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The anointing received is the deciding factor of the truth on this subject, which is unparallel in content as being current, biblical and to the point. Why are you angels here, where are you coming from and do you give a “damn” where you are going!? This book intend to bring a resolution to these questions and if eternal damnation is obvious, redemption is also plausible; as one extremity has a equal opposite, except in the case of God. The tenets also brought forward is capsule in much teaching on the dealings of angels, which I perceive not all angels grasp the full extent thereof and so, as said, they too, being excellent in knowledge and wisdom far beyond humanity will learn what was not told them. As such, the true author is God and not the human pen, hence not only divine, but the clear fact that not the human blogger but God saying, "Angels, Let's Talk!" Such a time has come for dialogue, such a time has come to repent, such a time has come to look to God, such a time has come to receive what you have been waiting for and such a time has come to "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" (Php 2:12). "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool" (Isaiah 1:18).


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Intro to Encoding and Revealing all thereof little by little
 (Must be Read B4 navigating any part of this site/blog)

Unlike what is displayed in the allege Bible Codes on Christian Television or Dan Brown’s book, the Da Vinci code – which are mostly supposition errors and unlawful slurs, and sometimes deliberately, directly or indirectly – the bible has bible encodings and patterns to be revealed to them that seek it, graced and pulled by God. They are namely called Prophecies, directly or indirectly. Often times written that way though not obvious, as the Ethiopian Eunuch seeing a reference to a person but not knowing who, since the person and things surrounding the person hasn’t been as yet and would be unable to decipher at the time the things (prophecy are) given, until it is. In “The Voice…” I had said this:

Something is key that many don’t know and because of that have produced endless errors. That is, the bible is an Encoded book and can only be Decoded by the one who Encoded it – GOD. I first learnt this procedure and terms in a Communication class at BCC and from the Text. We learnt that a person encodes a message then sends it and it is decoded by the receiver. For instance, I write an email and send it to you through a “secure” encryption engine. You open the email and read it. If an arbitrary citizen (most often computer illiterate) intercepts the email before it reaches the decoder, then what he will see is gibberish like some alien language that cannot be read, because it is scrambled by the encryption engine, only to be read by the receiver. The bible is somewhat like that, unless you get the decoded meanings from the Lord, you simply cannot see or understand it. Unfortunately what many do when they reach this bump of confusion, they apply their meanings to it, rather than say like the Ethiopian Eunuch, “Understandest thou what thou readest? And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me?” (Acts 8:30-31). Hence, the understanding of the bible cannot be figured out or deciphered by any means; it has to be decoded to you by God, through the Holy Spirit, to them that are baptized there with. For instance, let me give you one trillionth (1/1,000,000,000,000) of the encoding. One verse or chapter can have one, all, or any combination of the following:

  1. Contextual Meaning – Face value of what is read and that in itself is good; it also give factual meanings (e.g. “A man ran,” a man did run).

  2. Spiritual Meaning – Deeper contextual meaning, it usually looks like an abstract analogy but correct. (e.g. A fig tree dries up, so will you dry up if…).

  3. Personal Meaning – In that God uses it as a touch to your situation and it fits so perfectly, you think it was specifically written for you. In relation to you, it cannot necessarily be taught, because personal meanings will be different for everyone. Psalms 23 is one such verse, though it has contextual, spiritual, prophetic, dual and triple meanings.

  4. Prophetic Meaning – Encoded future event (e.g. “in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed” - Dan 2:44, which spoke of Christ’s Kingdom 2000 years ago.).

  5. Dual Prophetic Meaning – Same Encoded future events, but one thing speak of prophecy of two different things at different times (e.g. The prophet Ethan spoke the same thing of David that is spoken of Christ in Ps. 89:26-27).

  6. Triple Prophetic Meaning – Same Encoded future events, but one thing or chapter of prophecy speak of three different things that will occur at three different times (e.g. Isaiah 45 spoke of freedom. But we later found out that that freedom was the Jew’s actual exile from Babylon by the decree of King Cyrus; probably prophesied before his birth and his actual name was even mentioned. But then later we found out that that freedom was for the Gentiles and Jews through the crucifixion of the Messiah – verse 24. But there seems to be another freedom it speaks of, to be decoded publicly when it happens.)

