
أخي الكريم ندعوك للمساهمة معنا في رفع مستوى هذا الموقع .. اخبرنا بالبرامج الجيدة والتي يجب ان نضيفها فيه .. وذلك لفائدة الجميع .. الموقع دائما في الخدمة

بإمكانك أخي الكريم ان تجد معظم البرامج في هذه المواقع


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 927KB    Winzip70

265KB   Freetel

من أفضل برامج ضغط الملفات على الإطلاق . أنصحك أن تبدأ به أولا لان معظم البرامج الموجوده على هذه الصفحه مضغوطه

من أقدم وأفضل برامج التخاطب السمعية والكتابية عبر شبكة الأنترنت

   1.26MB   Net2phone

1.7MB   Gozilla 3.5

يعمل كهاتف مباشر من الأنترنت إلي أي هاتف عادي في أي بقعه من العالم وبأقل الأسعار... يلزم لتشغيله الإشتراك يساعدك على سرعة تنزيل البرامج من الأنترنت ويعاود الإتصال في حالة قطع التحميل حيث انه يبدأ من نها ية القطع . برنامج ممتاز

  1001KB    NewMail 2.1 

  1MB    Downlaod Manager 2.0

برنامج صغير يقبع في النظام . يعلمك بوصول اية رسالة جديدة لأيميلك الأكتروني يساعدك هذا البرنامج التطبيقي الفريد من نوعه و المصمم خصيصاً للانترنت على ملاحقة البرامج و اجراء التحديثات بسهولة. يعلمك بمجرد توفر نسخ أحدث عن البرامج التي سبق لك سحبها.

1.38MB   ACDSee32 

   1005KB   AddWeb 2.36
برنامج ممتاز جدا لعرض الصور والرسومات

S.N   :    0718645668

عن طريقه ممكن ان تسلم موقعك الي مئات محركات ومحاور البحث على الانترنت

   1.45MB   InternetBOOST 99

1.20MB  Xing.MPEG.330 

هل تعاني من بطأ التصفح ... هذا البرنامج يحل لك المشكله برنامج عظيم لعرض أفلام الفيديو
676KB   FileFerrel 1.11 4.46MB  Realplyer Plus G2
وسيلة سريعة للعثور على ملف معين من الأنترنت النسخة الكامله والرقم السري هو

S.N :   0058-23-7466

   260KB   Netbuster     565KB    WS.ftp
برنامج حمايه الذي يحميك من أخوه اللدود . نيت باس . ويبدأ عمله بالضغط على كلمة . سكان . العلويه من ثم بالضغط على كلمة . شاو أوتوستارت ريجستري . السفليه أشهر برنامج لنقل الملفات عبر الأنترنت
1.68MB  Lockdown2000 1.20MB    Buddyphone
برنامج رائع يحميك من المتطفلين .الهاكرز. وهذا هو رقمه السري

S.N :   RL2-QLEHF-25

هاتف ممتاز خاص للأيسكيو فقط حيث عن طريقه ممكن أن تتكلم مع صديقك مبا شرة وذلك عن طريق   الأي بي
 1.23MB   cute  FTP

906KB    ImageWalf

برنامج رائع لنقل الملفات عبر الانترنت برنامج تخصصي  برنامج عظيم للبحث عن الصور والأفلام عبر شبكة الأنترنت
7MB  Paint Shop Pro 5.01 14MB  Norton Antivirus 5
برنامج عظيم لتحرير الصور والرسومات يقوم بفتح اي نمط من الصور كم يقوم بتحويل صورة من نمط الي آخر .. إضغط هنا لتحميل الكراك من أفضل البرامج لمكافحة الفيروسات على الإطلاق .. كما بإمكانك الاتصال بالشركة عن طريق عمل أبديت لتزويدك بالجديد دائما إضغط هنا لتحميل الكراك
386KB    Part It 2.0 67.5KB     NOBO
برنامج جديد وممتاز يسمح بتقطيع ملفاتك الطويله حتى تتمكن من تخزينها على الفلوبي طبعا مع استطاعتك ارجاع الملف لهيأته السابقه بزر واحد..  وهذا هو كراك البرنامج مرفق معه ملف توضيحي لعمله اسمه ممتاز هلب إضغط هنا لتحميل الكراك برنامج ممتاز جدا يحميك من الهاكرز والمتجسسين حيث يقوم بقطع الطريق على اي حقير يريد سرقت معلوماتك الخاصه ويعلمك بدخوله والجهة اللآتي منها كما بإمكانك ترك  رساله لهم تكتب فيها ما  تشاء 
15.0 MB    imagestyler  7MB   Paint Shop Pro 5

برنامج جديد و ممتاز جداً يفيدك بعمل أزارار جميلة لموقع على الأنترنت و عمل الأشياء المتحركة. أذا أنت صاحب صفحة يلزمك هذا البرنامج جدا كما يمكن أن يعمل الأعلانات عن موقعك أنقرهنا

