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The 1880 Federal Population Census of Yancey Co.,
North Carolina was performed in 10 districts. The
enumeration began on June 1, 1879 and ended on May 31, 1880. The following map
provides a general overview of these locations within the
county. Listed are 10 regions with corresponding
census images for online viewing.
For more info/resources about
Yancey Co. Genealogy
of Yancey County as of 1880]
CREEK: Images 577a - 581b
Bailey, Briggs, Buchanan, Callahan, Carson, Collis, Constable, Culberson,
David, Deyton, Forbes, Forney, Gardner, Garland, Guthrey, Griffith,
Grindstaff, Haul, Hughes, Jarrell, Jones, Kersaun, Laws, Moore, Neufin,
Parker, Peterson, Presnell, Randolph, Ray, Riddle, Robinson, Silver, Sparks,
Stephens, Thomas, Willis, Woody, Wyatt, Yoerry?, Young.

512a - 522b
SURNAMES: Abernathy, Allen, Angel, Austin, Baldwin,
Banks, Bartlet, Baxter, Boon, Bridges, Brinkley, Brown, Butner, Byrd,
Callaway [Caliway], Carter, Carver, Chatman, Colliroy, Deyton, Dillinger,
Dixon, Edwards, Fox, Franklin, Gaddy, Gardner, Garland, Ghinkins, Gibbs,
Gibson, Girlie, Griffith, Gudger, Hampton, Harlan, Harris, Harriss, Hoaber,
Honeycutt, Horton, Houghs, Hughes, Hunter, Hyatt, Hycks [Hicks], Ledford,
Lewis, MacCampbell, McCanler, McClellan, McCrackin, McDowell, McFalls,
McIntosh, McInturff, McMahan, McPheters, [McPeters], Odier, Parker, Parrot,
Penland, Petree, Poore, Price, Ramsey, Ray, Rhein, Riddle, Riggins,
Roberson, Rolean, Roy, Scythemore, Shepherd, Silver, Smith, Styles, Tipton,
Ward, Webb, Whittington, Williams, Wilson, Womack, Young.

RIVER: Images 523a - 541b
SURNAMES: Allen, Angel, Anglin, Austin, [Auston],
Backster [Baxter], Baker, Ball, Balland, Banks, Barnard, Beaver,
Blankenship, Bowditch, Bradley, Branch, Briggs, Buckner, Burlison, Burton,
Byrd, Carsier, Chandler, Click, Coon, Copeney, Cox, Cozies, Cozzens,
Crowder, David, Davis, Doan, Dockery, Duck, Duncan, Eatmon, Edney, Edon,
Edwards, Elkins, Engle, English, Ferguson [Furguson], Fox, Franklin,
Gardiner [Gardner], Gibbs, Guthery, Hall, Hampton, Harris, Harvel, Head,
Hensley, Higgins, Hilemon, Hill, Holcombe [Holdcombe], Honeycutt, Horton,
Houston, Hudson, Huntsucker, Hurst, Hutchings, Ingle, Jamerson, Jameson,
Jentsy, Johnston, Jones, King, Ledford, Lester, Lewis, Lisenbee, Lord,
Lucas, Manard, Maney, Mathus, MacCalister, McClellend, McElroy, McEwen,
McIntosh, McInturff, McMahan, Metcalf, Miller, Mitcheal, Neill, Parker,
Parrott, Pate, Penland, Phipps, Piercy, Pinner, Priscy, Proffitt, Radford,
Randolph, Ray, Rhodes, Riddle, Robertson, Rogers, Roland, Roy, Sams, Scronce,
Segrades, Shepherd, Shook, Silver, Singletary, Sparks, Steward, Stiles
[Styles], Sullivan, Swepson, Tallent, Taylor, Tenison, Tomberlin, Tow,
Walker, Wampler, Wardamp, Wardrouf, Whittington, Willis, Wilson, Woody,
Wright, Young.

582a - 591d
SURNAMES: Allen, Anderson, Anglen [Anglin], Ayres,
Black, Bodford, Boon, Bowditch, Branch, Buchannan, Burgen, Burleson,
Caraway, Carson, Carter, Carvell, Chandler, Clantes, Cox, Culberson, Edge,
Fetts, Fortnier [Fortnor], Fox, Gaddey [Gaddy], Gardner, Garland, Gibbs,
Griffith, Guffey, Gurley, Hale, Hall, Harol [Harroll], Harris, Hauston
[Houston], Hensley, Hicks, Higgins, Hilliard, Hiram, Howell, Hughs, Laws,
Lewis, March, McCourry, McMahan, McNeal, Metau, Milton, Moody, Moore,
Murphey, Patton, Presnell, Radford, Rhodes, Roberson, Robinson, Shofe,
Silver, Smith, Thomas, Tolley, Wetherman, Wilson, Wiseman, Woody, Worlick,
Wyatt, Young.