That’s only 1,000,000,000,000th of how encoded the word is. For the true of the matter, in this small demonstration, is that all the above would be in a chapter several times over each other or even in a single verse. How can you then decipher what needs to be deciphered from the word, except it be given from above? Even worst, the rest of the trillion encoded method hasn’t even been brought into play and you have other things that make it even harder to decipher meanings of truth. Example, interpolations, multiple translations and interpretations, and many more deterrents in decoding the word. For instance, look at this mix up,

"To show at a glance the different ideas of the date of the creation, it may be interesting to note the following, that is, from Creation to 1894 we have these many years passed.

According to Ussher, 5,898; Hales, 7,305; Zunz (Hebrew reckoning), 5,882; Septuagint (Perowne), 7,305; Rabbinical, 5,654; Panodorus, 7,387; Anianus, 7,395; Constantinopolitan, 7,403; Eusebius, 7,093; Scaliger, 5,844; Dionysius (from whom we take our Christian era), 7,388; Maximus, 7,395; Syncellus and Theophanes, 7,395; Julius Africanus, 7,395; Jackson, 7,320" {Source: Sword Searcher 4.3,, Easton Bible Dictionary}.

No wonder the scripture rightly tells us, “be not many masters [teachers]” (James 3:1). You cannot decode the word no matter how hard you try. Those that rightly do so, are gifted by God, though it sometimes seems like your own effort. For he is the one who encoded it, admitted in Isaiah 45:15 and Proverbs 25:2.

It is then almost impossible for anyone to garner these encoding if God doesn’t show. Not only that if you decide to do so outside of God he can confuse it, as seen with the children of Babel trying to build a tower (way to heaven) but God confused it. So if persons come to you with bible encodings and can’t even simple decipher the plan of salvation and are saved themselves, according to Acts 2:38 then what they are bringing forward is a lie, deliberately or fooled themselves.

Isaiah 45 said God purposely encode stuff, the book of Revelation is filled with it as well. But he said, it is the glory of Kings to find them, he leading them. For instance, notice this simply one that shows that all encoding or prophecy isn’t directly about Christ, though everything is about him.

Hannah (wife of a priest) gave birth to a forerunner – Samuel
Ana (wife of a priest) gave birth to a forerunner – John The Baptist

Samuel ushered in the Kings
John the Baptist ushered in THE King

Samuel pulled in a new dispensation in Israel – The Reign of the Kings
John The Baptist pulled in a new dispensation in Israel – The Reign of THE King (Grace over Law)

Such are obvious patterns and encoding, though much simpler to things already pass and the challenge would be to things now or to come. In dealing with the “fallen ones” and even things like the possibility of the Obeast, unknown to mankind, such interplay of encoding must be brought into play. For the word of God must be used in all things, but these latter things to deal with are also in it but not easily deciphered – hence a decoder. Not acclaiming myself to be then flop, but God has given grace and can withhold grace. And especially deter from laud for there is one the bible mentions called The "false prophet" who will display wisdom in all secret things and work with the anti-christ. These revelations is not on the basis of how we run the market economy, demand and supply, but whenever the Lord chooses to shed light; so as you have been doing for “God knows when,” wait and be patient. And be this known, any revealed encoding cannot contradict plain bible revelations already established or else throw it out! “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed” (Gal 1:8). “As we said before [AS I JUST SAID], so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed” (Gal 1:9). Be like the Bereans, “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11). You might say that this blog/site mentions speaking to angels, who gave you that right? We as saints are most often ignorant of the authority and position Christ gave us; though this authority is not only isolated to the New Testament, for prophets of the Old Testament spake and prophecy to angels too. Basically bluntly summed up in this verse to you, "Know ye not that we [HUMAN SAINTS] shall judge angels?" (1 Cor 6:3).

The blog might be laughable and should to the average human being, so if your mind is not open please do not read it; they are other articles, books and letters I write that I want you to have the benefit of and this might devalue their credence, but as Ezekiel was with “fire shot up in his bones” when he tried not to teach, so am I at times, even though, as Peter said, “some things hard to be understood” (2 Peter 3:16). I’m not the least bit afraid of disdain, I’m afraid of blocking you from receiving “lesser” truths by the knowledge of “greater” truths you are not yet able to understand; as Christ alluded to here, “through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ” (1 Cor 8:11-12). So I wash my hands; desist from reading, if a simply revelation such as knowing that some persons you work with, associate with or even seen on television as stars or in authority are not humans but angels, most often fallen. If you can’t grasp that, then stop reading. This blog is non-salvation related to us, but for the very aged or angels amongst us, yet not of any private interpretations. You are advised not to venture in if not of the aforementioned latter and all must read the intro.

