Above is an example of what TREE command displays on my computer. As you can see from above, this command tries to show you a pictorial structure of subdirectories within a directory upto the last level (leaf level). I find it useful. Above is an example of what PING command displays on my computer. As you can see from above, this request a connection to system as identified in parameter and dispays result with summary statistics. Above is an example of what ROUTE command with PRINT parameter displays on my computer. As you can see from above, this command gives quite a bit of information on Network Interface as well as Network Destination,Netmask,Gateway and Interface information. type ROUTE /? and you would see all that you can do with ROUTE. It is pretty powerful. Above is an example of what ASSOC command displays on my computer when executed with /? parameter.I did not run it as default as list is is huge. ASSOC command could be used to change the file extensions associations if you need to. It comes handy if you have removed some application and uninstall program was not smart enough to restore your previous setting. IPCONFIG: This utility has been carried over from the previous versions of NT and is primarily one more command environment tool to get details about IP addresses and network configurations. Bootcfg utility to manipulate boot.ini file. Defrag utiliy is used to run disk defragmentations from command prompt. Dispart is is the disk partitioning program. Getmac utility is used to get display MAC address for one or more adapters. DriverQuery gives a detailed list of all the drivers installed on your computer Well as the above error message says, PAGEFILECONFIG should be executed using CSCRIPT.EXE. Well as the above error message says, PRNCNFG andPRNQCTL should be executed using CSCRIPT.EXE. SC is the command based Service Controller. SHUTDOWN as the name suggest is to shutdown your computer from command prompt SYSTEMINFO give yous details about computer from command prompt. TASKKILL is used to to kill a task. TASKLIST is used to list the available tasks SCHTASKS is used to schedule a task or display a task in command environment. |