1. Introduction - Sea Of Filth
Just an introduction with atmospheric guitar plucking, and the faded, yet clear growls. It totally leaves you unprepared for the next song.
2. Fuck Hip Raper
BOOM! This song comes in, and it hurts your ears if you have headphones, because the cymbal crash comes out of nowhere. This song is a great first (not counting the intro) song for the album. The production isn't perfect, but it sure as hell is better than most Metal album's productions. I think it suits the music perfectly. Very chaotic. If you read the lyrics to this song, they're very funny. It's already apparent that this band uses shit as a metaphore (sp?) for other topics. You need to hear it. It's great. The high-pitched yelps are introduced here, and they're just so weird, I love them. I dunno if you will, though. Definitely one of the best tracks on here.
3. What Color Is Yours
For some reason, the production changes throughout the album. Here, I can't hear the right guitar at all, and the drums seem more in the foreground. Huh. This is a very short song.
4. Control Of Own Hole
This seems a bit slower than Fuck Hip Raper, but it's still good. I dunno what else to say about it, but it's again a good song.
5. Sausage For Souse
This song starts with the bass guitar only, then the guitar and then the drums come in. Again, the production is weird. The guitar is in the center, and the drums sound like they're coming from where the guitars normally comes from. After about a minute, the other instruments except for the bass guitar stop again, then they come back again. After another minute or two, the song ends.
6. One One One
This song also starts with the bass guitar only, but the production has gone back to normal (or at least as normal as it ever gets with this album...). I dunno why, but the first riff reminds me of something from Voivod's War And Pain. Huh. Then another riff comes on, which sounds kinda Thrashy. After that, another riff comes on which is infectiously catchy, and what makes this song one of my favorites from this album. The vocals soon after have the deep growls and high-pitched yelps going at the same time, which sounds really good. Then there's a short speed burst, and the song ends with a cymbal crash.
7. Fireworks
Okay, one thing very unique about this album is the constantly changing length of songs on this album. Some songs are just half a minute long, and this song is around 5 minutes long. I think this helps give this album variety. Anyways, this song starts off with just the drums, and it reminds me of Mario Party for some reason. I can't really point out why; it just does. Then the guitars fade in, and the vocals come in. This is a slower song. Not ballad-slow, but it seems more like... Black Sabbath pace. The tempo then gets a bit faster and a crunchy riff comes on, then it goes back to the original riff. The song seems to cycle between the two riffs over and over, then eventually a third riff comes on which is much faster. The pace builds up to that similar to Fuck Hip Raper, then it gets faster and faster, with the blastbeats coming in, then HIGH PITCHED YELPING! RAWR!!!!!!!! It goes back to just the guitar, and the third riff cycles starts again. It seems more focused this time around, then before you know it, all instruments stop to pave way for a short yelp-acapella (sp?), then it goes back to the slow riff of the beginning. It then fades out, then just the bass and drums are backing up the vocals, then the song ends. A true masterpiece. *orgasms*
8. No Stayer
This song is a Witchfinder General cover. I haven't heard the original, so I can't make comparisons. Witchfinder General were a NWOBHM band similar to Black Sabbath, but I don't know much else. The song starts with drumming, then a guitar solo, which sounds very.... NWOBHMish. Then just the guitar is there, holding a note, as the other guitar makes a riff under the feedback of the last guitar. Then the thingy stops, and both guitars are playing a riff over the drums. Then it shoots to lightning-speed with blastbeats and yelping, then it slows down a bit for the chorus, which is growling. Back to fast again, then slightly slower chorus again. Then another riff starts, and blargh. Tempos change constantly throughout this song. Then the song ends.
9. Be Shatter Proof
Back to material written by Bathtub Shitter. It starts with a short drum solo, then the guitars and growls come in for a short verse, then just the high-pitched yelps, then back to growls. It sounds really funny the first time you hear it. Then the song goes on. As with most songs here, I can't tell what the fuck the lyrics are about, though they seem like something to do with politics. Blargh. The song ends.
10. Meaningful Parade
Another great song. It starts with a slow riff and drums and growls. The riff and atmosphere is like being on a pirate ship. It sounds slightly Venom inspired. Then they go to a blastbeat with start-stop guitar playing, and vocals alternate between growls and yelps. Then a short acapella with just growls, then back to the poop deck riff. The cycle goes through again. Then it goes to a fast frantic riff, and blastbeats. Then all instruments stop for another growl acapella, then the song ends.
11. Instrumental - Lifetime Shitlist
Ahoy, ye landlubricants! This here's a instrumental is if I evers heard one one one. This is just acoustic guitars. It reminds me of that Robin Hood cartoon movie Disney made awhile ago, where Robin Hood was a fox who could act like a human. After a minute and a half, it's over.
12. Escapism To Refresh
This starts with a countdown, then a riff that sounds like it was stolen straight from a Punk band from the late '70s/early '80s. Yet another one of this band's influences. I feel like moshing now while thinking about whatever other "merch" I can get my hands on. After a few verses, a guitar solo comes in, which isn't too common on this album. The second half of the guitar solo is buried under the growls, which sucks a little bit because it's in my opinion the better half of the guitar solo. The solo reminds me of a desert sauna. Like from Super Mario Bros. 2. Man, the growls on this album really sound like a backed-up toilet. :) Shortly after the solo, the song goes to blast beat speeds, and alternates between blasting and normal speed. Then the Mega Man sewer riffing comes in at the 3:33 mark! \m/ The song then ends very fastly.
13. Hot Shit Hits Maximum
Second to last song here, folks. Starts with just drums, then bass comes in with a chugging rhythym. Then everything stops, and a short growl, then really loud yelping in an acapella. Then just bass, then drums come in, and it's going into another blast beat speed, but without guitars. Just bass, drums and vocals, then the song ends. I bet the guitars feel lonely right now. :(
14. Holy Song For You
The last song. It starts with an experimental-sounding intro that's pretty long. It's like the part two of Introduction - Sea Of Filth, but with more ambient sounds, and a constant sampled snare drum. Everything builds up, then the guitars and stuff comes in. Again, this song has a weird production, as the guitars seem to only come from the left speaker. It's a very frantic song and it's going super fast with lots of slight tempo changes and thrashy start-stop riffs and the sort. Then it slows down in pace slightly, but is still very frantic. It goes back to blastbeats, then just bass, and the guitar comes in occasionally. Back to blastbeats, then the album ends with the last growl and the guitar holding a note while fading into the distance. A slightly abrupt, but still good ending to this album.
The total playing time is 37:57. We conclude yet another review in Kurt's Bathroom. I'd like to thank you, the reader, for reading this, and urge you to buy this album if you come across it. If you're looking for some creative and silly shit-infested Grindcore, then you will not be disappointed. :) |