Aside from encoding in scriptures, there is something I refer to as circles which would further be deemed laughable and sometimes, unfortunately, there is encoding left by other beings that look like circles. This latter paragraph can be ignored unless I mention it in a writing; as it would seem foreign to scripture and should be avoided, just to mention it sometimes.

It's best to read the book, "Demonology Revealed," before reading this blog. Also, it is best to wait until all the Tid Bits are together sent out by a newsletter or more importantly finished books (Demonology Concealed and Appealed, etc.) before utilizing the info thereof officially; most are often works-in-progress and can seem contradictory to the finished thing. Names, peoples, kingdoms, officials, dignities and other persons or things will be identified in this blog, however, I’m not responsible for such information being used in any malevolent or otherwise questionable ways, especially before it is verified. If there is a join option on this blog or site, joining is not necessary as it is not a discussion but blogging by me, however, I may allow some to manage the contents thereof. Things posted will fall under these categories and though one category is given it will sometimes have elements or instances of several other categories simultaneously:

(Numbers tell a lot and it's a known fact that God deals with numeric patterns; even of prophecy.)

(General questions not asked, yet not answered but need to be. Could be considered weird; the foremost here, can fallen angels be saved?)

(Just some general uncategorized knowledge, questions, bible, prophecy, encodings.)

(General announcements, like a book release or a period of absence, etc.)

(Like the example with Hanna and Ana, fallen ones have opt to leave their own trails; most often for evil.)

(General bible encodings that wasn't stated but obviously there and can be prophetic, like Hanna and Ana.)

(The same bible encodings, but this was deliberately done by God to prophecy/speak about something specific.)

(The same encoded prophetic but this time it was just personally speaking to me and might not have any relation to anyone or anything else. Just thought I might share.)

(The same encoded prophetic but one encoding speaks of two encoded prophecy.)

(The same encoded prophetic but one encoding speaks of three encoded prophecy.)

(Simple prophecy, clearly mentioned and written out plain. Like all those we know of Christ.)

(Simple prophecy, clearly mentioned and written out plain. Like all those we know of Christ, but has a dual prophetic meaning.)

(Simple prophecy, clearly mentioned and written out plain. Like all those we know of Christ, but has a triple prophetic meaning.)

(Just simple patterns in history note mentioning, like the several attempts of the fallen ones to build "The gate of God.")

(General fallenangelogy, dealings amongst humans, attributes, etc., - past, present and future.)

(General words of encouragement, preaching, teaching, caution or advice.)

(General statements or stance on something obscure or need to be stated.)

(Uncovering truths about things that was obscure. Things we attributed as evil but the parties were simply confused, cautious or afraid; or it being to deep for us to attain to it. Or things we consider good but is really underlined with evil; this shouldn't be confused with calling good evil and vice versa (Isa 5:20). To the former, Isaiah 45:3 said, "I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel." Not that darkness is treasure to us, but under somethings we consider darkness is hidden treasures. For instance, a scoop of mud in your hand, you might toss it but if you put it in a strainer under running water you'll find that it has tid bits of gold in it or a rare coin worth millions. This might dually speak of the last freedom Isaiah 45 speaks of and the mediator of that.)

(This supercede reason and too "wonderful" to even be taken seriously and questionable, but give some added ammo to something said. Basically, all things proceed from God and made of God so all things have God in it and nothing cannot be made by another except it is made within his patterns. For instance, someone trying to draw a square on a spinning flat fan nose. You can't. You can only draw circles if you put the marker to it moving. So is everything consisted in existence, and especially time. Filled with circular patterns, so, "if you know this you can know that" or "this is patterned in something that is a fore or a by product of it or with it." Basically, "Everything is in Everything." Or what the bible says, "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun…That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past" (Ecc 1:9 and Ecc 3:15 ). This could also mean that everything that is to be is already set and you can't get out of the pre-settings or settings; even though if one could see, you might see multiple streams in the "Valley of Vision" that can be taken and even logic dictates that to us, yet all is set. Much like Proverbs 16, it started out saying "The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD." What you think to do and what you do God did it. Then the rest of the chapter goes in etiquettes on doing and formulas for doing etc.; yet what we think to do, and do, are all influenced by God. The last verse of the book solidifies this, "The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD." Your lot is given to you to do but what is done was done by God. This is a paradox and needs balancing and away from the point at hand, but shows the complexity of what we are dealing with.