مفيد جداً لعمل الأزرار المتحركة لمصممي المواقع.
4 MB    ICQ99a 2.4MB   Sonique

برنامج جديد و ممتاز جداً يفيدك بتحدث مع الأخرين وأرسال اليهم وكما يوجد فيه الشات ويمك أيضا التكلم معهم عبر الصوت

إضغط هنا لترى طريقة إستخدامه 

برنامج مفيد جداً لقرائة الموسيقى التي تحمل من الأنترنت

664k   Advanced dialer 1.2

برنامج رائع جداً وسهل الاستخدام يقوم باجراء اتصالات الانترنت اتوماتيكياً ويقوم بحساب وقت ومدة استخدامك للانترنت في الشهر كما يزودك برقم الايبي الخاص بك وبالشركة المزودة لخدمة الانترنت،بواجهة جميلة ،عند تركيبي له قمت بالاستغناء عن جميع برامج الاتصال بالانترنت،صغير في حجمة وكبير في امكانياته فهل تجربة؟  

2.9mb  AnyMail

تستطيع بهذا البرنامج جلب بريدك من الياهو او أي بريد اخر،سهل الاستخدام والإعداد  







2.3mb  CrushPop2000 v3.1

يمنع ظهور النوافذ الإعلانية المزعجة التي تصادفك اثناء تصفحك  

1.3mb  BROADPAGE 2000

برنامج تصفح،من مميزاته انك تستطيع تصفح عدة مواقع في نافذة واحده  

942kb InterCent

برنامج رائع وسهل التعامل،يقوم بحساب الوقت الذي امضيته على الانترنت وتكلفة الاتصال،بامكانك وضع خيار التنبيه لكي ينبهك بعد تجاوزك لساعة او نصف ساعة او اي وقت تحدده لاستخدامك للانترنت،برنامج اقتصادي ينظم عملك على الانترنت،فهل تجربه؟  





