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Web News  Images  Yellow Pages   The triple point of mercury, -38.8344C http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/gold99/pdf/7661.pdf There are two major factors responsible for the intense ferro magnetic attribute of some or all Hawaiian Lavas. Probably the largest lava chimney on earth is currently directly beneath Mauna Loa. It is doing at least two things, 1.Turning a corner to head more southerly and 2.Expanding. The size of the Islands and their Sea Mount predecessors are a direct measure, over time, of the chimney pressure, aperature size, and plate migration vectors over the Hot Spot Chimney that is driving the Hawaiian Volcanics Anomaly. Further consider this possible further proof of the theory, that the entire suite of heavy elements in the earths core [irridium, Osmium, Platinum, Tungsten, Gold, Uranium etc], are lifted with more force away from the earths core in the chimney phenomenon than anywhere else on earth. Other lava modalities, such as Mount St Helens are only heated by subduction friction engines with no hot spot chimney assistance for the heavy metal suite from extreme depths, therefore it's energetic personality and chemical composition are the signature of its motives or "roots" and origin dynamics. In the Hawaiian Volcanic Anomaly we have a 56,000 foot (heavier than normal higher specific gravity lava) mountain coincident with an expanding hot spot chimney-driven magmatic aperature Anomaly. The lava injection interface occurs here at 42,000 feet below sea level [estimated] from a lava source that is a chimney assisted heat driven geomagmatic volcanic engine. Consider that there is a higher differential thermal gradient in the "cut away view" combined with a thinner crust via chimney hot spot characteristics that has melted part way through the roof or crust as we call it. There could well be a 2,000 to 3000 mile vertical uplift here like an underground magmatic thunderhead, where the heavier elements are the hail stones being lifted against their gravitational advantage to emerge in greature numbers ppm wise than in any other volcanic mechanism. If there is a centrepital component effect of earths rotation, it would create a secondary heavy metal enrichment probablity in the chimney aperature opportunity. As the highly magnetic Hawaiian magma has been implacing in a stable relationship to magnetic north over 100,000 years, a quantum level of magnetism is exerting so much pull on the 2000 mile deep liquid column beneath this island it has begun to assist in opening the aperature. The individual ferro-magnetic and paramagnetic domains of all past present and future lava flows are destined to become preferentially aligned, just before congealing, to the local magnetic prejudice AND the magnetic north force field which are now acting in evolvingly strong unison as the Mauna Loa Event gains mass, to build, increasingly, a gigantic magnet over the already iron enriched upflux from the hot spot iron core lava lamp convective force advantage. You could say and see that Mauna Loa mountain is actually pulling the magma up in the sense that it exerting a coordinated magnet field attraction upon all of the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic elements available in this magmatic extrusion zone. This may explain why the aperature has suddenly dialated to make the Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea, Kilauea Combo the King of Islands in the entire northwestern southeastern trending Hawaiian-Emperor Chain. The new seamount forming under water off of the southern coast of Hawaii's Big Island may continue the trend using the Mauna Loa magnet to it's own pressure and locational advantage. They were/are called lava lamps.....to help you picture the Hawaiian Volcanic Chimney Heat Engine Anomaly the core heat is escaping more dramatically here than at any other location and contains a certain lift flow thermal advantage here compared with subduction zone driven volcanics. There is a description from a Hil witnesses of lava spraying upward into the air a thousand foot high parabolic arc of incandescent lava from some of the mid 1800's Mauna Loa eruptions. This lava is extra hot and moving very fast both before and after breaching the surface ususally at over 12,000 to 13,000 feet elevation. Certain inferences can be probability-ized from this temperature pressure rhythm combination. Possibly the drama of a Krakatoa or a Mt. St. Helens is less likely here because the frequency of burn through is so high the water doesn't have time to accumulate to blow the boiler. And, possibly the ground has more structural integrity making the leak down of local weather delivered moisture less