This is an interesting article that gives some food for thought. --- Caro

February 27, 2003

Tides Of Change

Einstein spent the later years of his life trying to find a way out of the universe that was being suggested to him. As the implications of quantum physics began to become apparent he dismissed it as too "spooky" to be true.

What spooked Einstein was an emerging body of physical evidence and mathematical logic that pointed to the universe being non local in nature. A non local universe meant that action at a distance was possible and that there are hidden variables embedded in reality that control the outcome of the physical world. Action at a distance means that there really is a connection between all parts of the universe. A rush to war may in fact be linked to events happening in the heart of the galaxy and vise versa.

After Einstein's death John Bell, a fellow physicist, was able to prove mathematically that the universe is indeed non local. Some years after he demonstrated this proof, experimental validation was made in several locations. One particularly dramatic experiment took place in Switzerland, the very country in which Einstein had formulated his most significant work. A beam of light was split and sent many miles apart. The polarity on one beam was shifted and the other instantaneously changed as if connected by an unseen force.

Once particles become entangled their fates are inseparable. What happens to one happens instantly to the other, even if they are at opposite ends of the universe.

Not being privy to the quantum world directly, we humans rely on our mind, body and senses to report on "reality". A kind of entanglement seems to take place in this realm as well. We have a remarkable capacity to become like those we associate with. And even more disturbing we often become like those we hate.

Which brings us to George Bush and the omens of birds falling from the sky.

In August of 1939, only few days before the outbreak of war, two hundred and fifty pigeons attacked each other in Trafalgar square in London. That same week scores of blackbirds where found dead, washed along by the waters of the Danube. At the time these unaccountable deaths were considered an omen of war.

"A recent spate of robin deaths across Central Texas is under investigation by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's Kills and Spills Team of environmental scientists. Observations of dead and dying robins were first reported near Dallas in mid-January and have tracked the bird's migration as far south as Gonzalez. The incidents range from a few dead robins observed in suburban back yards to several hundred in a five-block area in Waco."

From the Texas Parks and Wildlife web site in February of 2002

Omens might be conveniently dismissed as the imaginings of the deranged except for the fact that Einstein is turning in his grave. We live in a non local universe and we now have scientific proof of what we know from the wisdom of our souls. There is a way in which life unfolds as if it were aware of what is happening within and around us. Events large and small confirm the undeniable intelligence of this unfolding. As we move through our world the world reflects back our progress in the form of synchronicities, accidents and omens.

Condolezza Rice, standing with her father before the White House as a young girl announced to him that she would be in that building one day. How did she know? On what current of destiny was she riding?

And when destiny's current begins to buck, what to do?

Ancient kings understood the omen making function of a non local universe and would often surround themselves with men and women of vision sufficient to read the pattern of life arranging.

George Bush has Karl Rove as his soothsayer. A man who has a genius for reading political patterns, but probably missed the fact that the robins in Texas were dying.

This may seem inconsequential in a world preparing to go to war, but it may in fact explain a lot of the tenor of these times.

"Symbolic representation of the Universe as a self-excited system brought into being by self-reference. The universe gives birth to communicating participators. Communicating participators give meaning to the universe. With such a concept goes the endless series of receding reflections one sees in a pair of facing mirrors." --- John Wheeler, Physicist

What we focus on tends to form our consciousness, and our consciousness tends to form what we focus on.

For anyone who has found their mind and body afflicted with the deep pain of an emotional loss or challenge this truth is apparent. So long as one's attention is arrested in the pain of the injury then the world is seen through the lens of such disturbance. As the pain lifts, life returns and the world suddenly seems to flow on a more even keel.

When consciousness is undergoing a severe test the physical world tends to give echo to the process. When the content of consciousness is not brought to a conscious level of awareness then the effect of that tension can and does take form in omens, accidents and disturbances in the physical world.

The real war that is being waged across this world is not being fought with guns, ships, smart bombs and satellites. It is being waged in the way in which our perceptions of reality are coming up against the hidden variables of existence. The very variables that made Einstein say, "God doesn't play dice with the universe".

Einstein's colleague, Neils Bohr, responded to his complaint by saying, "Quit telling God what to do."

Our human capacity to project beliefs, attitudes and points of view upon the activities of this planet is remarkable. That the planet has withstood such projection is nothing short of evidence that there is an underlying intelligence at work.

If a non local universe is a conscious universe then there should be clues when our human ambition and limited understanding are interfering with the flow of this intelligence.

In August of 1914 as the world stood on the edge of the first truly global war a liberal feminist journalist in Germany penned the following words: "The limitations of our egos broke down, our blood flowed in the blood of the other, we felt ourselves one body in a mystical unification."

She was describing the mood of the the German nation as it discovered that war was imminent. Another writer in 1915 was to characterize the feeling in Germany that late summer as follows: "Under the incredible pressure German life melted in that indescribable wonderful unity of sacrifice, brotherhood, belief and certainty of victory which was, and is, the meaningful of the unforgettable August."