برامج أخرى 

 اسم البرنامج



XingMPEG Player 3.30 1,6 mb One Of The Best Mpeg Players around
Virtual Turntables 1.75 2,3 mb play and mix MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3) files.
GuitarMan 1.1 708 kb GuitarMan is a guitar program for beginners.
AutoPlay Menu Studio 1.1 931 kb tool for creating AutoPlay menus for CD-ROMs.
A Smaller GIF 1.10 1,0 mb compress GIF animations.
Mp3 Wizard 1.0 431 kb Recorder and compiler, front-end
Newsgrabber 2.1 635 kb Collect Files Attached to usenet news articles
Ultraedit 6.00b 1,1 mb A very nice file editor.
Webzip 2.50 1,1 mb Quickly mirror entire website to hdd to browse later
Winhack 2.02 1,1 mb Modify Several windows settings
Winproxy 2.1g 1,2 mb Allows an unlimited number of simultaneous Internet connections.
Rar 2.50 beta 274 kb Most efficent Packager
Virtua Girl 1.12 1,4 mb Nice Girl who does all kind of stuff on your desktop
Winimage 4.0 285 kb utility for creating and working with disk images of floppy disks.
Addweb 2.53 1,4 mb Promote your website to engines and lists
A Smaller Image 1.0 675 kb the easiest way to resize digital images.
Vinny Graph app 1.98 385 kb novel graphing and data analysis program.
PasteIt Pro 2.3b 811 kb fast and easy way to keep up to 9 text's or appz in clipboard
RapidKey 1.1 198 kb run macros quickly select and store and re-use text items.
ImageConverter 2.8 1,0 mb add-on to your Windows 95/98t context menu
AgileTP 1.1 1,5 mb File Downloader, Speeds up downloads by splitting files.
File Sync 1.11 282 kb performs file synchronization between PCs, hard drives, networks, and laptops.
Irfan View 2.97 393 kb fast image viewer that supports many image formats.
Haydar HTML Editor 1.10 1,0 mb one of the best HTML Editors available today !!
Multimedia Builder MP3 3.2 3,5 mb visual tool for creating interactive multimedia applications.
PC#Protect 3.01 142 kb versatile tool to monitor the use / abuse of PCs.
Atguard 3.0 1,4 mb Increased performance, privacy, and protection on the Internet
LifeSaver 4.00 794 kb LifeSaver backs up critical Windows 95/98 files.
MagicSpell for ICQ 1,0 mb Add-on for ICQ that can read incoming messages out loud.
Multiquence 1.02 412 kb Realtime Sound editor, works fast without any processing time!
Capture Professional 4.06e 687 kb Capture everything
Desktop Frames 1.0 248 kb Put your favorite images on your desktop without having to change your wallpaper.
File Protector 1.11 47 kb Protect your files and folders in various ways
HTML View v1.66 674 kb Html file and folder browser Several language modules
JOC Downloader 1.2 267 kb Retrieve Internet files from http or ftp sites.
Self-Extracting Archive Utility v2.3 1,0 mb Compresses multiple files into a single, full featured installation program.
SubjectSearchScanner v.2.6 782 kb full-text search utility, which scans within files on your local or network drives
SubjectSearchSiter v.1.1 849 kb The only complete Web Site Investigator
Ultim@te Registry v.1.22 154 kb The ultimate Registry-Tweaker
@Mailgate 2.72 1,1 mb E-Mail Program with amazing filtering system
CDRLabel 1.41 508 kb create and print labels for your audio CDs, CD-ROMs, and CD-Recordable discs.
ClipQuik 2.07 1,3 mb Clipboard storage system
Hide@Seek 2.1 640 kb Anonymus Mailer
Internet Anywhere Toolkit 3.1 1,2 mb Set of 18 unix style internet utilities
Lorenz Graf's HTMLtool v2.5 1,9 mb Tool for creating html filez
TClockEx 1.3.1 381 kb customize and enhance the clock that is built into the Windows Taskbar.
Flash FXP 740 kb FTP utility that lets you transfer files between two remote sites. ,Free.
CompuPic 4.0 1,3 mb Fast and versatile image viewer, browser and multimedia file manager
Download Assistant 1.3d 600 kb Download Tool
MagicBar 2.0 400 kb Application Desktop Toolbar features automatic add of the applications you run
Private exe 2.0a 152 kb Protects your Win .exe files
TweakEzy 1.52 183 kb easy-to-use system time correction program
TWinexplorer99 1.3 657 kb Double Windows Explorer in one single window.
E-Mail Notify v3.78 1,9 mb an e-mail notification utility that can check multiple Hotmail accounts.
Dvmpeg 4.32 2,2 mb Mpeg I and Mpeg II encoder
QTalk V0.9 817 kb Voice add-on for ICQ!
EXE Protector v1.37a 1,5 mb Add Password Protection to exe filez so only you can use them
PicPluck! v.1.0 467 kb It completely automates your website picture downloads!
Theme Builder v2.01 1,3 mb Build your own theme
VuePrint Pro32 v7.0 642 kb print and convert graphics files and play sound and movie files.
Acdsee 2.4 1,8 mb Best Image Viewer around, all types supported.
AceExpert 3.00h 3,5 mb Easy-to-use web site builder
Customizer 98 2,1 mb Tweak windows hidden settings
Help Wizard 1.1 1,6 mb Simple tool for creating Windows Help (.HLP) files.
Macromedia Deamweaver 2 10,8 mb Visual HTML editor designed for professional developers.
