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Old Updates
March 10, 2001
I have my girls page and my animal page up and running. ENJOY!!!
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March 11, 2001
I have updated my page and I have the crops, fan art, fanfic, and affiliates sections up. What a busy day. ENJOY!!!
March 15, 2001
I put up my story page up. Sorry for no recent updates. Hope you like it.
March 16, 2001
I have some recipes up and intend to put up a ton more. I am also working on my character page but the link is still not up.
March 17, 2001
HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY!!!!!! I have some new recipes up and my map page up.
March 20, 2001
Today is my Birthday!!!! Well, I am working on the character link and will probably have it up tomorrow.
March 21, 2001
Hey all! I have my character link up and now I am working on my item link.
March 22, 2001
I am working on my item link and it could be finished by tonight. Also I have some new additions to my character page.
March 24, 2001
He everyone. I just got my own domain. The URL is, http://harvestmoonusa.wo.to     please check it out.
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