542a - 550b
SURNAMES: Bailey, Billings, Brackins, Bradford,
Byrd, Camil, Cozies, Cozzens, Crane, Cropes, Duncan, Edwards, Estep, Fender,
Hampton, Hany [Haney], Hensley, Higgins, Honeycutt, Houghs, [Hughs], Howard,
Jestis, Johnson, King, Ledford, Lewis, Marrow, McCurry, McIntosh,
Moore, Norton, Parker, Parks, Pate, Phillips, Proffitt, Radford, Randolph,
Riddle, Robinson, Roland, Silver, Stamper, Taffer, Walkins, Watts, Webb,
Wheeler, Williams, Wilson.

MOUNTAIN: Images 561a - 566d
SURNAMES: Ayres, Bailey, Bennett, Carlton, Carson,
Conley, Deyton, Dellinger, Ervin, Fox, Goforth, Griffith, Hinson, Honeycutt,
Hopson, Horton, Howell, Hughes, Hunter, Huskins, Inglish [English], Jones,
Laws, Letterman, Lingfels?, Maze, McCourry, McCurry, McKinney, Miller,
Mitchell, Murphy, Peak, Pedssom, Peterson, Phillips, Presley, Price, Ramsey,
Randolph, Renfro, Rice, Roggers, Roseman, Stephens, Thomas, Tipton, Wallace,
Webb, Williams.

CREEK: Images
567a - 576d
SURNAMES: Anglin, Arrowood, Atkins, Aryes, Austin,
Bailey, Beaver, Bennett, Branch, Briggs, Bryant, Burton, Byrd, Conley,
Cooker, Cortes, Cresaun, Deyton, Edney, Edwards, Evans, Fox, Gipson
[Gibson], Hains, Hampton, Hams, Harden, Helton, Hensley, Higgins, Honeycutt,
Horton, Howard, Howell, Hughs, Hunter, Huskith [Huskin?], Johnson, Justein,
Kelly, Laws, Letterman, Lewis, McCollister, McCourry, McCrackin,
McIntosh, McLaughlin, McMahan, McCourry, McPeeters, Moore, Morgan, Murphy,
Parsons, Patterson, Peterson, Phillips, Phipps, Piercy, Randolph, Ray,
Riddle, Roberts, Rowland, Seagrunes, Shepherd, Smalls, Smith, Styles,
Tenison, Thomas, Thornburg, Tipton, Tucker, Wheeler, Whittington, Wilhort,
Wilson, Woodby.

599a - 605b
SURNAMES: Allen, Austin, Autrey, Barnard, Barnes,
Blankenship, Boon, Briggs, Burleson, Coda, Cyle, Dillingham, Elkins, Gady,
Gardener, Gibbs, Gragy, Haney, Harris, Hensley, Houghfirm, Hutchens, McClurd,
McKinney, McMahan, McPeters, Moody, Mophit, Nanney, Ogle, Penland, Pyat,
Rathbone, Ray, Rice, Riddle, Roberson, Roland, Sawyer, Self, Silvers,
Wheeler, Williams, Wilson, Winters.

551a - 560d
SURNAMES: Adkins, Bailey, Baker, Bennett,
Blackwell, Bradford, Branch, Bright, Bryant, Byrd, Cannon, Cooper, Deyton,
Edwards, Elliott, Fender, Franklin, Hendricks, Hensley, Higgins, Honeycutt,
Horton, Howell, Hubbard, Hughes, Hunter, Jarritt, Jestes, Johnson, Ledford,
Lewis, McIntosh, McKinney, McLaughlin, Miller, O'Sheals, Peek, Phillips,
Pierce, Price, Randolph, Ray, Shehan, Sparks, Swill, Tipton, Webb, Whitman,
Whitson, Williams, Woodby.

TOE: Images
592a - 598b
SURNAMES: Autrey, Ballew, Bollich, Bradshaw,
Burgin, Burnett, Byrd, Caraway, Cresaun [Creshawn], Early, Edge, Effler,
English, Gibbs, Gouge, Gregg, Grindstaff, Hainey, Hohfield, Hoover, Hours,
Hutchins, Jamison, Johnson, Keller, McFalls, McHatta, McNeal, McPeeters,
Murphy, Norman, Norton, Owenly, Patton, Puckeridge, Robsinson, Rogus, Saurs?,
Shepherd, Shuford, Simmons, Sorrels, Thomas, Trull, Wacaster, Weathegouge?,
Westall, Whitstine, Williams, Wilson, Woody, Wyatt, Young.


This is
a volunteer project in coordination with the NC GEN Web Project ,
Yancey Co., authored by B. Bradford-Pytel. The 1880 Yancey Co., Census Index and
Summary are direct transcriptions / compilations from original public records /
images. Mistakes are possible with the transcription and readers are highly
encouraged to verify content themselves by previewing the available online images of these
public documents. Your suggestions, corrections and comments are highly valued and
please feel free to email me your comments at bbpytel@yahoo.com. Happy
ancestor hunting!

All rights reserved, B. Bradford-Pytel, 2002
Another volunteer project for the preservation of family history
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last update
06/28/08 |