Mirc 5.5 970 kb Irc client, chat all around :)
Powertweak 1.03 981 kb Configure your hardware components to work at their highest capabilities.
Winamp 2.09 521 kb The Best MP3 Player, latest one
WinGO 1.6 289 kb Icon in System Tray that contains shortcuts to commonly used folders.
CoffeeCup StyleSheet Maker++ 3.0 1,8 mb Excellent utility for creating HTML Style Sheets.
GetRight 3.31 1,17 mb Downloading and scheduling program
WinDac 1.46 328 kb Cd Music Ripper
BackStreet V1.3 1,3 mb Download entire webpage with html, java etc. to browse later
BlazeMarks! V2.0 3,9 mb Bookmark manager
EditPlus V1.21 990 kb Replace your notepad, 32bit text editor, web support.
Jet-Audio 4.02 5,5 mb Enjoy Internet radio, audio CDs, digital audio, MIDI files, video files, and more.
Xara 3D 3.02 896 kb Create easily 3D animated text and headings for your Web pages.
Copernic Plus98 V2.51+ 2,3 mb Searches all engines and you'll get great results quickly and easily!
N-Track Studio 1.0 1,5 mb Audio & Midi multitrack recorder for windows
Waterfall Pro 2.1 1,2 mb powerful utility which protects your PC and cools down your processor
Notepads Plus 1.22 3,7 mb Best Windows Replacement Notepads On the Market
1st Java Navigator 4.0 1,5 mb Add a Java-based, Explorer-style navigation menu to your Web site.
ClipMate 5.0 957 kb Cut and paste powertool
Go!Zilla 3.3 1,28 mb Go!Zilla allows you to reliably download files at any time of the day.
Snow for Windows 325 kb Displays falling snow on your desktop etc.
Weather 1.40 846 kb Keeps you up to date about current weather conditions, forecasts, warnings, and more.
Lview Pro 2.1 1,5 mb Image Processor program, view, edit, create, and catalog images.
Burning Monkey Solitaire 5,2 mb Entertaining solitaire game that is set in a monkey movie theater.
ChessPartner 4.0b 3,7 mb Play Chess game against the computer or against opponents across the Internet.
iSpeed 2.7.3 519 kb Optimize the speed of your dial-up Internet connection.
Real3Dicons 2.0 829 kb Collection of 59 3D animated cursors.
DLL Show 4.0 145 kb Displays a list of all running processes and their DLL dependencies
Password Tracker Deluxe 3.55 1,1 mb Handy password and user name manager that can automatically enter passwords for you.
Multimedia Xplorer 2.0.7 1,2 mb Click'n'view application for viewing/managing most types of multimedia files
PolyView 3.20 1,2 mb Graphics viewer, file conversion, and printing utility for Windows 95,98, and NT
CSE HTML Validator 3.04 1,7 mb Validate your HTML documents faster and easier on your own computer
NetSonic 1.02 800 kb Speed up your Web browsing by using an intelligent look-ahead cache
Xara Web Style 1.2 765 kb Good software to make 3D headings ,backgrounds, buttons, etc.(update patch from xara web style 1.1, 2,5 mb)
Wisebot Pro 2.0 5,1 mb Web development tool that will help site users locate information and knowledge.
Text Buttons v1.0 129 kb Put text in memory often required for copying and pasting.
PowerMark 3.04 458 kb Powermarks is a Windows 95/98/NT Bookmark tool for any browser(
Goldwave 4.02 637 kb GoldWave (32-bit) is a full-featured digital audio editor.
GIF Movie Gear 2.62 645 kb Tool for building GIF animations.
FTPEdit 2.20 1,2 mb Edit files without removing them from ftp server
FreeMem Professional 4.0 275 kb keep your memory (RAM) at its best.
1 Click Unzip! v2.0 1,6 mb An unzipper for those who think Winzip is a little to complex!
TurboZIP Express 1.01 1,0 mb Fast, ZIP & CAB file utility + many other frormats
Logo Organizer 98 4.0 1,1 mb Change Win95/98 start up and shut down logos
Webflix pro 1.51 2,4 mb The Best Mpeg Player
Myflix 1.51 2,4 mb One Of The Best Mpeg Players
TweakJr 99 2.0 230 kb Customize many aspects of Windows 98.
Adobe ImageReady 18,5 mb Excellent set of tools for refining and preparing Web graphics.
FTP Daemon 1.70 3,5 mb A powerful, and highly configurable FTP Daemon. And best of all, its FREE!
Eudora Pro 4.1 5,1 mb One of the most powerful e-mail applications on the Net.
RealPlayer G2 2,6 mb Plays RealAudio, streaming RealVideo, and RealFlash animations from the Web.
Window Washer 2.4 1,07 mb Protects your privacy by cleaning up the history of your computer activities.
WinRAR 2.06 475 kb Archive utility that can create compressed files that are smaller than ZIP or ARJ files
Opera 3.60 1,2 mb Fast, flexible, multi-window Web browser.
Soundforge XP 4.5 ? mb Powerful Wav Editor.
Turbo Browser 98 v6.11 1,2 mb Powerful Windows Explorer replacement,integrated ActiveX tech.
MusicMatch Jukebox 2.5 6,13 mb CD ripping, MP3 and RealAudio encoding, player, downloader from net
Netscape Communicator 4.5 15 mb Web Browser, 128bit security, use tha splash killer.
Scitech Display Doctor 6.53  2,7 mb Can improve the quality of your view by up to 400 percent
McAfee VirusScan 4.0.2 8,32 mb Excellent virus protection, detection and removal system.