The impossibility of what I'm trying to say concerning the circles would sound like this, me looking at a piece of something and it confirms by pattern something I did with the whole of that piece; because nothing is done isolated but all things connected. I have to be careful because this would draw it self close to things like astrology, tarot, tea leaf reading, star gazing, decoding dreams and other such abominations forbidden by God; though, not that those things aren't real but forbidden, for as God patterned things on earth he can pattern things in the skies, but that is not for us humans - which brings another paradox, for this blog/.site is mainly to angels - so we would have to factor in the essence of why it is forbidden and apply that to them, which might simply be God saying look to me only and not the things I have created; as for us and them letting us see it or be involve in it, it is forbidden. Yet God can work with that same thing, like a star in the sky the night Christ was born or Joseph and Daniel being able to decode dreams - you see how complicated the issue can get; with the latter I guess since nothing is isolated, do nothing isolated from God. He himself admits that they are secret things but reserved to him, "The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever" (Due 29:29 also, Gen 40:8). The circles can almost never be figured out and folly the result of such attempt. This might even seem philosophic, but not and why I said it should be avoided, as God advised. The words of one author kind of got it, "So, not only are we understandably skeptical, but also, we still possess a mindset of civilization which is linear rather than CYCLIC" [Malcolm Godwin, “Angels, An Endangered Species.” A book I recently borrowed at my local library in 2005]).

(One must first understand suckry, then after realize that even the things taken cannot escape the circles but be embedded with patterns and instances of the original, though trying to be avoided by the general suckerers; even details of the persons sucked, for the line is the person, as your purpose is you. This is a bit difficult as decoding dreams, which has to be given from God and shouldn't be attempted, as Joseph said, "We have dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter of it. And Joseph said unto them, Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me them, I pray you" (Gen 40:8). To understand suckry go here

These are not word for word or verse by verse decoding but bible stories that have accounts of present encodings in them. Mostly personal, like the Samson story or like Christ but applied also to the box as he said, "Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me." This might seems to dissuade the whole notion of encodings, for anyone would seem to can pick a story and say it means this or that to them or so on. Not only will the story-typical encodings be given with Bible paper-trail upon Bible paper-trail be irrefutable, but also the bible itself indirectly gives clues of it being a book of encodings, separate and apart from general prophecy. A sort of book within a book (
Rev 20:12), like the children pop up books. That is, within each bible book there is another reading, and another reading, etc; strait or encoded.

This is sort of the same as or mostly exemplified in story-typical decodings but in frames. The decoded story in one book is linked to another decoded story in another book. Hard to explain, but like crossword puzzle, all the letter are decoded stories, then circle a few letters (decoded story) to make a word (fuller decoded story).

Quckry I deem a type of suckry, but mostly benefit in my case and so deemed personal. That is, the angel’s ability to see the answer then don’t ask, and ask again but don’t ask and get the answer or entire conversation, but would have to project to ask and ask, then sees the answer and retracts asking but get the answer. I guess to even see the answer diving might take place, or present in the askers mind by foreknowledge within themselves. Quckry is derived from the words “question + suckry”. Asking the right questions with other tactics can drawn stuff as with suckry; which can lead to diving or suckry in the person’s mind to get the thought processes around that answer they gave. Humans cannot do this, but in several instances, the Lord shows a few quckry or instances of arguments persons are bringing and how I would answer them with him. Like, hey, Ar is trying to reach you, this is what she would say. Some others are presented, like with Trident, Ra, Ea, Pig, etc. As such, some are presented by the Lord for never to have some in dialogue or come near in conversation, like satan, “Neither give place to the devil” (Eph 4:27). Neither entertain quckry with an angel if you can recognize such; really is New Age and Soothsaying. For instance, one cannot be angry at me or make a decision of me or around me by quckry or said I said from quckry; not what is in the man defile the man but what comes out, "That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts" (Matt
7:20-21). It’s more than prejudging but charging someone guilty without evidences; innocent until proven guilty, no judging of ones words except one actually said it. As if I’m going to claim I said something I haven’t said, how can I know I said something, anybody can fabricate something with my style of talk and say that’s what you would have said. I’d be a fool to lay hold on it and likewise anyone else. Most often, “The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD” (Prov 16:1). Quite possibly what is attained in quckry is speech without being graced by God, which quite possibly cannot be seen with quckry only upon delivery.

Thanks for understanding and God bless.


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