When you were young, your vacation trip with your father was canceled because of your father's business. So instead you visited a small town in the country where your grandfather lived and owned a ranch. Your Grandfather was a busy man, however he welcomed you with open arms. The town was small, but there was something new and exciting to do everyday. One day while hiking in the mountains behind your Grandfather's ranch, you met a girl. You remebered singing song's together high on top of the mountain's summit. She had a beautiful voice. When it was time to return home, you promised her you would be back one day.

10 years have passed...

Once again you visit your Grandfather's ranch and find it has become a wasteland after your granfather's passing. The town Mayor said he would give you three years to turn this neglected farm into the once striving farm it used to be. With a little money and only a handful of tools, you and your dog decide to restore the ranch into something your Grandfather would be proud of. One more thought fills your mind, you wonder how the girl you met is doing. You look forward to the day when you can tell her, I kept my promise.
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