Click here to see the human element of Palestinian terrorism in Israel.
Other sites dedicated to the Israeli victims of the Oslo War
Click here for a series of essays on Israeli history and Jewish history in the Middle East.
Click here to find out what our Christian friends are saying about the Jewish nation in the Land of Israel.
Israel Defense Forces
News, opinion, and analysis
Extra-Parliamentary Organizations
Non-Governmental Organizations
Political Parties
The Knesset
The Cabinet
The Israeli Civil Service
Communities in Israel
Holy Sites in Israel
Aliyah (Immigration) Resources

Living in Israel can at times be fun and at times frustrating.  Never a dull moment, though. Since September 1993, I have been writing opinion pieces on political, defense, social, and economic issues in Israel.  Click here for the complete archive.
"For I will give the Land that you see to you and to your children forever."                                                                         - Breishis (Genesis) 13:15
The Right Road To Peace