This nearly religious invocation of the power of war was echoed to a soaringly painful effect by a young participant in trenches of battle that followed that famous August. Adolph Hitler was to enshrine the "Spirit of August" on the altar of the fatherland and rose to power on the consolidation of this sense of belonging. It was a mind set and belief system that unleashed one of the worst horrors of the twentieth century. The horror that began was signaled, in part, by the death of the birds.

A German newspaper man Theodor Wolf, in 1915 dared to refute this inflated view of war by saying, "Two years ago today the state of siege was declared... we know how false it was when Temps and similar newspapers assure their readers that the German people greeted the war with an outbreak of joy. Our people had heavy hearts; the possibility of war was a frightening giant nightmare which caused many sleepless nights."

For his courage he was threatened with arrest and signed a pledge to not write anything similar for the rest of the war.

It took the nightmare of the first World War and the horror of the Second World War to rectify the illusion of unity that the taste of blood in August had created.

When inflated beliefs become a drug used to insulate power and control from necessary feedback systems, then long hard lessons are sure to follow.

"Americans are a free people, who know that freedom is the right of every person and the future of every nation. The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, it is God's gift to humanity." --- George Bush State of the Union Speech in January of 2002

What does it mean to be truly free?

This is a question the best and deepest hearts of the planet have pondered. The Buddha understood freedom to be a state of awakening in which the nature of the universe is seen to be an emanation of consciousness itself. Christ presented freedom as a state of deepest surrender to that innermost truth worthy, indeed, of the beloved name, Father. Mohammed understood freedom to be found in a complete submission (or Islam) to a higher, more radiant power.

Because we live in a non local universe that is interconnected at its essence our actions create conditions of feedback that help fine tune our journey towards freedom. Omens are a critical part of this path, because omens are the emanation of the real state of our consciousness, not our superimposed ideas or beliefs.

When the space shuttle Columbia broke apart, it broke apart not over India, or Asia, or Europe, or even the Pacific. The first pieces hit the coast of America and the bulk of the debris fell upon Texas. The state that is the home to the President that is launching a war to ensure our freedom. Omen? You decide.

What we do know now about the Columbia is that engineers envisioned the precise pattern of action that accompanied the disaster before it happened. In the end the warnings were dismissed as the worst case scenario and nothing was done. The result was disastrous.

Numerous men and women of wisdom and depth have viewed the impending war in Iraq with grave misgivings. When the Pope, Nelson Mandela, The Dalai Lama and even President Bush's own pastor raise serious concern about the process of war now being readied, then it stands to reason that a wise man would listen. An unwise man, in the rush to judgment, is likely to set off effects in this non local universe of ours.

Reading omens is the business of the wise of soul. When one of the preeminent birds of flight in our modern technological arsenal falls from the sky over the home state of our president because the worst case scenario was not heeded, then one has to wonder.

The left wing of this country has been curiously crippled of late. Because of this the vessel of state is in danger of being driven forward on the right wing alone. This is a possible prescription for a dangerous break up of our ship of state.

A near mutiny has occurred in the British parliament as a significant number of Tony Blair's own party has voted against his rush to war. Serious internal resistance to the war can be found in Spain and Italy as well, both countries invoked by President Bush as supportive of his cause. There are indications that organized labor in these countries may well rise to a new level of political power simply because the leadership of these countries refuse to listen to the wisdom of those who sense where real freedom is to be found. For the first time in United States History the top leadership of Labor has come against he policy of war being pursued by the President.

If the rush to war was indeed supportive of true freedom then there would be indications in the world psyche that such an event was sustained by truth. Millions, would not take to the street, human shields would not be drawn to the country in the line of fire, and the soulful of the world would not be recoiling in horror.

When Russia was transformed from an unsustainable superpower into the true state of its own internal condition, the change happened miraculously fast, and with a minimum of blood shed. The same with the tearing down of the Berlin wall. Freedom found expression in a spontaneous demonstration of non local reality. It was simply time.

The arrogance, unilateral insistence, bullying, refusal to listen to other points of view and rush to action without a compelling case for such speed is the mark of hubris. And as the Greeks, the progenitors of our western civilization, understood only too well, when hubris flies high, it must come crashing down to earth.

The robins' death and the Columbia's terrible end may only be accidents. But then again, in this highly charged time, they may not be.

Paul Tillich, a theologian and a deeply soulful man, described this process as Kairos: an outstanding moment in the temporal process, a moment in which the eternal breaks into the temporal -- shaking, transforming it, creating a crisis at the depth of human existence.

If this is a non local universe, one interconnected and intent of evolving a self reflecting image of its own inherent unity, then the omens of the physical world become important signpost of humanities progress. Freedom appears as true alignment with the self revealing nature of consciousness. Illusion appears when man's ego projects his own agenda onto the world and hopes to control the outcome of his ambition.

Someone should invite the President to take a long walk through the Texas countryside and have him contemplate what is falling from the skies over his home.

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