Microsoft Photodraw 2000 30,8 mb Provides illustration and photo-editing tools in a single program.
Oil Change 2.5 2,80 mb Automates downloading popular software programs from the Web.
WinBoost 98 1.23 1,2 mb Configure over 100 hidden settings and options
Mp3 to Exe 1.50 703 kb Turn your MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer3) files into self-playing music files.
Bullet Proof FTP v1.10 580 kb FTP client that supports HTTP downloading, resuming etc.
Applet Marquee Wizard 3.0 996 kb Create custom smooth-scrolling Java banners
Applet Button Factory v4.0 990 kb Easy to make Java Applet Buttons
Applet Headline Factory v3.0 934 kb Create your own Fancy Scrolling Java headlines
Applet Password Wizard 1.0 554 kb Create usernames and passwords to protect your Web pages
Applet Navigation Factory 1.0 900 kb Create Java-based navigational menus for the Web.
Add/Remove 4Good 2.0 250 kb Cleanup Control Panels' Add/Remove list the easy way
Norton Antivirus 5.0 13,8 mb excellent virus protection, detection and removal system.
Windows Commander 3.53 1,1 mb WC is an excellent file and archive manager which can replace Windows Explorer.
Full Screen for Netscape 1.61 337 kb Like IE has, same thing, full screen.
Codelink 4.0 84 kb Codelink is a Java applet that allows you to assign passwords to Web pages.
NetZIP Deluxe 6.3 1,5 mb Work with ZIP files as Windows folders
CoffeeCup Direct FTP 3.0 1,7 mb full-featured FTP client with several unique features designed for Web publishers.
FTP Voyager 1,9 mb well-designed FTP utility that looks and feels almost exactly like Windows Explorer.
1 Cool Button Tool 4 665 kb Generate custom Java-based buttons for your Web site..
Coffecup Image Mapper++ 3.00 662 kb Put many link in one picture, well-designed Web image map creation utility.
Ulead Photoimpact 4.2 14,6 mb powerful image editing package with a set of tools for creating Web graphics
Net Vampire 3.01 1,4 mb File downloading utility that offers scheduling options, browser integration, etc.
E-Icons 98 2,4 mb Easily customize the shell icons on your system
Paint Shop Pro 5.1 7,0 mb Image editing program, support to many file types.
Winfax Pro 9 27 mb lets you send faxes from any Windows application
Adobe Photoshop 5.0 26,7 mb Photo design and production tool for digital enhancement, photo compositing etc.
Liveimage 1.29d 1,3 mb Easy-to-use client-side image mapping utility.
WS FTP Pro 6.0 446 kb Powerful ftp client
SendTo FTP 483 kb Select files, right-click and select SendTo FTP. Free.
PictureAgent 2.7b 1,9 mb Automatically download images from Usenet newsgroups based on selected criteria
PC Anywhere 8.0 8,3 mb Connect your pc from remote location
Acrobat Reader 4,0 mb Read with .PDF extenison documents , Free.
SubmitWolf Pro 4.00 1,4 mb Add website to thousands of search engines
Pirch 98 1,7mb Very good IRC client, dual server support
ICQ 99 3,7 mb All In One: Mail, Messages, Chat, File Send, Voice Chat etc.
PowWow 3,5 mb Over A 1000 Chatrooms, Free
Media Player 6.0 4,2 mb Plays all known audio and video formats, Free
Ulead GIF Animator 2.0 4,3 mb Easy tool for designing, producing and optimizing GIF animations.
Far Manager 1.60 581 kb Text mode file and archive manager, looks like NC95 but much faster.
Xara Webster 2.0 4,6 mb Create bullets, buttons and headings,etc
QuickTime (32-bit) 6,9 mb ver 3.0 MOV Player.
XingMPEG Encoder 2.10c 3.6 mb Fastest Video & Sound Encoder
Ra2Wav 1,4 mb This program converts Real Audio Sound to Wav sound.
Macromedia Fireworks 1.0 9,6 mb Great package designed especially for creating Web graphics
GS98 Access Control Software 2,1 mb Get control of your security settings
Email Effects 1.5 474 kb lets you instantly turn drawings, images, or tables into ASCII art
ActiveBar 1.0 1.4 mb create dockable toolbars, detachable menus, sliding tabs, and popup menus.etc.
3D IMPACT! Pro 1.25 11.6 mb Create photorealistic 3D animations and artwork for Web sites, banners ads etc.
WinZip 7.0 943 kb Just Newer ver. of famous winzip,
AntiViral Toolkit Pro 1,8 mb Scan for known and unknown viruses
MicroAngelo 98 2.1 1,27 mb creating icons, cursors and animated cursors
WAVclean 1.5 728 kb Improve the sound quality of any WAV file.
IE4 Tweakin' Tool 1.0b 45 kb customize Start menu, restore the default spinning globe, etc.
SafeInstall98 1.2 785 kb Watches over and backs up DLL, OCX, or VBX files
Advantix Calculator 1.2 2.9 mb Advantix is an excellent tool for students of math, engineering and physics.
E-MailZip Deluxe 4.0 a 906 kb lets you quickly create a ZIP file or self-extracting archive and send it to anyone by e-mail
DirectX 6.0 1.6 mb This newest release can boost 3-D application performance by up to 60 percent.
Ulead Cool3D v2.0  4.7 mb Create images and animations with dazzling three-dimensional text effects.

 اسم البرنامج



XingMPEG Player 3.30 1,6 mb One Of The Best Mpeg Players around
Virtual Turntables 1.75 2,3 mb play and mix MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3) files.
GuitarMan 1.1 708 kb GuitarMan is a guitar program for beginners.
AutoPlay Menu Studio 1.1 931 kb tool for creating AutoPlay menus for CD-ROMs.
A Smaller GIF 1.10 1,0 mb compress GIF animations.
Mp3 Wizard 1.0 431 kb Recorder and compiler, front-end
Newsgrabber 2.1 635 kb Collect Files Attached to usenet news articles
Ultraedit 6.00b 1,1 mb A very nice file editor.
Webzip 2.50 1,1 mb Quickly mirror entire website to hdd to browse later
Winhack 2.02 1,1 mb Modify Several windows settings
Winproxy 2.1g 1,2 mb Allows an unlimited number of simultaneous Internet connections.
Rar 2.50 beta 274 kb Most efficent Packager
Virtua Girl 1.12 1,4 mb Nice Girl who does all kind of stuff on your desktop
Winimage 4.0 285 kb utility for creating and working with disk images of floppy disks.
Addweb 2.53 1,4 mb Promote your website to engines and lists
A Smaller Image 1.0 675 kb the easiest way to resize digital images.
Vinny Graph app 1.98 385 kb novel graphing and data analysis program.
PasteIt Pro 2.3b 811 kb fast and easy way to keep up to 9 text's or appz in clipboard
RapidKey 1.1 198 kb run macros quickly select and store and re-use text items.
ImageConverter 2.8 1,0 mb add-on to your Windows 95/98t context menu
AgileTP 1.1 1,5 mb File Downloader, Speeds up downloads by splitting files.
File Sync 1.11 282 kb performs file synchronization between PCs, hard drives, networks, and laptops.
Irfan View 2.97 393 kb fast image viewer that supports many image formats.
Haydar HTML Editor 1.10 1,0 mb one of the best HTML Editors available today !!
Multimedia Builder MP3 3.2 3,5 mb visual tool for creating interactive multimedia applications.
PC#Protect 3.01 142 kb versatile tool to monitor the use / abuse of PCs.
Atguard 3.0 1,4 mb Increased performance, privacy, and protection on the Internet
LifeSaver 4.00 794 kb LifeSaver backs up critical Windows 95/98 files.
MagicSpell for ICQ 1,0 mb Add-on for ICQ that can read incoming messages out loud.
Multiquence 1.02 412 kb Realtime Sound editor, works fast without any processing time!
Capture Professional 4.06e 687 kb Capture everything
Desktop Frames 1.0 248 kb Put your favorite images on your desktop without having to change your wallpaper.
File Protector 1.11 47 kb Protect your files and folders in various ways
HTML View v1.66 674 kb Html file and folder browser Several language modules
JOC Downloader 1.2 267 kb Retrieve Internet files from http or ftp sites.
Self-Extracting Archive Utility v2.3 1,0 mb Compresses multiple files into a single, full featured installation program.
SubjectSearchScanner v.2.6 782 kb full-text search utility, which scans within files on your local or network drives
SubjectSearchSiter v.1.1 849 kb The only complete Web Site Investigator
Ultim@te Registry v.1.22 154 kb The ultimate Registry-Tweaker
@Mailgate 2.72 1,1 mb E-Mail Program with amazing filtering system
CDRLabel 1.41 508 kb create and print labels for your audio CDs, CD-ROMs, and CD-Recordable discs.
ClipQuik 2.07 1,3 mb Clipboard storage system
Hide@Seek 2.1 640 kb Anonymus Mailer
Internet Anywhere Toolkit 3.1 1,2 mb Set of 18 unix style internet utilities
Lorenz Graf's HTMLtool v2.5 1,9 mb Tool for creating html filez
TClockEx 1.3.1 381 kb customize and enhance the clock that is built into the Windows Taskbar.
Flash FXP 740 kb FTP utility that lets you transfer files between two remote sites. ,Free.
CompuPic 4.0 1,3 mb Fast and versatile image viewer, browser and multimedia file manager
Download Assistant 1.3d 600 kb Download Tool
MagicBar 2.0 400 kb Application Desktop Toolbar features automatic add of the applications you run
Private exe 2.0a 152 kb Protects your Win .exe files
TweakEzy 1.52 183 kb easy-to-use system time correction program
TWinexplorer99 1.3 657 kb Double Windows Explorer in one single window.
E-Mail Notify v3.78 1,9 mb an e-mail notification utility that can check multiple Hotmail accounts.
Dvmpeg 4.32 2,2 mb Mpeg I and Mpeg II encoder
QTalk V0.9 817 kb Voice add-on for ICQ!
EXE Protector v1.37a 1,5 mb Add Password Protection to exe filez so only you can use them
PicPluck! v.1.0 467 kb It completely automates your website picture downloads!
Theme Builder v2.01 1,3 mb Build your own theme
VuePrint Pro32 v7.0 642 kb print and convert graphics files and play sound and movie files.
Acdsee 2.4 1,8 mb Best Image Viewer around, all types supported.
AceExpert 3.00h 3,5 mb Easy-to-use web site builder
Customizer 98 2,1 mb Tweak windows hidden settings
Help Wizard 1.1 1,6 mb Simple tool for creating Windows Help (.HLP) files.
Macromedia Deamweaver 2 10,8 mb Visual HTML editor designed for professional developers.
Mirc 5.5 970 kb Irc client, chat all around :)
Powertweak 1.03 981 kb Configure your hardware components to work at their highest capabilities.
Winamp 2.09 521 kb The Best MP3 Player, latest one
WinGO 1.6 289 kb Icon in System Tray that contains shortcuts to commonly used folders.
CoffeeCup StyleSheet Maker++ 3.0 1,8 mb Excellent utility for creating HTML Style Sheets.
GetRight 3.31 1,17 mb Downloading and scheduling program
WinDac 1.46 328 kb Cd Music Ripper
BackStreet V1.3 1,3 mb Download entire webpage with html, java etc. to browse later
BlazeMarks! V2.0 3,9 mb Bookmark manager
EditPlus V1.21 990 kb Replace your notepad, 32bit text editor, web support.
Jet-Audio 4.02 5,5 mb Enjoy Internet radio, audio CDs, digital audio, MIDI files, video files, and more.
Xara 3D 3.02 896 kb Create easily 3D animated text and headings for your Web pages.
Copernic Plus98 V2.51+ 2,3 mb Searches all engines and you'll get great results quickly and easily!
N-Track Studio 1.0 1,5 mb Audio & Midi multitrack recorder for windows
Waterfall Pro 2.1 1,2 mb powerful utility which protects your PC and cools down your processor
Notepads Plus 1.22 3,7 mb Best Windows Replacement Notepads On the Market
1st Java Navigator 4.0 1,5 mb Add a Java-based, Explorer-style navigation menu to your Web site.
ClipMate 5.0 957 kb Cut and paste powertool
Go!Zilla 3.3 1,28 mb Go!Zilla allows you to reliably download files at any time of the day.
Snow for Windows 325 kb Displays falling snow on your desktop etc.
Weather 1.40 846 kb Keeps you up to date about current weather conditions, forecasts, warnings, and more.
Lview Pro 2.1 1,5 mb Image Processor program, view, edit, create, and catalog images.
Burning Monkey Solitaire 5,2 mb Entertaining solitaire game that is set in a monkey movie theater.
ChessPartner 4.0b 3,7 mb Play Chess game against the computer or against opponents across the Internet.
iSpeed 2.7.3 519 kb Optimize the speed of your dial-up Internet connection.
Real3Dicons 2.0 829 kb Collection of 59 3D animated cursors.
DLL Show 4.0 145 kb Displays a list of all running processes and their DLL dependencies
Password Tracker Deluxe 3.55 1,1 mb Handy password and user name manager that can automatically enter passwords for you.
Multimedia Xplorer 2.0.7 1,2 mb Click'n'view application for viewing/managing most types of multimedia files
PolyView 3.20 1,2 mb Graphics viewer, file conversion, and printing utility for Windows 95,98, and NT
CSE HTML Validator 3.04 1,7 mb Validate your HTML documents faster and easier on your own computer
NetSonic 1.02 800 kb Speed up your Web browsing by using an intelligent look-ahead cache
Xara Web Style 1.2 765 kb Good software to make 3D headings ,backgrounds, buttons, etc.(update patch from xara web style 1.1, 2,5 mb)
Wisebot Pro 2.0 5,1 mb Web development tool that will help site users locate information and knowledge.
Text Buttons v1.0 129 kb Put text in memory often required for copying and pasting.
PowerMark 3.04 458 kb Powermarks is a Windows 95/98/NT Bookmark tool for any browser(
Goldwave 4.02 637 kb GoldWave (32-bit) is a full-featured digital audio editor.
GIF Movie Gear 2.62 645 kb Tool for building GIF animations.
FTPEdit 2.20 1,2 mb Edit files without removing them from ftp server
FreeMem Professional 4.0 275 kb keep your memory (RAM) at its best.
1 Click Unzip! v2.0 1,6 mb An unzipper for those who think Winzip is a little to complex!
TurboZIP Express 1.01 1,0 mb Fast, ZIP & CAB file utility + many other frormats
Logo Organizer 98 4.0 1,1 mb Change Win95/98 start up and shut down logos
Webflix pro 1.51 2,4 mb The Best Mpeg Player
Myflix 1.51 2,4 mb One Of The Best Mpeg Players
TweakJr 99 2.0 230 kb Customize many aspects of Windows 98.
Adobe ImageReady 18,5 mb Excellent set of tools for refining and preparing Web graphics.
FTP Daemon 1.70 3,5 mb A powerful, and highly configurable FTP Daemon. And best of all, its FREE!
Eudora Pro 4.1 5,1 mb One of the most powerful e-mail applications on the Net.
RealPlayer G2 2,6 mb Plays RealAudio, streaming RealVideo, and RealFlash animations from the Web.
Window Washer 2.4 1,07 mb Protects your privacy by cleaning up the history of your computer activities.
WinRAR 2.06 475 kb Archive utility that can create compressed files that are smaller than ZIP or ARJ files
Opera 3.60 1,2 mb Fast, flexible, multi-window Web browser.
Soundforge XP 4.5 ? mb Powerful Wav Editor.
Turbo Browser 98 v6.11 1,2 mb Powerful Windows Explorer replacement,integrated ActiveX tech.
MusicMatch Jukebox 2.5 6,13 mb CD ripping, MP3 and RealAudio encoding, player, downloader from net
Netscape Communicator 4.5 15 mb Web Browser, 128bit security, use tha splash killer.
Scitech Display Doctor 6.53  2,7 mb Can improve the quality of your view by up to 400 percent
McAfee VirusScan 4.0.2 8,32 mb Excellent virus protection, detection and removal system.
