Hello and welcome to my They Might Be Giants website. They Might Be Giants are a band. In this band are John Flansburgh and John Linnell, two really cool guys, and the three Dans - Dan Hickey, Dan Miller, and Danny Weinkauf. I really do think that They are pretty much the best band that there is. If you'd like to learn more about They Might Be Giants, head over to my section on Who They Are.
I just went to my first They Might Be Giants concert, on April 14, 2001 at the Vanderbilt on Long Island. It was the coolest thing that I've ever experienced, probably. I met John Flansburgh and all of the Dans, and it was an all around AWESOME concert. Check out my photos, autographs and details on the concert!
Check out my TMBG Ten Commandments. They're bunches of fun.
There is now a part of this site dedicated to the concerts I've been to. As of now (November 2002), that includes 5 They Might Be Giants shows. I've got a bunch of pictures, reviews, and stuff right here
In my 8th grade Home & Careers class (I'm aware this was a while ago), I sewed a TMBG pillow. Check it totally out!
people have been here. ever. isn't that sad?