Someday, Someday (Soaring on Silver Wings)
Crash and Burn! guiterist, Eric Masters [Majestic Wing]

Someday, someday I'll find my way
And know my purpose for being here
Someday, someday I'll find the one
The one that will give me wings and let me fly

When I find you
I will soar high above the rest
Flying high on wings of silver
Majestic wings they'll be

You and I will soar together
And be free forever

Someday, someday I'll find your heart
And be with you forevermore
Someday, someday I'll find an end
An end to all my searching for mine will've found its place

When I find you
We'll soar high above the rest
Leaving behind a stardust trail
And help others to their paths
And you and I will soar together
And be free forever

Someday, someday this journey ends
And then I'll know my purpose and why
And someday, someday you and I will
Will be soaring forever one my silver wings

When I find you
I'll soar above the rest
Flying high on wings of silver
Majestic wings they'll be
You and I will soar together
And be free forever