Welcome one and all to EMIA! Considering this is the only place where we actually weclome anybody because after this floor, prepare yourself for INSANITY!! We beriddle it sincerely. Navigation on each floor is to your left and if ever wanting to return/go to a floor, click on any picture of food at your top right! Enjoy and don't get lost!!



This is not an update. I am just writing because I am bored and sick and hungry.


Aries: Couples Page has been up for the longest time now on Floor 3. Therefore, you should go visit it. We're gonna get a new background soon, once I have enough time to actually make it.


Aries: Finally finished. Sorry Pyromaniac that your story had a broken link attached. Thanks to Kalaki for the XMen Religions! fic she so generously let us post. The new layout is successfully on every page now. So, we're happy.


Aries- Very happy about today's Evo show. If you watched it, you know why. I'm not spoiling it for anyone else. Shall need to shut down Irronique temporarily, for new layout and detail. Fixed broken links and posted new background. Almost done!


Aries- Finally unbusied myself and posted a story by the perfectly imaginative Pyromaniac! And if you haven't visited her site, please do
: Acolytes R Us. Find it on the Fourth Floor, Under Talentanium.

6-25- 2003

Aries - Happy belated Birthday to Jaundice! Fixed some broken and changed links, and expect two new pages in the near future. Oh, happy times, happy times. Updated also Aries' Muse


Aries - New button up in "Business Card"! Special thanks to Chibikitty for the great button!


Aries, 12:04 AM - Celebrated an exhausting birthday on Wednesday. Huge update: Finished the rest of the site! Now, Rubany just needs to put up his Gambit page and then it'll be open!


Aries - Yes. The First Floor is COMPLETE! *Company Cheers* SILENCE, my pretties. Yessss, there's is much more work to be done. *stares blankly at them* BE GONE!!


Aries: Put up two new links.

About EMIA


Business Card


Voucher of Recognition

From the Desk of Aries

Sister Sites

Link EMIA: