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Practice of Fluency in Math. Facts List B

    G10.  Integer Operation --Addtion or subtraction of 2 terms.
G11.   Integer Operation --Addtion or subtraction of 2 terms
           G111.Add 2T 20   G112.Add 2T 99    G113. Sub.2T 20   
            G114.Sub.2T 99   G15.Add Sub. 2T20    G16. Add Sub.2T 99
G12.  Integer Operation --sum or difference of 2 Absolute terms
            G121.sum 2T 20   G122.sum 2T 99    G123. diff.2T 20   
            G124.Sub.2T 99
G20.  Integer Operation --Multiplication or division of 2 terms
            G21.Mul.2T 12      G22.Mul.2T x10            G23. Div.2T 12   
            G14.Div. 2T x10    G25. Mul.Div. 2T 12     G26. Mul.Div.2T x10
G30.  Integer Operation --Add, Subtract, or Muliply # of 3 terms.
            G31. Add 3TL              G32. Add 3TH     G33. Add Sub. 3TL
            G34. Add Sub. 3TH     G35. Mul. 3TL     G36. Mul. 3TH
G40.  Integer Operation --Add, Subtract, or Muliply # of 3 terms
            G41. Add4TL          G42. Add4TH      G43. Add Sub.4TL
            G44. Add Sub.4TH       G45. Mul.4TL     G46. Mul.4TH

H10. Converting practice  Fraction to %(Percent)
   H20. Converting practice %(Percent)  to Fraction
   H30. Improving Fraction Sense by Multiplying with Integer.
             H31. Low Level            H32. High Level
H40.  Improving $(Percent) Sense by Multiplying with Integer.
             H41. Low Level            H42. High Level 
H50. Converting  Decimal number  or Fraction to percent
H60. Converting practice  Decimal to Fraction
H61. Finite       H62  Repeating 
H70. Converting  Decimal number or Fraction versus percent
H61. Fraction      H62  decimal  
H80. Converting Ratio versus percent

I10. Solving  Linear  Equation -Isolate by Multiplication
I20. Solving  Linear  Equation -Isolate by Divsion
I30. Solving  Linear  Equation -Isolate and Combine with 1 term
I40. Solving  Linear  Equation -Isolate and Combine with 2 terms

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