likely. Apparently this pacific plate is simultaneosly migrating and rotating. There may be an opportunity here to investigate the possibility of a precessional influence component of [a 26,000 year cycle] within the Hawaiian Islands Chain Expression. What other forces are available to modulate the complexities of composite plate tectonic motion vectors (such as the lunar saros cycles) and or planetary gravitation alignment rhythms? Doors and windows of perception tempting interpretive skills. ======================================================================= http://www.onafarawayday.com/Radiogenic/Ch8/Ch8-3.htm .....These findings were supported by Brandon et al. (1998), who found similar enrichments of 186Os in Hawaiian picrites from the Loihi, Mauna Loa and Koolau volcanoes. However, evidence that the most 186Os-enriched sample came from the Koolau volcano caused great consternation, because other workers provided very strong evidence that the enriched signature of this volcano was derived from lithospheric recycling into the mantle (Lassiter and Hauri, 1998). The combination of such a recycled signature with an osmium contribution from the core would require a peculiar coincidence. Fortunately, these problems were resolved by the more detailed investigation of Brandon et al. (1999). This replicated the elevated 186Os signatures in Loihi and Mauna Loa, but showed that the original Koolau analysis was in error, probably due to small molecular-ion interferences on the 186Os peak. The new Koolau data exhibited a small enrichment in 186Os, but lay below a correlation line formed by the Noril’sk plume and other Hawaiian samples (Fig. 8.19a). When the 186Os data from the latter samples were compared with helium isotope data (Fig. 8.19b), the observed positive correlation provided powerful support for the core-derivation model of Walker et al. (1995, 1997). This is because the enriched 3He signatures seen in Loihi are generally regarded as indicative of primordial helium from the deep interior of the Earth, possibly the core itself. Therefore, the observation that some of the highest 186Os signatures are found in Loihi is very persuasive. also see http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Glossary/PlateTectonics/description_plate_tectonics.html ============== Hi, I was wonder if anyone can help me with this I'm Looking > for correct amounts of (sodium nitrate and muriatic acid) in place > of (sulfuric acid) to get nitric acid in which I will use to make > aqua regia to desolve gold. Huh? I'm guessing you need to recheck either your typing, or your chemistry. aqua regia is a mix of HCl, or hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid is very dilute HCl), and HNO3, ornitric acid. Sulphuric acid plays not part in the recipe for aqua regia. Sodium nitrate is a salt of nitric acid, and mixing this with muriatic acid will give a dilute form of aqua regia, since the result, once the salt is dissolved, will be the equivalent of aqua regia (dilute), with a bunch of extra sodium ions, which might slow down the action on gold a lot, but will still allow it. It's kind similar to a trick I sometimes use in acid testing gold, using Nitric acid, and table salt. the salt contributes chloride ion to the nitric, and lets the acid react with the gold streak on the test stone, but more slowly than it would with stronger HCL mixed with the nitric... So in the above post, if you eliminate the whole reference to sulphuric acid, and just say you're gonna mix muriatic with the nitric salt, and hope to dissolve some gold, then you might have success. But note that what's usually labled muriatic acid, instead of HCl, is usually a quite dilute version of the acid, commonly sold in hardware stores and the like. Mixed with just the nitric salt, this is likely to be a variant of aqua regia that might be VERY slow acting indeed. If that's what you want, fine. If you're trying to dissolve gold more quickly, you might need to mix it from stronger acids. At least that's my guess... I might be wrong... =========================== Physical data Gold Electronic data Thermal data Steric data Shells: 2,8,18,32,18,1 Orbitals: [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s1 Electronegativity: 1.4, 2.4 1. Ionization potential: 9.2257 eV 2. Ionization potential: 20.521 eV 3. Ionization potential: -- eV Oxidation states: 3,1 Electrical conductivity: 0.452 10^ Melting point: 1064.43 °C Boiling point: 2808 °C Specific heat: 0.128 J/gK Heat of fusion: 12.550 kJ/mol Heat of vaporization: 334.40 kJ/mol Thermal conductivity: 3.17 W/cmK Atomic radius: 1.79 Å Ionic radius: 0.85 Å () Covalent radius: 1.34 Å Atomic volume: 10.2 cm³/mol Density (293 K): 19.32 g/cm³ Crystal structure: Cubic: Face centered