Dingoes have been in Australia for at least 3500 years and perhaps as
long as 11000 years. Dingoes mate for life and
live alone or form
small family groups. Different from many other
wild dog
species which may form packs.
Dominant coat colour in Dingoes is Yellow-Ginger. Though Cream(White),
Black and Tan are also found. Most pure breeds have white on their feet
and tail.
The greatest threat to the dingo is the domestic
dog. As many
find their way into the wild, interbreeding is
becoming a threat to the
pure dingo. Dingoes are wild and will only attack a person if that person
to attack it first. They mostly hunt at night, alone, unless they are
after bigger game then they will hunt in family
The first
time I saw a Dingo wild and free was in a very isolated area in
western Australia. He was a big male and in peak condition. I thought he
was the
most beautiful thing I had seen. He stopped and stared at me,
then went on his way. Since that day many years
I have seen many in the wild and in captivity.