I could really care less who reads this....the person it's intended for knows very well who they are
Well, I'm exactly a person to live in the past.  But these thoughts still linger in my mind.  Hmmmm when did we start talking again?  Way back in 2000 sometime....I believe it was a bit before Live in Techno Colour.  Its been quite awhile hasn't it?  Well, months have passed since we actually met.  It was quite interesting how we bumped into each other though haha We got pretty close after that.  All those late night conversations we had were funny.  I enjoyed it very much.  I loved the fact that u were always cold when everyone else was hot....very cute ;) Then that 1 night....when u pulled me aside.  I had this feeling down inside me as to what was to follow.  I'm glad we had that talk though.  I guess its best that we didn't take it any farther.  I don't blame u for not wanting to get involved with at the time.  I totally understood and respected your decision.  If it were meant to be, it'll happen in due time.  If not, then we still got our friendship right?  I really believe what u did to me was unintentional....but it still urt.  If I wasn't there with u at the time, then I wouldn't have really cared so much....but the fact that I was right next to u just drove me over the edge.  I know for a fact u knew I really cared for u.  And at 1 point, I knew the feelings were mutual.  That's why I found it so frustrating to have been there that night :( But what's done is done....can't change history.  Although I dunno if I'll ever be able to forgive u for the pain u caused me....I do believe in 2nd chances....and maybe, just maybe, someday u'll wanna take advantage of that oppurtunity.  This experience has made me think about how fragile a person's emotions really are.  It has changed the way I look at girls.  Whether we remain friends or not (hopefully not the latter)....u will ALWAYS and FOREVER hold a special place in my heart....
My wish is not to mean everything to everyone but to mean something to someone
I've never ever believed in horoscopes before but I've been checkin mine out a fair bit lately....and they seem to be somewhat correct.  Sooooo....I just thought I'd put this up....
When Aries and Sagittarius come together, it's often a match made in heaven! These partners are highly compatible; they have a dynamic relationship. Both are explorers and pioneers. This relationship is always torrid and exciting, and both partners are always looking for adventure. They both get a lot out of experiencing life, rather than just reading about it. But they need to be careful: this is one of the more accident-prone relationships! Aries is always in a rush and Sagittarius tends to look at everything but the obvious.

Aries and Sagittarius make very good friends as well as lovers. They understand each other, and both view life with optimism and enthusiasm. Problems are rare, but sometimes Aries may be too possessive for freedom-loving Sagittarius. On the other hand, Aries is more sensitive than the jovial Archer; Sagittarius must be careful to think before they speak and say something too blunt or hurtful. But even when they do have problems, these partners can forgive and forget easily. Both partners get over arguments quickly, and don't hold grudges.

Aries is ruled by Mars and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Both of these Planets are masculine, so they tend to look at the world in the same way. Jupiter is about indulgence and aspirations, so Sagittarius likes to take a risk. Mars is all about taking the initiative. Whenever Aries comes up with a new idea -- as they so often do -- Sagittarius is eager to go along with their partner for the experience.

Both Aries and Sagittarius are Fire Signs. This combination can produce an eternal flame. Both are dynamic and always on the go. They have endless resources of energy, so it's rare for one partner to fizzle out on the other. Although they may disagree their differences of opinion don't last long -- Aries is too busy moving on to the next challenge to hold a grudge, and Sag will forgive and forget just as quickly.

Aries is a Cardinal Sign and Sagittarius is a Mutable Sign. Aries is the initiator of new projects and ideas, and Sagittarius will accept these ideas as long as they are included in the plans. When these partners work together, they won't argue over who gets to take the credit for their achievements. Aries likes glory, and Sagittarius is happy to be controlling events from the background. Both Signs are better at starting things than ending them, but while Aries gets bored easily, Sagittarius might resist moving on before they have learned all they want to know from a given situation.

The best aspect of an Aries-Sagittarius relationship is their mutual tendency to be the pioneers and explorers of the Zodiac. They are well matched in their enthusiasm, energy, and drive. Their common interests and similar personalities make them a very compatible couple.
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