Steve is from a missionary family and has a heart for those around the world who are perishing without Jesus. In recent years Steve has become very involved in getting the word out about the persecuted church around the world.. activating Christians to pray for those who are living in danger for the cause of Christ.
Since we are a family of seven, it's hard to afford to do special things sometimes - Steve comes to our area every couple of years and has never sold tickets. There is an offering plate passed at mid-concert, but there is no pressure put on anyone to give. Many give far more than the price of a ticket - many give nothing. Some, like us, give what we have but certainly not what other artists would charge. The Lord supplies his every need. This is his ministry, his labor of love for God.
When the last song is sung, Steve steps right down on the floor and greets & mingles with those who have come. I've seen him stand there for a LONG time, when it was very late at night, talking, laughing, sharing, praying with those who have come. In his position, he hears of the many ways God has used him in the lives of others, for encouragement and hope, consolation and comfort.He often is called upon to encourage the weary and the ones who are in despair. And he receives comfort and encouragement, himself, from God's people. It's a hard life, being on the road so much, but I think he would be the first to say that he has been most privileged to meet so many brothers and sisters in the Lord.
Oh, and did I say - HE LOVES CHILDREN!! Steve is especially kind to the children - calling them up on the stage, putting THEM in the spotlight! They sing, march, clap and have a grand time with him during the concert. It's so refreshing because he can just be himself with the children. He's just another daddy to them! It's very precious to observe their spontaneous interaction with Steve! Several of his CDs are for children and his friend Prayer Bear accompanies him these days. Steve and Prayer Bear are very approachable and little children are drawn to them in a delightful, heartwarming way.
Don't ever pass up the opportunity to see and hear an evening with Steve Green. You will receive a tremendous blessing from having been there. You will come away different - inspired, encouraged, uplifted and challenged to take your own little light into a dark world!
Want to learn more about Steve Green and get to know him better? He has a website ~ STEVE GREEN MINISTRIES ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB. Go and check it out. Want to meet Prayer Bear and get to know him? Just click on him!