Microsoft Photodraw 2000 30,8 mb Provides illustration and photo-editing tools in a single program.
Oil Change 2.5 2,80 mb Automates downloading popular software programs from the Web.
WinBoost 98 1.23 1,2 mb Configure over 100 hidden settings and options
Mp3 to Exe 1.50 703 kb Turn your MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer3) files into self-playing music files.
Bullet Proof FTP v1.10 580 kb FTP client that supports HTTP downloading, resuming etc.
Applet Marquee Wizard 3.0 996 kb Create custom smooth-scrolling Java banners
Applet Button Factory v4.0 990 kb Easy to make Java Applet Buttons
Applet Headline Factory v3.0 934 kb Create your own Fancy Scrolling Java headlines
Applet Password Wizard 1.0 554 kb Create usernames and passwords to protect your Web pages
Applet Navigation Factory 1.0 900 kb Create Java-based navigational menus for the Web.
Add/Remove 4Good 2.0 250 kb Cleanup Control Panels' Add/Remove list the easy way
Norton Antivirus 5.0 13,8 mb excellent virus protection, detection and removal system.
Windows Commander 3.53 1,1 mb WC is an excellent file and archive manager which can replace Windows Explorer.
Full Screen for Netscape 1.61 337 kb Like IE has, same thing, full screen.
Codelink 4.0 84 kb Codelink is a Java applet that allows you to assign passwords to Web pages.
NetZIP Deluxe 6.3 1,5 mb Work with ZIP files as Windows folders
CoffeeCup Direct FTP 3.0 1,7 mb full-featured FTP client with several unique features designed for Web publishers.
FTP Voyager 1,9 mb well-designed FTP utility that looks and feels almost exactly like Windows Explorer.
1 Cool Button Tool 4 665 kb Generate custom Java-based buttons for your Web site..
Coffecup Image Mapper++ 3.00 662 kb Put many link in one picture, well-designed Web image map creation utility.
Ulead Photoimpact 4.2 14,6 mb powerful image editing package with a set of tools for creating Web graphics
Net Vampire 3.01 1,4 mb File downloading utility that offers scheduling options, browser integration, etc.
E-Icons 98 2,4 mb Easily customize the shell icons on your system
Paint Shop Pro 5.1 7,0 mb Image editing program, support to many file types.
Winfax Pro 9 27 mb lets you send faxes from any Windows application
Adobe Photoshop 5.0 26,7 mb Photo design and production tool for digital enhancement, photo compositing etc.
Liveimage 1.29d 1,3 mb Easy-to-use client-side image mapping utility.
WS FTP Pro 6.0 446 kb Powerful ftp client
SendTo FTP 483 kb Select files, right-click and select SendTo FTP. Free.
PictureAgent 2.7b 1,9 mb Automatically download images from Usenet newsgroups based on selected criteria
PC Anywhere 8.0 8,3 mb Connect your pc from remote location
Acrobat Reader 4,0 mb Read with .PDF extenison documents , Free.
SubmitWolf Pro 4.00 1,4 mb Add website to thousands of search engines
Pirch 98 1,7mb Very good IRC client, dual server support
ICQ 99 3,7 mb All In One: Mail, Messages, Chat, File Send, Voice Chat etc.
PowWow 3,5 mb Over A 1000 Chatrooms, Free
Media Player 6.0 4,2 mb Plays all known audio and video formats, Free
Ulead GIF Animator 2.0 4,3 mb Easy tool for designing, producing and optimizing GIF animations.
Far Manager 1.60 581 kb Text mode file and archive manager, looks like NC95 but much faster.
Xara Webster 2.0 4,6 mb Create bullets, buttons and headings,etc
QuickTime (32-bit) 6,9 mb ver 3.0 MOV Player.
XingMPEG Encoder 2.10c 3.6 mb Fastest Video & Sound Encoder
Ra2Wav 1,4 mb This program converts Real Audio Sound to Wav sound.
Macromedia Fireworks 1.0 9,6 mb Great package designed especially for creating Web graphics
GS98 Access Control Software 2,1 mb Get control of your security settings
Email Effects 1.5 474 kb lets you instantly turn drawings, images, or tables into ASCII art
ActiveBar 1.0 1.4 mb create dockable toolbars, detachable menus, sliding tabs, and popup menus.etc.
3D IMPACT! Pro 1.25 11.6 mb Create photorealistic 3D animations and artwork for Web sites, banners ads etc.
WinZip 7.0 943 kb Just Newer ver. of famous winzip,
AntiViral Toolkit Pro 1,8 mb Scan for known and unknown viruses
MicroAngelo 98 2.1 1,27 mb creating icons, cursors and animated cursors
WAVclean 1.5 728 kb Improve the sound quality of any WAV file.
IE4 Tweakin' Tool 1.0b 45 kb customize Start menu, restore the default spinning globe, etc.
SafeInstall98 1.2 785 kb Watches over and backs up DLL, OCX, or VBX files
Advantix Calculator 1.2 2.9 mb Advantix is an excellent tool for students of math, engineering and physics.
E-MailZip Deluxe 4.0 a 906 kb lets you quickly create a ZIP file or self-extracting archive and send it to anyone by e-mail
DirectX 6.0 1.6 mb This newest release can boost 3-D application performance by up to 60 percent.
Ulead Cool3D v2.0  4.7 mb Create images and animations with dazzling three-dimensional text effects.
